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17-year-old pupil allegedly raped at school in Pretoria

17-year-old pupil allegedly raped at school in Pretoria

The Gauteng Education Department is investigating an alleged rape of a 17-year-old girl by a guard at a school in Pretoria.

Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi announced this on Sunday during a meeting with parents and concerned parties at a primary school in Soweto where 87 pupils were allegedly sexually assaulted by a guard at the school.

Lesufi said the incident in Pretoria was reported to him after allegations of the school in Soweto surfaced.

Lesufi said the incident was investigated and a preliminary report was compiled over the weekend. It found the guard had attended a matric dance at the school.

“We want to know why the patroller was invited to that matric dance. The person that took that decision to bring the patroller there must account. We can’t allow somebody who is not a student to come into a matric dance and then engage in that activity.”

According to Lesufi the guard was caught in the act by the teachers. Departmental spokesperson Steve Mabona said the incident happened on September 30.

“Teachers were woken‚ because something was happening. When they went there‚ they found the security guard on top of the learner.”

Lesufi did not divulge further details about the incident.

By: Times Live

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10111 call centre workers demand salary increase

10111 call centre workers demand salary increase

Employees of the 10111 emergency call centre are slowly starting to gather at the Pretoria Art Museum ahead of their march to the Union Buildings.

The march is expected to commence at 12pm where they will hand over a memorandum outlining their demands.

The workers are demanding salary upgrades to be at the same level as other call centre workers at the department of home affairs, SA Social Security Agency, SA Revenue Services (Sars) and the presidential hotline, among others.

The salary upgrades were recommended in 2013 by a task team set up by former police commissioner Riah Phiyega.

About 500 employees are expected to take part in the march which will be led by South African Police Union (SAPU) deputy president Tumelo Mogodiseng.

The strike has been on since 18 July this year.

Pretoria News

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Peu Capital Partners en Tshwane Stadsraad kontrak ongeldig

Peu Capital Partners en Tshwane Stadsraad kontrak ongeldig

‘n Volle regbank van die Noord Gautengse Hooggeregshof het beslis dat die R950 miljoen kontrak vir voorafbetaalde elektrisiteit meters ongeldig is.

Reeds in 2012, toe die tender onder ANC beheer toegeken is, is vrae gevra oor die regsgeldigheid van die kontrak.

Die R950 miljoen wat in trust geplaas is moet nou uitbetaal word aan die Raad en die Raad moet voorleggings maak hoe alle bande met Peu en TUMS ontbind gaan word.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Krugerdag herdenk by die Helde-akker in Pretoria

Krugerdag herdenk by die Helde-akker in Pretoria

Krugerdag is gister herdenk by die Helde-akker in Pretoria.

Die Krugergenootskap reël jaarliks dat familie, organisasies en individue kranse lê op die grafte van wyle pres. Paul Kruger, asook op verskeie ander heldefigure uit die Afrikaner se geskiedenis.

Ook CVO-skole neem jaarliks aan die geleentheid deel om sodoende ook die kinders te leer van volkshelde van die geskiedenis.

Die leerlingraad van CVO Skool Pretoria het ook die geleentheid bygewoon, en die graf van oom Paul, asook ander volkshelde, is ryklik versier deur blomme en kranse wat deur verskeie organisasies geplaas is.

Foto: Van links na regs, Hattinie Freyer, Marné Scholtz, Anien

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Transnet-pensioenarisse gaan betoog

Transnet-pensioenarisse gaan betoog

Transnet-pensioenarisse gaan ‘n optog hou teen die ministers van finansies en openbare ondernemings.

Die pensioenarisse eis onmiddellike verligting vir hul haglike finansiële situasie wat veroorsaak word deur die skrale Transnet-pensioen wat hulle maandeliks ontvang.

Die betoging gaan more, 11 Oktober, om 09:30 op Kerkplein in Pretoria begin.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Chance to walk and explore heart of Pretoria

Chance to walk and explore heart of Pretoria

Pretoria is a city with a legacy, a story that is often untold, a story hidden in the streets we pass without a second glance, spaces we often walk by without a second glance.

That is why this month – Tourism month – will close off with another popular 012Central City Walk – being held in conjunction with the Pretoria News.

This month’s walk embraces the theme of Pretori-Ja! and ties in with the Pretoria News campaign “This is My Pretoria”.
With the help of Pretoria architect Adriaan Louw, we will explore the heart of the city, passing by some iconic buildings and also see some new developments.

Come along and see the hidden gems and hear the history behind them.

Free walking tours have become popular in the city during the summer months. They start early to avoid the traffic and cover about 4km at a leisurely pace.

They end at 012Central where the monthly inner city market takes place.

Walkers should wear comfortable shoes, bring a camera or cellphone and some cash to buy a drink or gourmet brunch afterwards at one of the market stalls.

The free capital city walks are organised by 012Central, a City Property initiative. Through the establishment of the 012Central precinct, City Property aims to showcase Tshwane and rejuvenate the city centre.

After the walk, there will be entertainment at the Market @ Sheds, with food and entertainment for the afternoon.

Date: Saturday, September 30
TIme: 6.30am for 7am start.
Parking: 012Central, Prinschurch: 216 Sisulu Street, Pretoria Central
Where: 012Central: 381 Helen Joseph Street – meet at the front entrance container .

By: iOl News

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Pretoria stadsraad melk inwoners dmv munisipale rekenings – het seker weer dringend geld nodig

Pretoria stadsraad melk inwoners - het seker weer dringend geld nodig

Alles dui daarop dat die stadsraad van Pretoria weer dringend geld nodig het en die maklikste manier om dit te gryp is van sy inwoners.

Die metode word ook soms deur van die selfoonmaatskappye gebruik as hulle skielik hulle kontantvloei wil aanvul. ʼn Sekere maand se rekening word doodeenvoudig verhoog en dan word die geld later terug gegee deur die rekening afwaarts reg te stel. Intussen is die rente wat so op miljoene se geld van iemand anders verdien word ʼn handige bron van inkomste.

Verskeie inwoners van Pretoria is geskok oor hulle nuutste elektrisiteitsrekening. ʼn Rekening wat voorheen gemiddeld R1 000 per maand was is skielik R2 500. Die stadsraad lees die rekeninge van inwoners slegs elke vier maande en maak tussenin van beramings gebruik. ʼn Tipiese geval van die nuutste rekening van ʼn inwoner wat van R1 038 na R2 550 gestyg het is soos volg: Die rekening is in Junie gelees en was R1 038; die volgende drie maande sal dus beramings wees met die volgende beramings vir Julie, Augustus en September. Augustus is skielik opgejaag na R2 550 terwyl dit slegs ʼn beraming is.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Row over occupancy at Jean Crossing Shopping Centre in Centurion

Row over occupancy at Jean Crossing Shopping Centre in Centurion

TWO years after the upmarket Jean Crossing Shopping Centre in Centurion opened its doors, it is still battling to obtain a certificate of occupancy from the City.

The main dispute between the parties relates to the construction and completion of a main stormwater drainage system that the mall owners had agreed to erect on behalf of the City at an estimated cost of R22million.

The City accepted that the physical buildings and all services at the shopping centre had been completed, but it was not willing to issue the final certificate of occupancy as the stormwater drainage system had not been completed.

The City said the system – which will serve about 1000 households and numerous businesses around the shopping centre – constituted infrastructure “incidental to the building” (the mall) and it can thus not issue a final certificate.

This, while the Jean Crossing Shopping Centre had been occupied since 2015 and the City levying its full quota of rates and taxes, services charges, as well as water and electricity charges.

The mall is situated between the N14, Jean Avenue and Rabie Street, and lies directly below the Gautrain rail. It was established to meet the shopping needs of commuters and residents, providing everyday essentials from grocery shopping to restaurants and clothing retailers.

Centre co-owners – Egan Property Group, Jean Avenue Village, Rapfund Investments and Luvon Investments – turned to the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, to force the City to issue the certificate.

Judge Leicester Adams ordered the City to, within 14 days, decide whether or not to issue the certificate. If it decided to do so, the certificate had to be delivered within seven days. In the event of it declining to issue it, the City had to furnish the owners with full reasons for the refusal.

When the applicants issued the City in 2011 with their application for the development of a township on the properties where the shopping centre was subsequently built, it objected on the basis that “the existing stormwater system in Rabie Street is insufficient and must be upgraded”.

An integral part of the establishment of the township and the development of the mall, as approved by the City, was that the applicants had to construct a main stormwater drainage system to cater for the centre as well as for the surrounding area.

In terms of the agreement, the applicants had to construct the system and the City was to contribute about R20m towards the system. This huge project had not yet been completed and when the centre opened, a temporary occupancy certificate was issued.

But the City refused to issue the final certificate as it said it was under no legal obligation to do so, until the applicants had honoured its side of the bargain by building the stormwater drainage system.

The applicants said this was an extremely large undertaking, which was for the general benefit of the entire area, and it would take some time. The applicants said they never understood that this project would be linked to the building and the operation of the mall.

They said as they understood the agreement, the enlargement of the stormwater system was an additional service not linked to the development of the mall, but aimed at alleviating a severe stormwater problem in the larger area.

The court was told that following the construction of the mall, it was given the green light on all aspects of quality control and adhering to the building regulations. The only outstanding issue was the stormwater system.

The judge said the approach by the City was not sustainable as it was agreed that the completion of the drainage system had no impact on the shopping centre. “The property (the mall) had been occupied for more than a year by the time the applicants had filed this application and the City has been levying its full quota of charges the stormwater drainage system within the boundaries of the shopping centre has also been completed.”

The judge said the City could not withhold the certificate simply because of inadequacies in its drainage system for the area.


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The City Of Tshwane says it will cost about R60 million to repair sinkholes in the city over the next two financial years.

The city has allocated R25 million to repair one particular sink hole on Jean Avenue in Centurion.

This is one of 24 in the city.

The operation is expected to run for about nine months.

Spokesperson Samkelo Mgobozi said: “Well, we look at region four which includes Centurion and Laudium and those areas. And this is not necessarily something that we can prevent from happening although we’re working closely with archaeologists to ensure that we monitor the situation and monitor the sinkholes that are caused by an array of issues so that we can mitigate them in future.”


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Historiese Geskiedenis van Pretoriase Normaalkollege

Pretoriase Normaalkollege (Rissikstr, Sunnyside) is op 2 September 1902 gestig, net na die Anglo-Boereoorlog.

Die idee van die embleem was dié van Natie du Toit. Sy was’n verpleegster in die konsentrasiekamp op Middelburg. Te midde van al die lyding het duisende aronskelke in die vleie om die kamp gedy. Natie het armsvol daarvan gepluk om die tente van siekes te versier en om kransies van te maak. Die aronskelke is dus simbolies van skoonheid en hoop.

Die drie aronskelke dui op die oorlog wat drie jaar geduur het.) Dissipline by die NKP was baie streng – bedags mag dames nie op straat saam met mans gesien word nie. Een dosent het vir hulle gesê dis geheel en al “onnodig” om met ‘n man te praat! Op 26 Junie 1903 het 39 studente die kollege verlaat as die eerste gekwalifiseerde onderwysers in Transvaal.