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Oudste persoon ter wêreld in Pretoria te ruste gelê

Oudste persoon ter wêreld in Pretoria te ruste gelê

Die “wêreld se oudste persoon” is op Saterdag 10 Junie in Pretoria begrawe nadat sy verlede week in die ouderdom van 134 oorlede is.

Volgens die Gautengse departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling het dié bejaardevrou, Johanna Rametsi, van Hammanskraal in die verre noorde van die stad, die oudste persoon in die wêreld geword nadat die Indonesiër Saparman Sodimejo in April vanjaar in die ouderdom van 146 oorlede is.

“Gogo Rametsi is op 1 Januarie 1883 in Krugersdorp aan die Wes-Rand gebore. Sy word oorleef deur twee van haar 16 kinders – haar dogters Wilhelmina Phiri (97) en Ouma Thema (79). Sy het 78 kleinkinders en 247 agterkleinkinders,” het die departement gesê.

Die departement was aan die stuur van gemeenskapsinisiatiewe om vir Rametsi ʼn waardige begrafnis te reël.
Die begrafnisdiens het om Saterdag 08:00 plaasgevind in Stinkwater, Hammanskraal, in die gemeenskapsaal langs Maratola Primary School.

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Free Wi-Fi in Pretoria still on, for now

Free Wi-Fi in Pretoria still on, for now

A project to roll out free Wi-Fi in Pretoria is back on track, despite the Auditor General having raised concerns about it under the previous administration, a city official said on Thursday.

“While this city government may not have conceived of free Wi-Fi, our aim is to perfect it,” mayoral committee member for corporate services, Cilliers Brink, told reporters in Centurion.

The Auditor General red-flagged R180m that had been spent on the project as unlawful and irregular expenditure, Democratic Alliance mayor Solly Msimanga said after his first 100 days in office.

During a meeting with the AG in May, it emerged that the project, called “TshWi-Fi”, was being paid for with grant funding meant for non-profit organisations and charities. The non-profit company linked to the deal was called Project Isizwe.

The city spent months negotiating with Project Isizwe, under extremely difficult circumstances for both parties, Brink said.

Amended contract

The outcome was that the contract had been amended to ensure the quality and the reach of the current free Wi-Fi was maintained. The agreement would run until December 2017.

“With the short-term of free Wi-Fi secured, the ingenuity of the private sector now becomes crucial to securing the service in the long-term.”

Pretoria would not be able to sustain full subsidy of free Wi-Fi indefinitely, or to fund the expansion of the network on its own. It would need commercial investment and partnerships.

In the 2017/18 financial year, the city had budgeted R88.5m for the provision of free Wi-Fi. It was crucial that this money be spent wisely and that the mistakes of the last administration, which endangered the project, were avoided, he said.

The previous African National Congress-led city government under Mayor Kgosientso Ramokgopa initiated TshWi-Fi.

Brink said the cost of rolling out the project until June 2016 had been R320m. Expenditure for 2016/17 to date was R78m.

“Free Wi-Fi is about individual opportunity and potential. It gives ordinary people a small hand-up to get ahead in life.”

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Neighbourhood watch makes Garsfontein safer – Get involved in your neigbhourhood

Neighbourhood watch makes Garsfontein safer - Get involved in your neigbhourhood

If people do not get involved, Garscom can’t be sustainable. Pretoria east is the “wild wild west no more” following the efforts of Garscom, Chubb and the police.

Vice chairperson of neighbourhood watch, Garscom, Herklaas Meyer attributed the decline in crime in the area to proactive action.

He said the area north of Solomon Mahlangu Drive, west of Woodlands and south of Atterbury Road was now patrolled regularly by Garscom, Chubb and the police.

“A proactive 24/7 action makes criminals uncomfortable,” said Meyer.
Garsfontein Police spokesperson, Captain Ilze Jones confirmed that crime was now under control in this area.

Meyer said Garscom’s aim going into the next year would be to get more people involved.

“We want a larger community involvement to be established.

We have appointed two women who goes from street to street arranging street meetings to get people involved. Every street also has a Whatsapp group.

Existing community projects will go ahead. These projects include patrols, Christmas market and Garden Friends, to get people to share garden secrets and achievements.

We hope to have more people involved in these projects going forward.

If people does not get involved, Garscom can’t be sustainable.”

Garscom has 10 night patrol teams and one day patrol team.

An annual Garscom meeting was held last Monday at the Bethel Chapel in Garsfontein.

“It was a very successful meeting. We received positive feedback about the year that was and about the Garscom project as well as security.”

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Waar om te woon in Pretoria, die stad met die grootste blanke bevolking in Afrika!


Waar om te woon in Pretoria, die stad met die grootste blanke bevolking in Afrika! “Soort soek soort” is ‘n onteenseglike feit en die basis van gemeenskap self. Ja, gemeenskap is ‘n rasse konstruk, nie andersom soos die wêreld oorheersers probeer stel.

Pretoria het ‘n reputasie vir die feit dat dit ‘n akademiese stad is met drie universiteite en die Wetenskaplike en Nywerheidsnavorsingsraad (WNNR) geleë in die oostelike voorstede. Die stad huisves ook die Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Standaarde en dit maak die stad ‘n middelpunt vir navorsing. Ongelukkig is een van die nadele hiervan dat al die jeug in die stad, wat onderworpe is aan die sosialistiese breinspoeling en marxisme vanuit die Universiteite, is soms die vyand van die volk. Ons noem nie eers die dalende standaard van onderwys nie…

Na meer as twee dekades sukkel die ANC regime en swart oorheersers nog steeds on kreatiewe manier te vind om ons te forseer om te integreer, en volksmoord teen ons te pleeg, maar soos die kaart duidelik wys, jy kan nie die natuur forseer nie…

Pretoria se demografie lyk as volg:

Rasse (2011):

  • White                 52.5%
  • Black African   42.0%
  • Coloured             2.5%
  • Indian/Asian      1.9%
  • Other                    1.2%

Eerste Taal (2011)

  • Afrikaans 47.7%
  • English 16.4%
  • Northern Sotho 8.0%
  • Tswana 5.4%
  • Other 22.5%

Pretoria demografie

Pretoria is die sentrale deel van die Tshwane Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit, wat gestig is as deel van die ANC regime se geforseerde integrasie en stem manipulasie, deur die samesmelting van verskeie voormalige plaaslike owerhede, insluitend Centurion en Soshanguve, om die blanke stem te oorheers.

Pretoria is vernoem na die Voortrekkerleier Andries Pretorius, en staan ook bekend as die “Jakarandastad” as gevolg van die duisende Jakarandabome in sy strate, parke en tuine.

Don Deon