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Chaos heers in Pretoria se middestad na talle busdrywers staak en paaie versper vir 18% salaris verhoging

Chaos heer in Pretoria se middestad na talle busdrywers staak en paaie versper vir 18% salaris verhoging

Verkeer in die Pretoria se middestad is Maandagoggend tot stilstand geruk na talle busdrywers van die Tshwane-busdiens besluit het om te staak.

Betogende busbestuurders van die Tshwane-munisipale busdienste het busse gebruik om hoofroetes te blokkeer om verkeersvloei te belemmer. Sheila-Lynn Senkubuge, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir paaie en vervoer in Tshwane sê dat Samwu-lede om beter lone betoog, maar ’n stappie te vêr gegaan deur busse sonder toestemming van die stad te neem om die sakekern te blokkeer en honderde motoriste te verontrief en moet nou deur die metro weggesleep word. Sy vra onverskoning vir die ontrief en gaan vêrder deur te sê dat die stad alles in hul vermoë doen om die busse te verwyder sodat verkeersvloei vir die res van die dag kan normaliseer. Senkubuge sê ook dat hul die opsie oorweeg om die busbestuurders wat die busse wederregtelik uit die depot geneem het, van diefstal aan te kla.

Netwerk 24 berig dat Mpho Tladinyane, streeksekretaris van Samwu in die Groter Tshwane-streek, Maandag aan die onderhandelings vir ’n 18%-loonverhoging vir munisipale werkers het op niks uitgeloop nie en die verbreking van die dooiepunt word doelbewus deur die Tshwane-metro vertraag.

Volgens Tladinyane is munisipale busbestuurders ontevrede oor die salarisverhogings wat sommige afdelingshoofde gekry het. “Werknemers op laer vlakke se salarisse is nie verhoog nie. Al wat Samwu eis, is die billike behandeling van dié groep. Die metro gebruik ’n vertragingstaktiek aangesien daar nie op werkers se eise gereageer word nie en voortgegaan is met die herstrukturing van vergoedingspakkette. Dié reaksie van die metro beskou ons as ’n verwerping van ons 18%-eis,” sê Tladinyane.

“Dit is jammer dat ons tot hierdie uiterste moet gaan om die metro se aandag te kry,” sê hy. Hy wou hom egter nie verder uitlaat oor die versperring van paaie as deel van die protesoptrede nie.

Isaac Mahamba, woordvoerder van die Tshwane- metropolisie, het vroeër gesê roetes soos Es’kia Mphahlele-, WF Nokoma-, Thabo Sehume- en Madibastraat word deur die busse versper.

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Catastrophic ” R100-million renovation job done on City Hall to be fixed after inapt contract workers botched project

Catastrophic ” R100-million renovation job done on City Hall to be fixed after contract workers botched operation

The Tshwane metro said it had no choice but to fix up a “catastrophic” R100-million renovation job done on the city hall in the centre of Pretoria under the previous administration.

The city hall, located on Visagie Street and Paul Kruger Street, has been fenced off in its entirety as plans to refurbish it kicked off in July for the 2019/20 financial year.
Previous renovations indicated that the contract workers put cement over a wooden floor and in the main hall‚ the seats in the balcony were all stolen as were most door handles‚ all made of brass.

“An assessment on what needs to be done is underway,” said Tshwane metro spokesperson Lindela Mashigo.

The total cost of renovations would only be determined once the evaluation was completed.

“The renovations could take 2-3 years to complete.”

This after claims by the metro that previous renovations to the hall was a “waste” of millions of rands.

In 2016, then-mayor Solly Msimanga blamed the office of former mayor Kgosientso Ramokgopa for the allegedly shoddy renovations made to the hall.

“The council initially wanted to restore city hall, but on a low budget,” said Msimanga’s then spokesperson Matthew Gerstner at the time.

“Ramokgopa’s office then hijacked the project to build luxurious offices behind council’s back without the knowledge of the chief financial officer and national treasury.”

In October of that year, Msimanga took journalists on a tour of the hall to show them several on-site “irregularities” by the contractor such as broken wooden floors.

The hall’s historic organ also suffered serious damage; the repairs of which would cost at least R18-million.

Gerstner claimed Ramokgopa’s office selected the contractor without a budget.

“The contractor dictated what the budget should be. The contractor was not even qualified to do the job.”

The walls were painted before the hall was completed. Attempts were then made to install smoke detectors and cameras, but this work was never finished.

There were also indications that contract workers decided to pour cement over a wooden floor. In the main hall‚ the seats in the balcony were all stolen as were most door handles made of brass.

On the second floor, holes were drilled for cables in ways that compromised the building’s structural integrity.

In the old Pretoria council chamber, heritage paintings have been spoiled by careless paintwork.

The condition of the hall was so bad that six companies withdrew their applications to film in this room, said the mayor’s office senior strategic executive specialist Pieter de Necker at the time.

At the time, Msimanga told reporters that “we will get to the bottom of this”.

“People will have to be held accountable,” he said.

Msimanga at the time said that metro officials implicated in the city hall upgrade would face a disciplinary inquiry.

In a 2016 statement, acting mayoral spokesperson Matthew Gerstner said some of these officials include two senior directors who served former mayor Ramokgopa’s office.

Mayoral spokesperson Omogolo Taunyane, however, told Record this week that the metro had no details regarding such investigations.

AUTHOR – Reitumetse Mahope / Rekord East / 2019-07-25

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Polisie se misdaad rekord styg – Twee Metropolisie lede van Pretoria op heterdaad betrap met ’n gesteelde voertuig in hul besit

Polisie se misdaad rekord is aan die styg - Twee Metropolisie lede van Pretoria op heterdaad betrap met ’n gesteelde voertuig in hul besit

Twee lede van die Pretoriase Metro Polisie is in hegtenis geneem nadat ‘n gesteelde voertuig in hul besit gevind is.

Die voertuig wat in Eldoraigne gesteel is, is opgemerk by ‘n woning in Philip Nel Park. Die eienaar van die huis, ‘n vroulike lid van die Metropolisie is gearresteer en na verdere ondersoek is nog twee verdagtes aangekeer. Die een is getroud met die vroulike konstabel en word tans opgelei deur die Metro Polisie.

Dit blyk dat die polisie se misdaad rekord aan die styg is as gelet word op die groot aantal voorvalle waarby beamptes betrokke was in die afgelope maande.

Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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How to smash and grab a brand new stadium in SA – New Tshwane stadium worth R44.3 million already in ruins in less than a year

How to smash and grab a brand stadium in SA- New Tshwane stadium worth R44.3 million already in ruins in less than a year

Thieves have stolen almost the entire Zithobeni stadium near Bronkhorstspruit in Gauteng, which was built for R44.3 million just over a year ago by the Tshwane metro.

Water pipes, electrical fittings, door and window frames, and the cafeteria’s roll-down service opening have been stolen, and now the perimeter fence is going.

Urinals, toilet bowls, basins and copper pipe fittings have been ripped from the walls of all the ablution facilities.

Bathroom fittings that could not be stolen have been destroyed and turned into a heap of rubble, with electrical fittings also ripped off the walls and rafters.

Almost the entire facility’s doors, as well as door and window frames, have either been stolen or vandalised.

The cafeteria’s roll-down service opening has been stolen, with dressing rooms and guardrooms not spared the rampage.

Water is seeping and flowing around after thieves stole pipe fittings and taps, with freshly painted walls covered in obscene statements.

Players and spectators have no choice but to relieve themselves on the floor, resulting in a permanent nauseating stench.

Electronic turnstile operating systems at the entrance have been stripped – and now thieves have begun stealing the soccer pitch’s perimeter fence.

The stadium has all the hallmarks of an abandoned community facility, with the once-lush lawn disappearing, reducing the soccer pitch to a bare dusty ground. Weeds cover the paved parking area, stall floors and walkways, and rubbish is piling up.

According to residents, the facility was abandoned after the 2016 local government elections during which the ANC lost the city’s administration to the DA.

Philani Ntuli, 17, said the facility was never handed over to the community after construction and was left with no security. Thieves and vandals stripped it under cover of darkness.

“They are eating up the stadium like termites. It is puzzling why the municipality abandoned the stadium after spending millions in taxpayers’ money,” he said.

Another resident, Sarah Ngwenya said: “With no security, the nyaope addicts moved in and stole everything.”

The thieves even dug out trees around the stadium to sell on the main road. People were now stripping the paving bricks.

“What happened here is sad,” she said.

The metro said the extent of the damage was yet to be established but the costs would likely be covered by insurance.

Spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said the stadium was completed in April last year when the contractor left the site. At the time there were security guards provided by their regional office in Region 7, but security was withdrawn due to challenges he did not specify.

“There is a city-wide challenge with provision of security personnel since April this year, but plans are under way to have the security reinstated at the facility,” Mashigo said.

He confirmed the facility was never handed over to the community because there were outstanding issues with town planning.

“The consolidation of the two erven on which the facility is situated must be finalised,” Mashigo said.

[email protected]

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Bogus doctor arrested for issuing medical certificates to people applying for or renewing their driver’s licenses

Bogus doctor arrested for issue medical certificates to people applying for or renewing their driver’s licenses

A 50-yeard old man pretending to be a licensed medical practitioner was arrested by the Tshwane Metro Police (TMPD) at the Waltoo licensing department on Tuesday.

It appears that the man was issuing medical certificates to individuals who applied for new or to renew their driver’s licenses.

When questioned by the police, the man claimed to be a qualified doctor.

TMPD officers got in touch with the health professional council of South Africa and verified that the so called medical practitioner was operating illegally, as his medical license was suspended.

The bogus doctor was arrested and will appear in court soon.

Read the original article on Rekord East.

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Activist group threatens to shut down Pretoria east after a previous memorandum was not taken seriously

a previous memorandum

The group claims that a previous memorandum handed to the Tshwane metro in March was not taken seriously.

A Mamelodi activist group, which recently shut down Mamelodi municipal office services for several weeks, said they will do so again – if their demands are not met, reports Pretoria East Rekord.

Oupa Mashiane, chairperson of the Mamelodi Concerned Residents for Service Delivery, made the remarks while handing over a memorandum to the metro at the local municipal offices on Monday morning.

It was the second such memorandum, he said, and “the last”.

Mashiane gave the metro seven working days to respond to demands.

“This is a serious matter – the city of Tshwane must take our demands very seriously,” said Mashiane.

Utility services MMC Darryl Moss received the memorandum on behalf of the Tshwane mayor.

He promised to meet with the mayor the same afternoon to “personally hand over the memorandum to him”

Mashiane claimed the metro did not take the group’s previous memorandum, which was handed over on March 23, seriously.

The memorandum is unchanged and contains residents’ complaints regarding service delivery.

Mashudu Maepya, who read the memorandum aloud before handing it over, said residents were generally unhappy with RDP housing fraud.

Water and electricity bills were also substantially higher and unaffordable.

The community was charged R2.40 for a one-litre bin, which was initially said to be free.

Maepya further said burial costs are higher, there is higher unemployment and more people are living below the bread-line.

“Most streets in Mamelodi are gravel roads, whereas no white areas are in this condition despite us all paying rent to the same centre,” she said.

“The drainage system is very poor, leading to flooding into yards and obstructing traffic follow.”

“Projects from the council were granted to special people who are friends with the ward councillors and not to the community. Community members who were hired are being paid slave wages.”

She concluded that the community is prepared to only pay a R40 per month flat rate until the “apartheid debts are audited”.

By: The Citizen

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Afrika slaan weer toe – Herstelde substasie se kabels word gesteel

Afrika slaan weer toe - Herstelde substasie se kabels word gesteel

Pas nadat die substasie in die ooste van Pretoria herstel is, het Afrika weer toegeslaan en is daar kabels gesteel.

Nadat groot dele van die Ooste van Pretoria sonder krag was die afgelope sewe dae is die substasie herstel na ‘n brand. Toe Metrodienste egter die krag wou aanskakel, is gevind dat daar op nie minder nie as agt plekke kabels gesteel is in die tyd.

Die kabels sal glo deur die loop van die dag vervang word.

Deur: Die Vryburger


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Possible cholera outbreak in Pretoria

Possible cholera outbreak in Pretoria

The water supply in Hammanskraal could be contaminated with cholera, the Tshwane metro has warned.

In a statement on Wednesday, the metro warned residents against drinking tap water until further notice pending testing, spokesperson Selby Bokaba said.

“Urgent tests are being conducted to determine if the water is contaminated with cholera.”
“We urge residents not to drink the water to avoid the possibility of getting sick.”

Bokaba said water tankers would supply water to the affected areas.

He said the following areas were affected:
– Dilopye
– New Eersterust
– Temba
– Babelegi Industries
– Marokolong
– Ramotse
– Majaneng
– Mandela Village
– Sekampaneng
– Hammanskraal

Bokaba said test results would be made public as soon as they became available.

Article by Rekord East written by Robinson Nqola Journalist

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Major copper cable theft bust in the City of Tshwane

Major copper cable theft bust in the City of Tshwane

An anonymous tip-off has led to a major cable theft bust valued at about R500 000 by a specialised unit of the Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD) early this morning.

Members of TMPD’s newly established Cable Theft Unit received information last night about a truck carrying stolen copper destined for a known second-hand scrap metal dealer west of the city.

Five members of the unit, in a marked police car, flagged down the truck on Van Der Hoff Road, a few metres from its destination. When the driver saw the police, he made a quick U-turn and sped off. The police gave chase and forced the truck off the road.

When police asked the driver what was in the back of the truck, he said he was delivering a pile of rubbish to a scrap metal dealer. Upon inspection of the truck, police made a startling discovery of used and new copper cables belonging to the City with a street value of R500 000 covered under a pile of rubbish. The cables had been stolen from the vandalised Suiderberg substation last Friday. It will cost the city about R3 million to repair the vandalised substation. The driver has since been arrested and is in police custody.

Today’s breakthrough comes on the back of an intensified effort to clamp down on cable theft. Over the past five days (18 to 22 May 2018) more than five arrests relating to cable theft have been made. The focus is not only on cable thieves, but second-hand scrap metal dealers too. In one incident, TMPD officers found a cable normally used to supply a substation, which feeds a mini-substation and then the consumer, at a scrapyard. The owner could not explain the origin of the cable and was duly arrested. In another incident, copper cables were found at a scrapyard. The manager could not explain where the cables came from and was also arrested.

A delighted Executive Mayor of Tshwane, Cllr Solly Msimanga, who visited the crime scene this morning, appealed to the community to help the City curb the cable theft scourge.

“These cables are part of the infrastructure meant to service our communities for the provision of water and electricity. This infrastructure doesn’t belong to the City, but to the communities. The substations are in the communities and I wish to appeal to our communities to join hands with us to break the backbone of the syndicates that have wrought havoc in the city, causing massive power outages and water supply interruptions across the entire city for quite some time now,” Msimanga said.

Msimanga said he and other metro mayors in Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg, who collectively suffered a whopping R250 million loss due to cable theft in the past six months, intended approaching the Ministers of Police and Intelligence, as well as the President, to plead with them to prioritise cable theft.

“It’s the community that suffers the most due to rampant cable theft. Today’s bust is a welcome relief because some of our communities were beginning to think that the outages that they have been experiencing were as a result of our ineptitude or incompetence. The recent police successes bear testimony to what we’ve been saying all along – that the service interruptions were a result of theft and damage to the city’s infrastructure. The time for criminals and their unlawful conduct in this city is over. We will work tirelessly to bring them to book. I wish to congratulate the team for these recent successes,” Msimanga added.

The leadership of the City of Tshwane would like to reassure residents that they are aware of all service delivery challenges that have been raised, in particular, the issue of constant power outages. With winter now at our doorstep, we are aware that the demand for electricity will increase due to the cold weather conditions. We understand the importance of ensuring a continuous supply of electricity to our communities and businesses.

The unstable power supply is a serious concern and we are not taking it lightly. We have already begun to implement certain interventions to deal with all challenges that contribute to this problem. The power outages are due to a number of factors, but the main contributor is cable theft, which has an effect on mini substations, cabling and transformers, among others. Furthermore, the cost of cable theft is immense and impacts the City’s revenue each time cables have to be replaced. This also means that the City has to channel funds that were meant for other services to restore power to residents.

The City of Tshwane’s Chief of Police, Ms Johanna Nkomo, says the City’s newly established Cable Theft Unit will be capacitated further so that it can intensify its efforts in dealing with cable theft, while continuing with other activities, such as physical guarding and patrols at various points. Our TMPD is aware of areas where this scourge is most prevalent and will double its efforts to safeguard City property at those specific points.

“We are encouraged by the recent arrests and will continue to work hard to effect more. There are a few issues, however, that we will need to work on closely with law enforcement agencies and the justice system to ensure synergy across the entire value chain, especially regarding arrests and successful convictions. We need to see a situation where the perpetrators are denied bail and are locked away for a long time. We need to stop them from inconveniencing our residents and costing government so much revenue loss and headaches,” Nkomo said.

Another growing concern is vandalism of our substations. The City has to spend money almost daily on the restoration of substations that have been vandalised. This is prevalent across all seven regions. We are prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect the City’s strategic assets. Tshwane is a capital city that houses the seat of government, government departments, tertiary institutions and a number of embassies. We have many sites of national strategic importance which we all have a responsibility to protect against any threat, including sabotage. We have begun to procure equipment to be utilised by the TMPD for the safeguarding of City assets. We are willing to try new mechanisms that will help us in this regard, which includes turning to technology.

We wish to reiterate our plea to our communities to report suspicious activities in their neighbourhoods to the Tshwane Metro Police Department on 012 358 7095/6.

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Msimanga leads crime clean-up campaign in Sunnyside

Msimanga leads crime clean-up campaign in Sunnyside

Tshwane mayor Solly Msimanga this morning led a crime clean-up campaign in Sunnyside alongside the Tshwane Metro police, emergency services and municipal water and electricity technicians.

The raid meant to tackle drug dealings, illegal electricity and water connections, by-law enforcement and the reclaiming of the municipality’s buildings.

Msimanga pointed out several illegal power connections and meter tempering at Nuweveld building on Troy Street as he inspected the municipal flat. He said the building owed the City at least R2 million in rates alone and it was about time it complied.

During the raid, Msimanga introduced himself to several tenants and asked to speak to caretakers of buildings. This he said was because the City was determined to eradicate all criminal activities in the city.

The mayor also visited Nix Accommodation on Rissik Street near Unisa in Sunnyside to inspect the building for possible illegal connections.

The metro police officers said that the building needed to be inspected by inspectors from the disaster management department because it was overcrowded and that could cause several illegal activities.

As the mayor and his team inspected the flats, Some tenants looked down from their windows. Msimanga’s team only sent out notice of this campaign early this morning in an attempt to reduce the chances of criminals finding out about the raid in advance.

The mayor said this campaign was a continuation of several clean-up attempts that took place in the past. He said more of these trips would be taken to achieve a fully compliant City.

The crew was also joined by tow trucks who sought to enforce bylaws by impounding vehicles of motorists who did not comply with city parking laws and rules.

Msimanga also visited the notorious Tamboti flat in the Sunnyside area. He said the police would also spend the whole week visiting all notorious spots in Sunnyside to make criminals and bylaw offenders uncomfortable.

iOl News / Pretoria News