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Wanneer jy die nodige aandag wil verkry van mense en instansies, trek net jou klere uit – Vrou betoog in skrapse klere voor Uniegebou omdat Unisa en die polisie haar mishandel

Wanneer jy die nodige aandag wil verkry van mense en instansies, trek net jou klere uit - Vrou betoog in skrapse klere voor Uniegebou omdat Unisa en die polisie haar mishandel

’n Skraps geklede vrou wat voor die Uniegebou in Pretoria betoog het, is Woensdagoggend in hegtenis geneem.

Gugu Ncube sê sy het betoog omdat Unisa en die polisie haar mishandel het.

Haar baas by ’n sentrum wat voorheen deur Unisa geborg is, het volgens haar gevra vir seks as sy haar werk wil behou. Sy sê bewerings dat sy bedank het, is vals.

“Ek wil hê Unisa se bestuur moet my bedankingsbrief wat hulle beweer ek geskryf het, aan die hele land, die Thuma-stigting, die kommissie vir geslagsgelykheid en ander belanghebbendes wys.”

Volgens haar het sy in haar broekie en ’n klein toppie betoog omdat sy “niks meer het om te beskerm nie”.

“Naaktheid is ’n teken dat ek van my waardigheid ontneem is. My waardigheid is weg.”

Gugu Ncube

Gugu Ncube betoog voor die Uniegebou voordat die polisie haar in hegtenis geneem het.

Ncube wil hê pres. Cyril Ramaphosa moet kennis neem van die beweerde mishandeling.

Volgens haar is sy deur die polisie mishandel toe sy haar baas gaan aankla het.

“Ek het eerstehands gesien hoe ’n kommissaris omkoopgeld aanvaar om my te diskrediteer. Ek het korrupte polisiebeamptes gesien wat my prosedureel verkeerd in hegtenis geneem het omdat my mishandelaar geld het om hulle te betaal. Ek sal gehoor word.”

Unisa sê Ncube se bewerings is verkeerd.

“Dit is jammer dat me. Ncube aanhou om Unisa te betrek by haar dispuut met die Unisa Sentrum vir Vroeëkinderonderwys (UCECE) en daarmee ons naam beswadder. Ons vra dat sy nie die universiteit se naam sal gebruik in haar persoonlike saak met UCECE nie.”

Die universiteit het die sentrum voorheen geborg, maar die borgskap laat vaar.

Kapt. Daniel Mavimbela, woordvoerder van Sunnyside se polisie, bevestig Ncube is in hegtenis geneem.

“Ons is uitgeroep na die Uniegebou waar ’n kaal vrou gestaan het. Sy sal waarskynlik van openbare onwelvoeglikheid aangekla word.”

Deur: Netwerk
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Race divisions issue continues at Unisa

Race divisions issue continues at Unisa

THE two black women at Unisa who complained that the white professor was racist were actually the perpetrators of harassment, bullying, abuse of power and intimidation of junior staff members, said a group of academics at the institution.

The group of professionals of different races – including black – claimed the women had charges laid against them by junior staff members, but the university had been reluctant to deal with them because the alleged perpetrators were black.

Last week, the women told the media that the white professor, who the Pretoria News opted not to name, was racist and aggressive.

They alleged he made their lives miserable on campus.

One of the woman claimed she was harassed and suspended by the professor, but later won a case at the CCMA and was reinstated.

However, the academics now allege the woman did not win the case on substance, but rather due to a technical issue.

“It must be noted that the professor accused of racism had not played any part in initiating any disciplinary against the complainant. He inherited the case from the previous executive director when the directorate was moved

“The woman had already been suspended and thus the professor had nothing to do with this case whatsoever. Any insinuation that he did is a lie,” the academics said.

The group said it did not understand why the Black Forum and the EFF student command demanded the professor’s removal from the university on allegations of racism during protests at the main campus last Tuesday. They stated that they were confused because the two organisations had in fact engaged with people who claimed to have been badly treated by the two women.

Unisa has meanwhile invited the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to intervene and help resolve racial conflicts at the institution. University spokesperson Martin Ramotshela said all these complaints formed part of submissions by stakeholders at the hearings.

“It is the university‘s view that the commission must be given space to listen to and interrogate all submissions.

“It must then make a determination after listening to all sides.

“We cannot pre-empt the outcome of this process,” he said.

The next session of the hearings has been scheduled for May 7, 8 and 9, and staff members have until April 18 to make submissions.

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Nehawu to intensify Unisa strike, may spread to Tuks

Nehawu to intensify Unisa strike, may spread to Tuks

WORKERS at the University of Pretoria could soon join their Unisa counterparts in a strike for higher wages, the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) said yesterday.

As the strike at Unisa entered its fourth day yesterday, Nehawu threatened to intensify its strike and mobilise members at other universities.

Nehawu national organiser for higher education Ntsako Nombelani said this was not Unisa’s fight alone and next on the list to strike would be its members at Tuks.

They too, according to Nombelani, were at loggerheads with the university with their wage rates.

“In the next couple of weeks the strike will hit Tuks,” he said.

Workers affiliated to Nehawu at and Tshwane University of Technology managed to score them themselves a good deal during negotiations last year. They agreed on a 7% hike, coupled with numerous benefits. Nombelani said that university was safe from the wage-related strikes.

At Unisa, students were yet again hit as staff at the country’s largest university continued to strike for higher wages.

Those who arrived at the Sunnyside campus to register were left in limbo as workers went into the fourth day of strike.

Workers initially put forward a 12% pay hike demand, while the university offered 7%. The strikers have since lowered their demand to 9%, to no avail. Nombelani said the strike would carry on indefinitely.

Nombelani said if Unisa did not concede to its demand for a 9% increase across the board, the workers would continue the shutdown of all campuses.

“They can afford it, they have reserves and they haven’t presented their statements to say they are in a financial crisis,” he said.

Nombelani said salaries are not the only issue: “It’s more than the 9% workers are demanding. There are transformation issues which we are fighting for, we want to de-Guptarise the council of Unisa because there are people who have been cited in the State of Capture Report, by Amabhungane and the Gupta leaks.

“These people are the ones fighting for these tenders at Unisa,” he said

Hundreds of students were yesterday left frustrated as they couldn’t register.

A student from Mamelodi, Simi Kutumela, said the Unisa online-registrations website was a hassle to use and not user-friendly.