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Die ander Elana Barkhuizen: 3 jaar na vals aanklagtes oor rassisme, nog GEEN verskoning aan Annel Engelbrecht van Koeitjies en Kalfies Creche van rassistiese Panyaza Lesufi nie!

Annel Engelbrecht, eienaar van die Koeitjies- en Kalfies-creche in Centurion, ly steeds aan die gevolge van ‘n valse rassisme-voorval wat vervaardig is deur ‘n rasende swart moeder wat deur Panyaza Lesufi, die welbekende haat van Afrikaans sprekende skole en LUR vir onderwys in Gauteng, gefabriseer is.

Terwyl die res van die land vêrder aan beweeg het as gevolg van hoofstroom media voorval al vergeet en ignoreer het, word haar reputasie steeds benadeel en ly sy steeds finansieel weens die vals en onwaar bewerings. Dit is omdat voornemende kliënte die naam van haar creche op ‘google’ om hul navorsing te doen voordat hulle hul kinders daar plaas, en sy glo dat die negatiewe soekresultate wat die voorval tot gevolg het, haar voornemende plasings kos. Omdat sy nooit verskoning gekry het nadat sy vals beskuldig is van rassisme nie, het sy geen manier om die bewering opnuut teen te werk nie.

Hierdie arme vrou is in 2016 ‘n slagoffer van die valse rassistiese beskuldigers gemaak toe ‘n foto op sosiale media gedeel is van 6 wit kinders wat aan ‘n tafel sit, en ‘n swart kleuter wat aan ‘n aparte tafel gesit het. Die swart ma het die geleentheid aangegryp en toe op Facebook geskryf dat sy onmiddellik na die skool gehaas het, toe sy die foto op sosiale media gesien het, en dat dit die slegste ding was wat sy nog ooit gesien het. Dit was ‘n valse en vervaardigde rassisme-voorval, want die ses wit kinders het alreeds aan tafel gesit toe die swart kleuter die kamer binnekom, en hy het dus by die volgende oop tafel gaan sit.

Daar was ook ‘n ander wit kind wat in elk geval by die swart kind gesit het. Daar is nie daarna verwys of daaroor gepraat toe Panyaza Lesufi daarna op sosiale media gegaan het en Annel ‘n rassis en verskeie ander dinge noem. Lesufi het die skool se adres op sosiale media gepubliseer en mense genooi om saam met hom die skool te besoek. ‘N Woordvoerder van die Departement van Binnelandse Sake het ‘n foto geplaas van ‘n persoon wat met ‘n sambok geslaan word – wat ‘n barbaarse ding is om te doen, maar dan lyk dit of dit barbare is – op Twitter met die opskrif: “Eksklusiewe videomateriaal van Panyaza Lesufi besig om met die bestuur van ‘n rassistiese creche af te reken. ‘

Al hierdie dinge wat gesê is, is nooit teruggetrek nie en dit bly natuurlik op die internet as mense die naam van die creche google. Hierdie valse beskuldigings is ongetwyfeld die bedrag van crimen injuria en die misdaad van crimen injuria word voortduur omdat die valse beskuldigings nie teruggetrek is nie en op die internet bly. EFF-lede het voor haar skool gaan betoog en sy het dreigoproepe gekry waarin sommige mense gesê het dat hulle met haar sal kom, wat ‘n bedreiging vir haar lewe is, en ander het gesê dat hulle die skool sal afbrand.

Sy het ook e-pos gekry waarin mense haar ‘n barbaar, ‘n goddelose persoon en ‘n verleentheid vir Christene noem. Prof John van den Berg van die Universiteit van Pretoria het na die Menseregtekommissie (HRC) gaan kla oor Lesufi se gedrag, maar hoewel die HRC gesê het dat Lesufi die foto verkeerd geïnterpreteer het, was hy nie skuldig aan rassisme nie. Die HRC het ook bevind dat Lesufi verkeerd opgetree het deur ‘n ongeredigeerde video van kinders te publiseer en deur die adres van die skool te publiseer. Die MRK het gesê dat die provinsiale kantoor hierdie ongeregverdigde dade moet ondersoek (nog nie gedoen nie).


Annel wil graag hê dat Lesufi om verskoning vra, sodat haar naam in ere kan herstel word (die ANC vra nooit verskoning nie, veral nie vir wit mense nie). Annel sê dat ‘n ontwikkelaar onlangs ‘n voorgestelde ontwikkelingstransaksie onttrek het waarin sy ‘n creche in die ontwikkeling sou bedryf het en sy weet nie of die vals beskuldigings oor rassisme steeds ‘n rol gespeel het nie.

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Oorstromings in Centurion veroorsaak chaos

Oorstromings in Centurion veroorsaak chaos

Aanhoudende reën in Sentraal Transvaal het ook gesorg vir ontwrigting van verkeer maar in Centurion het geboue, paaie en laagwater brûe gevaarlik geword.

Groot dele is oorstroom, en menige voertuie is deur die vloedwater meegesleur, maar tot hede is dit nie bekend of enige mense in die vloedwater omgekom het nie.

Op sommige plekke is reeds meer as 280 mm reën gemeet vir die afgelope week, en die weerkundiges voorspel vir Dinsdag nog meer reën.

Chaos het op paaie en sommige strate ontstaan, en beurtkrag het ook gesorg dat lang toue voertuie by robotte staan wat nie werk nie.

Intussen het Die Vryburger verneem dat dele in die Noord-Kaap wat nou reeds vir vier jaar geen reën gehad het nie, dat hulle “verby die stadium is waar droogtehulp sal help”, het een van die boere gesê.

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HUGE LAND CLAIM IN CENTURION – Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway, property affected is estimated at over R4Billion

HUGE LAND CLAIM IN CENTURION - Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway, property affected is estimated at over R4Billion

As we reported before, land claims in suburban areas are becoming the norm. The stark reality is that people should realize that these land claims are a far greater threat than what they initially thought.

Front National attended a meeting on 19 February 2019, held by Afriforum at Leriba Lodge, pertaining to the pending land claim in Centurion. The land claim stretches over 4000 hectares and it effects more than 2000 households. This includes areas such as: Zwartkop, Doornkloof, Rooihuiskraal, Olievenhoutbosch, Hoekplaats, Trigaardspoort, The Reeds, Brakfontein, Heuweloord, Louwlardia, Kosmosdal and Midstream. Some properties have up to seven claims on the same property and each claim must be dealt with individually. Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal (with 2000 Afrikaans pupils) and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway. The total value of all the property affected is estimated at over R4Billion. The attendance was huge and more than 1000 people attended the meeting. Front National stands in solidarity with their members who are also affected by these land claims and Front National supports any initiative that will appose these questionable land claims.

Kallie Kriel, CEO of Afriforum, says that political leaders have created unrealistic expectations about land and that Afriforum will not stand back and allow legal owners of land pay the price for this.

As we reported before, the claim was lodged in 1998 on behalf of 39 members of the Mahlangu family, but only gazetted 20 years later, in June 2018. In the meantime all the original claimants passed on. That alone raises many question marks why the claimants waited a full 20 years before the claim was gazetted. A similar claim is also pending in Pretoria-East.

Ian Cameron, head of safety for Afriforum, says that since the 1st of January 2019, over 70 land-grabs were reported. Irresponsible comments by politicians and frivolous land claims is setting the tone for these kind of land-grabs. Afriforum have drafted and outlined a comprehensive 13 point plan to fight these land claims in Centurion.

Willie Spies, form Hurter & Spies Attorneys, says that property ownership in South Africa is severely under threat. The looming changes to Sec25 of the Constitution, compounds the problem. Currently, any person who wants to sell their property, or rent out their property or make any changes on the property must first give 30 days notice to the Land claims Commissioner. Government have given an extension on all land claims until June 2019. Indications are that there is another 15 pending land claims in the Centurion area and will be submitted before June 2019.

These claims have a direct influence on property values. But it not only influences the properties directly affected by the claims, but it also effects the value of neighboring properties as well.

Residents have formed a civic rights group called ReThRo. Both Afriforum and ReThRo have taken hands to address this land claim together. Any person who would like to find out if their property is affected by the land claim can visit their website and see on the maps if their property is on the list. Their website is:

These land claims have set the tone of what we can expect in the future. Suburban areas, including schools and highways are under threat and we need to take heed of what is happening. Land claims are not just limited to farms or empty pieces of land anymore.

We encourage our members to submit their mandates and objections on the allocated Afriforum website. Even if you are not affected by the land claim, you can still object to the land claim as these land claims directly influence property rights and property values. You can also find out more about the land claims and what they entail. Go to:
People can also submit queries to: [email protected]

Front National agree that property rights are fundamental rights that are protected by International Law. We also encourage our members to fight these dubious land claims collectively. Every legal remedy should be used to protect your property rights. BUT, we do not know for how long can our people stave off these land claims and land grabs indefinitely. We have seen what happened in Zimbabwe and we see many similarities happening here in South Africa. We need to keep in mind that the Land Claim Commissioners are political appointees and the mere fact that these kind of questionable and dubious claims are even considered and the looming changes to Section 25 of the Constitution, should serve as a serious warning.

Front National maintains that the only sure way that we can guarantee our future and guarantee the protection of our property rights, is to have self-determination in our own self-governed area. We have the right to self-determination in terms of trite International Law, several International Treaties and Section 235 of our Constitution. It is time that we claim our right.

Front Nasionaal
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Civil rights organisation, ’AfriForum tackles 4 000 hectare residential land claim in Centurion

civil rights organisation’

AfriForum announced at a media conference in Centurion on 5 February 2019, that the civil rights organisation’s legal representatives had informed the Land Claims Commission in writing of the organisation’s intent to oppose a land claim that had been instituted on about 4 000 hectares residential land in the Centurion area.

“AfriForum already has the necessary resources to take immediate action against this claim. We want to ensure our members and the affected community that this attack on their property will not pass unobserved. AfriForum already has an action plan in place and is taking the necessary steps to oppose this attack on private property rights,” says Ian Cameron, AfriForum’s Head of Community Safety.

AfriForum will hold a community meeting on 19 February 2019 at 19:00 at the Leriba Lodge to address community members who own immovable property in Centurion. The organisation will inform the community at the meeting of all the facts surrounding the land claim, as well as the steps to be taken, the organisation’s action plan and what has already been done.

“It is important that the community knows all the facts and that it presents AfriForum with a written mandate to enable the organisation to fight this battle on their behalf,” Cameron says.

Read the original article in Afrikaans on AfriForum

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EFF Thugs Chases White Shoppers Away At Centurion Shopping Mall

EFF Thugs Chases White Shoppers Away At Centurion Shopping Mall

On Sunday morning, 27 May 2018, a resident from Centurion sent a frantic warning to fellow residents in Centurion warning them about EFF thugs chasing white shoppers away from a shopping mall. Apparently white privilege is the reason why white people are not allowed to visit a shopping mall.

Here are a few questions:
Since when is it white privilege to buy food or other essentials?
Since when can the EFF decide where whites may or may not go?
Why do EFF thugs and their akin always hunt in packs like hyenas?
Clearly these thugs are low life cowards that target defenseless women and run in packs?
Why does it seem that the EFF is the de facto racist enforcers on behalf of the government?

What else are whites barred from:

White people are barred from job opportunities through oppressive legislation like BEE and BBBEE.
White people are barred from universities through restrictive quota enrollment programs.
Whites are barred from sport teams through enforced quota systems.
White people are barred from the right to life through targeted hate crimes.
White Farmers are barred from farming through targeted farm attacks.
White people are barred from owning land through land expropriation.
White people are barred from equal rights before the law through double standards.
Whites are barred from protection through songs like “one settler one bullet” or “kill the farmer, kill the boer” sung openly by political leaders.
Whites are barred from equal rights through 119 race based laws.

The oppression and increased discrimination towards white people are intensifying unabated. Even the greatest sceptic cannot ignore or deny this anymore. There is a deliberate and calculated drive to relegate white people to 2nd rate citizens in their own country.

The original article can be found in Afrikaans on Front Nasionaal SA

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Pretoria bus strike action leaves commuters stranded

Pretoria bus strike action leaves commuters stranded

Workshop personnel at the C de Wet Bus Depot in Tshwane have downed tools, preventing more than 100 buses from moving off and leaving commuters stranded on Thursday.

Executive director of Tshwane Strategic Communication Selby Bokaba said the Tshwane Bus Service (TBS) was surprised by the move because they were not informed of the employees’ intentions.

Two trucks blocked the entrance to the depot.

Only three of 105 buses managed to exit before the gate was blocked.

“Bus commuters in Centurion, Olievenhoutbosch, Danville, Pretoria East and some in Lotus Gardens have been severely affected by the strike,” said Bokaba in a statement.

Bokaba added that the disgruntled personnel, which include artisans, senior operators and general workers, embarked on the strike because of overtime-related grievances and the apparent outsourcing of work to external companies.

“The City of Tshwane profusely apologises to our loyal bus commuters who have been left stranded and inconvenienced by the strike today.

“We advise them to make alternative transport plans while we are resolving the issues that led to the strike,” Bokaba said.


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Row over occupancy at Jean Crossing Shopping Centre in Centurion

Row over occupancy at Jean Crossing Shopping Centre in Centurion

TWO years after the upmarket Jean Crossing Shopping Centre in Centurion opened its doors, it is still battling to obtain a certificate of occupancy from the City.

The main dispute between the parties relates to the construction and completion of a main stormwater drainage system that the mall owners had agreed to erect on behalf of the City at an estimated cost of R22million.

The City accepted that the physical buildings and all services at the shopping centre had been completed, but it was not willing to issue the final certificate of occupancy as the stormwater drainage system had not been completed.

The City said the system – which will serve about 1000 households and numerous businesses around the shopping centre – constituted infrastructure “incidental to the building” (the mall) and it can thus not issue a final certificate.

This, while the Jean Crossing Shopping Centre had been occupied since 2015 and the City levying its full quota of rates and taxes, services charges, as well as water and electricity charges.

The mall is situated between the N14, Jean Avenue and Rabie Street, and lies directly below the Gautrain rail. It was established to meet the shopping needs of commuters and residents, providing everyday essentials from grocery shopping to restaurants and clothing retailers.

Centre co-owners – Egan Property Group, Jean Avenue Village, Rapfund Investments and Luvon Investments – turned to the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, to force the City to issue the certificate.

Judge Leicester Adams ordered the City to, within 14 days, decide whether or not to issue the certificate. If it decided to do so, the certificate had to be delivered within seven days. In the event of it declining to issue it, the City had to furnish the owners with full reasons for the refusal.

When the applicants issued the City in 2011 with their application for the development of a township on the properties where the shopping centre was subsequently built, it objected on the basis that “the existing stormwater system in Rabie Street is insufficient and must be upgraded”.

An integral part of the establishment of the township and the development of the mall, as approved by the City, was that the applicants had to construct a main stormwater drainage system to cater for the centre as well as for the surrounding area.

In terms of the agreement, the applicants had to construct the system and the City was to contribute about R20m towards the system. This huge project had not yet been completed and when the centre opened, a temporary occupancy certificate was issued.

But the City refused to issue the final certificate as it said it was under no legal obligation to do so, until the applicants had honoured its side of the bargain by building the stormwater drainage system.

The applicants said this was an extremely large undertaking, which was for the general benefit of the entire area, and it would take some time. The applicants said they never understood that this project would be linked to the building and the operation of the mall.

They said as they understood the agreement, the enlargement of the stormwater system was an additional service not linked to the development of the mall, but aimed at alleviating a severe stormwater problem in the larger area.

The court was told that following the construction of the mall, it was given the green light on all aspects of quality control and adhering to the building regulations. The only outstanding issue was the stormwater system.

The judge said the approach by the City was not sustainable as it was agreed that the completion of the drainage system had no impact on the shopping centre. “The property (the mall) had been occupied for more than a year by the time the applicants had filed this application and the City has been levying its full quota of charges the stormwater drainage system within the boundaries of the shopping centre has also been completed.”

The judge said the City could not withhold the certificate simply because of inadequacies in its drainage system for the area.


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The City Of Tshwane says it will cost about R60 million to repair sinkholes in the city over the next two financial years.

The city has allocated R25 million to repair one particular sink hole on Jean Avenue in Centurion.

This is one of 24 in the city.

The operation is expected to run for about nine months.

Spokesperson Samkelo Mgobozi said: “Well, we look at region four which includes Centurion and Laudium and those areas. And this is not necessarily something that we can prevent from happening although we’re working closely with archaeologists to ensure that we monitor the situation and monitor the sinkholes that are caused by an array of issues so that we can mitigate them in future.”


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Sewe verdagtes word aangekeer in Pretoria ivm motorfietsdiefstalle

Sewe verdagtes word aangekeer in Pretoria ivm motorfietsdiefstalle

Die Pretoriase polisie het sewe verdagtes in hegtenis geneem in verband met ʼn vlaag motorfietsdiefstalle die afgelope tyd.

Kapt. Agnes Huma, woordvoerder van die polisie, het gesê die mans, tussen 25 en 35 jaar oud, is Dinsdag in die vroeë oggendure in Rooihuiskraal in Centurion in hegtenis geneem.

“Die mans se modus operandi was om na bewering in ʼn wit Quantum in die Rooihuiskraal-omgewing rond te ry op soek na motorfietse wat binne of buite persele parkeer is,” het Huma gesê.

“Nadat hulle ʼn spesifieke huis identifiseer het, sou hulle later in die aand terugkeer, die honde vergiftig om toegang te verkry en dan die motorfiets steel.”

Huma het gesê die polisie in samewerking met die gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum en plaaslike veiligheidsmaatskappye het ʼn gesamentlike intelligensie-gedrewe operasie geloods en die Quantum Dinsdag omstreeks 01:30 opgemerk.

“Die polisie het die voertuig voorgekeer en die sewe verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem. Toerusting om by huise in te breek en klapmusse is in hul besit gevind en beslag is daarop gelê.”

Die verdagtes moet binnekort in die hof verskyn op aanklag van die besit van huisbraak-toerusting. Die Wierdabrug-polisie ondersoek die moontlikheid of die verdagtes met ander voorvalle in die gebied verbind kan word.

Die polisie het inwoners gewaarsku om nie waardevolle besittings oop en bloot te laat nie.

Deur: Maroela Media

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Centurion-lisensiekantoor gesluit ná rooftog

Centurion-lisensiekantoor gesluit ná rooftog

Die lisensiekantore in Centurion is Woensdag gesluit ná ʼn rooftog Dinsdagaand.

Daar is verskeie rekenaars en kameras tydens die aanval gebuit.
Die Tshwane-metropolisie het in ʼn verklaring gesê die kantore is gesluit om die SAPDmtoe te laat om hul ondersoek ongehinderd uit te voer.

Volgens die metropolisie en die munisipaliteit sal die kantore Donderdag weer oopwees, maar sal daar slegs beperkte dienste aangebied word.

’n Voorlopige ondersoek dui daarop dat rekenaars, eNaTIS-skerms en ander rekenaartoerusting gesteel is.

Sr.supt. Isaac Mahamba, woordvoerder van die Tshwane-metropolisie, het gesê die dienste wat Donderdag beskikbaar sal wees, sluit leerlinglisensies, praktiese toeste vir bestuurslisensies en die afhaal van nuwe lisensiekaarte in.

“Daar sal tot verdere kennisgewing geen lisensiehernuwingsversoeke verwerk word nie. Mense kan in die tussentyd Akasia en
Bronkhorstspruit se lisensiekantore besoek vir dié diens,” het Mahamba gesê.