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Wanneer jy die nodige aandag wil verkry van mense en instansies, trek net jou klere uit – Vrou betoog in skrapse klere voor Uniegebou omdat Unisa en die polisie haar mishandel

Wanneer jy die nodige aandag wil verkry van mense en instansies, trek net jou klere uit - Vrou betoog in skrapse klere voor Uniegebou omdat Unisa en die polisie haar mishandel

’n Skraps geklede vrou wat voor die Uniegebou in Pretoria betoog het, is Woensdagoggend in hegtenis geneem.

Gugu Ncube sê sy het betoog omdat Unisa en die polisie haar mishandel het.

Haar baas by ’n sentrum wat voorheen deur Unisa geborg is, het volgens haar gevra vir seks as sy haar werk wil behou. Sy sê bewerings dat sy bedank het, is vals.

“Ek wil hê Unisa se bestuur moet my bedankingsbrief wat hulle beweer ek geskryf het, aan die hele land, die Thuma-stigting, die kommissie vir geslagsgelykheid en ander belanghebbendes wys.”

Volgens haar het sy in haar broekie en ’n klein toppie betoog omdat sy “niks meer het om te beskerm nie”.

“Naaktheid is ’n teken dat ek van my waardigheid ontneem is. My waardigheid is weg.”

Gugu Ncube

Gugu Ncube betoog voor die Uniegebou voordat die polisie haar in hegtenis geneem het.

Ncube wil hê pres. Cyril Ramaphosa moet kennis neem van die beweerde mishandeling.

Volgens haar is sy deur die polisie mishandel toe sy haar baas gaan aankla het.

“Ek het eerstehands gesien hoe ’n kommissaris omkoopgeld aanvaar om my te diskrediteer. Ek het korrupte polisiebeamptes gesien wat my prosedureel verkeerd in hegtenis geneem het omdat my mishandelaar geld het om hulle te betaal. Ek sal gehoor word.”

Unisa sê Ncube se bewerings is verkeerd.

“Dit is jammer dat me. Ncube aanhou om Unisa te betrek by haar dispuut met die Unisa Sentrum vir Vroeëkinderonderwys (UCECE) en daarmee ons naam beswadder. Ons vra dat sy nie die universiteit se naam sal gebruik in haar persoonlike saak met UCECE nie.”

Die universiteit het die sentrum voorheen geborg, maar die borgskap laat vaar.

Kapt. Daniel Mavimbela, woordvoerder van Sunnyside se polisie, bevestig Ncube is in hegtenis geneem.

“Ons is uitgeroep na die Uniegebou waar ’n kaal vrou gestaan het. Sy sal waarskynlik van openbare onwelvoeglikheid aangekla word.”

Deur: Netwerk
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Onwettige grondbesetting op R21 veroorsaak chaos

Onwettige grondbesetting op R21 veroorsaak chaos

Onwettige grondbesetters het weereens chaos veroorsaak. Hierdie keer op die R21 naby Olifantsfontein.

Die hoofweg is deur protesteerders geblokkeer vir verkeer, ‘n vragmotor is aan die brand gesteek en motoriste is met klippe bestook. ‘n Onbekende persoon is dood tydens die optrede maar die oorsaak van sy dood kon nie vasgestel word nie.

Verkeer vanaf die lughawe na Pretoria is ontwrig deur rommel wat op die pad gestort is en die pad is laat Sondagmiddag vir verkeer oopgestel nadat polisie die rommel verwyder het.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Pretoria tot stilstand gebring deur vullisverwyderaars van SAMWU

Pretoria tot stilstand gebring deur vullisverwyderaars van SAMWU

Verkeer in Pretoria sentraal is tot stilstand gebring laas week deur protesoptogte van van vullisverwyderaars wat aan SAMWU vakverbond behoort.

Die werkers kla dat hulle in onveilige werkstoestande verkeer en vrees vir die moontlike opdoen van siektes. Persoonlike beskermingstoerusting word geis vir alle werkers, terwyl hulle ook nuwe vullisverwydering vragmotors eis.

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City of Tshwane: Workers who protested outside the Gauteng High Court are misinformed

City of Tshwane: Workers who protested outside the Gauteng High Court are misinformed

THE workers who protested outside the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, over what they perceived to be a delayed justice in their case with the City, were misinformed, municipal spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said. The out-of-work staff and subcontractors were bused in to the court to demand a speedy verdict.

The court case concerns the validity of a tender between their employer, Moipone Group of Companies, and the City.

The high court heard the case on September 21, but a verdict is still pending.

The workers said they supported their employer, who took the City to the high court for refusing to pay for services rendered under a “valid and binding” contract.

To showcase their frustrations, they marched from Marabastad to the high court, where they delivered a memorandum to acting court manager Lucky Makumule.

The protesters said the City lacked the will to honour its contractual obligations and that had put them out of work since June.

They were hoping for a favourable verdict. They accused municipal manager Dr Moeketsi Mosola of delaying justice by delaying submissions of certain documents the City’s lawyers were supposed to submit to be considered for the verdict.

The protesters said they could not afford to care for their families this festive season because of the conflict between their employer and the City.

Moipone Group spokeperson Keamogetswe Matsho said the court confirmed the validity of the contract, but they took the City to court again to enforce it.

“We are faced with the non-payment of R75639581 by the City.

“Of that figure, 58% is beyond 120 days. Every business would be detrimentally affected by the non-payment.

“The company has already acquired specialised and extensive equipment and vehicles to service the City under this contract.

“The vehicles are idling due to the conduct of the City.

The company is expected to pay monthly liabilities towards the idling vehicles and equipment.

“We have even taken on the financial responsibility of assisting the subcontractors by lending them money as they are faced with dire financial predicaments.”

But Mashigo said the City contracted another transport company on an emergency basis for a year.

This was because of the under-performance by Moipone; delivery was way beyond schedule.

“The City has submitted all documentation as requested by the judge. In September, the judge requested parties to submit additional heads of argument. The City duly obliged. As far the city is concerned, judgment is reserved. The judge should be given time to craft a judgment.”

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Pretoria Commuters get some relief as Taxis expected to operate normally

Tshwane commuters can expect some relief as taxis are expected to operate normally this morning.

On Wednesday, operators blocked several roads causing massive delays while protesting to the Tshwane House to submit a memorandum to Mayor Solly Msimanga.

Among the issues raised by the drivers is that traffic contravention tickets be scrapped.

Taxis in the Tshwane area are expected to function without any hiccups at least for the next two weeks.

The Democratic Taxi Workers Union of South Africa (Detwusa)’s Themba Maseko says the government is responsible for providing taxi infrastructure, including pick-ups and drop offs.

He says drivers should not be fined for government’s failure.

“Our demands are the scrapping of the traffic fines because those fines block our PDPs and driver’s licenses and we can’t drive passengers without our PDPs.”

Maseko says the fines amount to hundreds of thousands of rands which prevent some drivers from renewing their public drivers’ licenses.

Detwusa has given the metro 14 days to respond to their queries or face yet another strike action.

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Protesting Pretoria West residents clash with cops – still unclear what the protest was about

Protesting Pretoria West residents clash with cops - still unclear what the protest was about

Pretoria – Close to a thousand protesting residents of Gomora informal settlement in Pretoria West have battled with police since the early hours of July 13, 2017 on Thursday morning.

Police fired hails of rubber bullets, dozens of tear gas canisters, and stun grenades in a bid to keep the hostile protesters at bay.
Protesters returned fire with slingshots and threw stones at police Nyalas and members of the Public Order Policing on the ground. They also chased after journalists, pelting them with stones.

It was still unclear what the protest was about, but they called for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Paul Mashatile to address their issues.

“We are going to kill you guys,” a protester shouted.

Several roads were blocked with burning tyres and stones.

A police contact said that more than 1 000 protesters had caused “complete chaos” since the early hours of Thursday morning.

‘We are fed up’

Residents from Gomora have demanded that Mashatile address their issues of service delivery.

One resident who did not want to be named, said they were promised basic services such as electricity, tarred roads, water and sanitation.

“We are fed up and want the MEC who promised us service delivery,” said one resident.

Another said they have had many community meetings to find a way to get government to address their needs.

Police spokesperson Constable Tumisang Moloto said several roads were blocked and four cars and a truck were torched by protesting residents.

Source: News 24
Author: Alex Mitchley