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Father severely beaten during house robbery in north of Pretoria for a cellphone and TV

A 43 year-old male was severely beaten during a house robbery that occurred in north of Pretoria on Tuesday morning around 01:00.

Police spokesperson Captain Rebecca Phatlane stated the following: “The home was invaded by two armed men who tied the homeowner and his daughter’s feet and hands then assaulted the owner,” she said.

Phatlane stated that the robbers fled with a cellphone and a TV.

“The owner was seriously injured and taken to hospital. The daughter was unharmed.”

A case of house robbery and assault was opened, she said.

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Pretoria Zoo rejects grumbles from dissatisfied visitors

Pretoria Zoo rejects grumbles from dissatisfied visitors

Dissatisfied visitors took to social social media over the festive season, saying that Pretoria Zoo had shoddy maintenance and a lackluster workforce.

Zoo visitors spend too little time at enclosures and if they don’t see the animal immediately, they walk past and assumed the enclosures were empty, says Pretoria Zoo spokesperson Angeline Schwan in response to recent visitor complaints about the absence of animals.

On Facebook, Christiaan David Vdm Cardoso vented his frustrations, saying he would not be visiting the zoo again.

His post outlined his qualms, which included staff not doing their job properly, poor conditions and a run-down facility, among others.

“I cannot express my utter and sickening discuss at how the zoo has turned out!!!

“As an avid zoo visitor annually I am saddened to say that you will not see me and my family ever again,” he wrote.

Saying it was a depressing place to go to, Cardoso said: “I am 37 years old, have been coming to the zoo since I was 4 and now with my own daughter wanted to continue the tradition.

“However, I am saddened to say it will not continue.

“The zoo has officially turned out like any public office eg a clinic, hospital or Home Affairs, tattered, run down and staff that do what they have to, to have and keep a ‘job’, with no one that truly cares about anything around them besides their direct duty. This includes management.”

Other people in the group also claimed to have had terrible experiences at the zoo, saying they too were no longer interested in visiting it.

They raised issues like overgrown, empty enclosures, saying that some appeared to be outdated and depressing for the animals.

According to the visitors, there were untidy enclosures filled with cans.

During a visit there this week, the Pretoria News team was shown around some of the enclosures.

Schwan explained: “What happens often is that the animals from that area might be resting, so you assume it’s empty. You don’t take a little while longer just to see if you can see something. We have that issue at the gorilla enclosure.”

Explaining the “overgrowth”, she said: “Animals, just like people, need to have a sense of privacy and in that way, by giving a more natural look and feel, they get the opportunity to rest and to be a little bit out of the public eye.”

Normally, the animals would be kept away if they were ill, had just had babies or were being moved from one area to the other, but a sign would be put up to indicate the reason, she said.

And as she took the Pretoria News team on the tour, they almost walked past a green mamba cage, which appeared empty, but the snake had wrapped itself around the leaves.

Schwan said snakes also sometimes hid under the rocks and could not be seen.

On Facebook, users complained about the pygmy hippo enclosure, which they said was filled with soft drink and beer cans.

Schwan said this was sometimes due to the wind blowing them into the enclosure when dustbins were full.

“As you can see, the dust bins are very close. So if the bin overflows, the wind blows the stuff in there.”

In addition, she said their staff was dedicated and doing all they could to ensure the area was clean, but it was also the visitors’ responsibility not to litter.

“We’ve got signs at the zoo that say ‘Please do not litter’.

“It is very difficult to control visitors and sometimes the wind can blow dirt in, but our staff clean that out.”

Responding to the issue of staff not doing their job, she said the complainant probably came around the time they catered for a lot of people and struggled to please everyone.

All in all, Schwan said, the zoo remained highly maintained, as clean as possible and with everything it promised.

By: iOL News

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12-jarige sterf by gewilde vakansieoord oos van Pretoria

12-jarige sterf by gewilde vakansieoord oos van Pretoria

ʼn Rotspoel by ʼn gewilde vakansieoord oos van Pretoria het Maandag die lewe van nog ʼn besoeker geëis.

Die polisie het bevestig ʼn 12-jarige meisie is by die Nkwe-oord naby Tierpoort dood toe sy glo in ʼn rotspoel naby ʼn piekniekarea in die oord ingegaan het om haar kleiner sussie te red wat in die moeilikheid beland het.

Kapt. Kay Makhubela, woordvoerder van die polisie, het gesê die meisie het toe ook in die water in die moeilikheid geraak. “’n Lid van die publiek het ingespring om te help, maar net die een kind kon opgespoor en gered word,” het Makhubele gesê.

Volgens inligting op sosiale media het omstanders solank as ʼn uur gesoek vir die meisie se liggaam sonder professionele hulp.

“Daardie wonderlike mans wat gehelp het (waarvan drie van hulle my kêrel en sy twee vriende was) is huis toe met uitputting, skraapmerke, hartseer, skuldgevoel, woede, frustrasie en teleurstelling. ʼn Kennisgewing alleen is nie genoeg veiligheidsmaatreëls om so ʼn verlies te voorkom nie,” het iemand op die oord se Facebook-blad gesê.

Nkwe-oord het op dié inskrywing geantwoord: “’n Absolute tragedie. Ons diepste medelye aan Jabulile se familie en dankie aan almal wat gehelp het.”

Maroela Media kon ondanks talle telefoonoproepe en boodskappe nie daarin slaag om kommentaar oor die voorval van Nkwe te kry nie.

Makhubela het gesê die polisie doen ʼn geregtelike doodondersoek.

Die 12-jarige meisie se dood kom nadat ʼn 24-jarige man in Maart verlede jaar by dieselfde oord gesterf het toe hy van rotse af in ʼn rotspoel gespring het. Maroela Media het vroeër berig Ephraim Tshabalala (24) van Soshanguve, noord van Pretoria is in Maart 2017 dood toe hy vermoedelik sy nek gebreek of ʼn kopbesering opgedoen het toe hy iets getref het.

Dr. Hennie Annandale, eienaar van die oord, het kort ná hierdie voorval aan Maroela Media gesê die rotspoel is ʼn gewilde besoekpunt en piekniekplek aangesien dit ʼn natuurlike formasie langs die rivier is. “Daar is duidelike kennisgewings by die watergat aangebring wat mense waarsku dat hulle op eie risiko daar swem,” het Annandale destyds gesê.

Hy het toe gesê daar het al voorheen mense in die rotspoel verdrink.

Deur: Maroela Media

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Slagpale in Pretoria gesluit ná bakterie in vleismonsters gevind word

Slagpale in Pretoria gesluit ná bakterie in vleismonsters gevind word

Die Gautengse department van Gesondheid het ‘n slagpale in Pretoria gesluit na vleismonsters van dié slagpale positief getoets het vir die Listeriose bakterie. Die slagpale mag nie enige produkte verkoop tot hulle aan die vereistes van die departement voldoen nie. Dit sluit in dat die bron van die organisme bepaal word, ontsmetting van die perseel plaasvind en monsters van die werksoppervlaktes en water voor en na ontsmetting gedoen word.

Vroeër vanjaar het die Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid ‘n uitbraak van Listeriose aangekondig na ten minste 365 gevalle van dié toestand en 28 sterfgevalle aangemeld is.

Die departement van Gesondheid het die afgelope tyd hard gewerk om die bron van die uitbraak vas te stel. Na ‘n pasiënt onlangs met die toestand gediagnoseer is, kon die department die bron van die besmette vleis na die betrokke slagpale in Pretoria naspoor.

Die Gautengse Department van Gesondheid het ook monsters ook aan die “National Institute for communicalble Diseases (NICD)” gestuur vir verdere ontleding en analise.

Die department het ook inwoners van Pretoria gevra om hul volle samewerking vir amptenare van die department terwyl verdere ondersoeke in die gemeenskapps gedoen word.

Lees meer hieronder oor Listeriose

Wat is Listeriose?
Listeriose is ‘n ernstige en potensieël dodelike infeksie wat deur die Listeria bakterie veroorsaak word. Hierdie bakterie word veral gevind in grond en besmette water, pluimvee en kudde diere en kan dus daarom in ongepasteuriseerde melk en vleisprodukte voorkom. Dit kan ook deur rou groente en vrugte wat besmet is versprei word.
Die infeksie het tipies gastro-intestinale klagtes soos naarheid, braking, diarree, buikpyn. Dit kan ook “griep-agtige” simptome soos lyfseer en koors veroorsaak.

Is dit gevaarlik?
Listeria infeksie is potensieël dodelik in ouer mense en jong kinders en babas, mense met ingekorte immuunsisteme (soos byvoorbeeld HIV positiewe mense) en swanger vroue. In die meeste gesonde mense is listeria infeksie self beperkend en is daar geen ernstige komplikasies nie behalwe vir ongemak en glad nie lekker voel nie. Dít gesê, moet die toestand nie ligtelik opgeneem word nie! As jy wel simptome ervaar, is dit belangrik om tóg ondersoek te word aangesien die infeksie vinnig kan versprei en ernstige gevolge kan hê.

Waarvoor moet jy op die uitkyk wees?
Simptome kan vinnig ontstaan – binne 9 tot 48 uur na infeksie, maar dit kan selfs tot 30 dae neem voor simptome verskyn. Tipies is die volgende teenwoordig: koors, diarree, naarheid en braking, buikongemak,erge lyfseer. Kyk ook uit vir nekstyfheid en verwarring. Baie mense kan selfs die simptome met lugweginfeksie simptome verwar.

Hoe word dit gediagnoseer?
Indien jou dokter ‘n sterk vermoede het dat jy moontlik listeria-infeksie kan hê, sal hy/sy sekere bloedtoetse aanvra om vir die teenwoordigheid van die organisme te soek, en om dit te bevestig.
(Let wel, hierdie toetse word nie gewoonlik roetine-weg aangevra nie.)

Kan dit behandel word?
In die meeste gevalle is die toestand self-beperkend en is slegs ondersteunende behandeling nodig. Genoegsame vloeistofinname, en kosse soos brood, rys, piesang en appels kan die diarree onder beheer hou. Behandeling sal deur jou dokter begin word indien dit nodig is. In meer ernstige gevalle, swanger vroue, ouer mense en kinders asook mense wat moontlik komplikasies van die infeksie het, word antibiotika gebruik om die infeksie te behandel. Onthou, as jy simptome ervaar is dit belangrik dat jou dokter jou ondersoek.

Hoekom is dit gevaarlik?
Listeria infeksie kan ernstige nagevolge soos breinvliesontsteking, hartspierinfeksie, septisemie (ernstige bloedstroom infeksie) hê. In swanger vroue kan dit voortydse kraam en selfs miskrame veroorsaak. Met erge diarree kan ontwatering volg. Veral kinders ontwater vinnnig. Dit is daarom belangrik om notisie te neem van simptome en vroegtydig daarna te laat kyk.

Is daar iets wat mens kan doen om dit te voorkom?
Goeie higiëne is altyd die beste begin punt- veral handwas. Kook alle voedsels deeglik, en was alle groente en vrugte behoorlik af voor jy dit eet. Gebruik gepasteuriseerde produkte. Hou gaar en rou vleise in verskillende houers en maak seker voedsel en water kom van betroubare bronne.

Dit is belangrik om vroegtydig op te tree as jy moontlike infeksie vermoed. Hou veral kinders dop. As jy twyfel, besoek jou dokter of naaste hospitaal. Dit is ook belangrik om te onthou dat, al het jy baie van of al die simptome, dit nie noodwendig Listeriose is nie! Daarom is dit belangrik om jou dokter te besoek as jy siek voel.

Hierdie inligting is slegs vir opvoedkundige doeleindes en moet glad nie gebruik word om self-diagnose te maak nie. Besoek jou dokter vir diagnose en raad.

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Passasiers kaap glo 2 Prasa-treine by Hercules-treinstasie in Pretoria

Passasiers kaap glo 2 Prasa-treine by Hercules-treinstasie in Pretoria

Twee treine van die Passasierspooragentskap van Suid-Afrika (Prasa) is glo Dinsdagoggend by die Hercules-treinstasie in Pretoria gekaap deur passasiers wat na Saulsville wou reis in plaas daarvan om terug te keer na Koedoespoort.

Luidens ’n verklaring van die vervoervakbond Untu het die passasiers die treinspoor omstreeks 07:00 vol betonblokke gepak waarna hulle die drywers gedwing het om na Saulsville te ry.

Volgens Louwrens Erasmus, wat die pendeltrein tussen Koedoespoort en Hercules beman het, het hy uit sy kajuit geklim om in die teenoorgestelde kajuit te klim toe die passasiers hom voorgekeer het en hom gedwing het om aan te hou ry.

“Ek het besef ek moet saamwerk of ek en my Metro-wag gaan seerkry. Toe ek uit die kajuit klim om in die ander een in te klim op na Koedoespoort toe het die ontstoke passasiers my teruggedruk en betonblokke op die spoor agter die trein gepak. Ek het vir my lewe gevrees en daar was geen Prasa-veiligheidswagte in sig nie,” het Erasmus, wat al 39 jaar as ’n treindrywer werk, aan Untu gesê.

Ek is baie getraumatiseer. Ons het geen beskerming nie en ons is oorgelewer aan die passasiers. Ons lewe beteken niks.

Erasmus sê dieselfde het met sy kollega, TG Modjadji, wat die trein langs hom bestuur het, gebeur.

“Hulle het dieselfde met hom gedoen. Hy het probeer om vir hulle te sê dat ons nie kan ry waar ons wil nie, maar hulle het nie nee vir ’n antwoord gevat nie.”

Erasmus sê hy het die beheerkamer ingelig dat die trein gekaap is en dat die passasiers dreig om dit af te brand. Hy moes eers die passasiers by Saulsville aflaai voordat hy kon terugkeer na Hercules waar hy kon voortgaan met sy werk.

“Ek is baie getraumatiseer. Ons het geen beskerming nie en ons is oorgelewer aan die passasiers. Ons lewe beteken niks.”

Steve Harris, Untu-sekretaris, het ná die voorval gesê dat Cromet Molepo, Prasa se pasaangestelde uitvoerende hoof, ’n dringende vergadering belê het om die situasie waar treine in die Wes-Kaap ontwrig en gevandaliseer word te bespreek.

“Ek sal ook die kaping van die twee treine op die agenda plaas, sodat ons ’n oplossing kan vind en ’n tragedie kan voorkom,” het Harris gesê.

Volgens die verklaring kom die vergadering, wat vir Donderdagoggend beplan is, nadat Untu in die Wes-Kaap ’n dispuut met Prasa geopper het oor die inwerkingstelling van veiligheidsmaatreëls.

Harris beweer Prasa volg nie die mees basiese maatreëls nie. “Genoeg is genoeg. Untu weier om arms gevou terug te sit en te wag dat ons mense doodgaan,” sê Harris.

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Pretoria east residents see red over blackouts

Pretoria east residents see red over blackouts

A DARK Christmas looms for Pretoria east residents, who have since called on the City to shed light on their predicament.

Residents in Mooikloof, Faerie Glen, Zwavelpoort and Olympus have been plagued by random power outages in recent months.

Mathlodi Kgapola said her Mooi- kloof residence and surrounding estates had two outages at least twice a week without any explanation or warning.

Another resident, from Faerie Glen, said they were tired of the City’s “lame excuses”. These ranged from stormy weather and trees not being felled that disturbed electricity poles to cable theft. “Every time it is a new story,” said the resident.

She understood that even in the most well developed cities there were power outages, but “the City must let us know in time so we can make alternative plans for the festive season and security”.

Once criminals knew the City was not doing anything about the power outages, they would capitalise on it, especially during the festive season while families were away on vacation, she said.

Alarms and beams were not fully operational when there was a power failure, she added.

Marius Groenewald from Zwavelpoort said his smallholding had been inundated with power outages that put his family at risk.

Criminals thrived on chaos and darkness was their playground. “Load shedding provides both of these environments for lurking lawbreakers seeking to capitalise from this.”

MMC for Infrastructure Darryl Moss said power outages arose from a number of causes – cable theft, vandalism, trees falling on power lines, lightning strikes, cable faults, backlogs in maintenance and overloading of the energy network.

Moss said many of the power outages were unforeseen, and needed to be dealt with as they arose. The City had been upgrading the electrical network, which would reduce the number of outages.

“We have been putting measures in place to shorten the time that the power is out. We are seeing some success, but with the maintenance backlog it will take time to get everything sorted out.”

The outagein some areas in the east was a trip on the 132Kv line, which was identified quickly, and power soon restored, he said. “We do not see any reason for the residents to worry unduly. Outages will occur, but our electricity teams are on standby, and should be able to deal with the problems quickly.”

No maintenance work was planned on the network during the next month, he said, so there were no planned shutdowns in the pipeline until after the middle of January.

On the brighter side, there was a new water reticulation network for parts of Pretoria east.

The eight-month project, is expected to be completed by August 2018. During construction residents would be duly notified of any water supply interruptions, he said.

“The R12.9million upgrade is part of an overarching city-wide project to replace old and dilapidated water networks,” the City said.

The area has been plagued by leaks and water supply interruptions over the years, causing frustration for residents especially in Elarduspark, Rietvalleipark and Waterkloof AH.

Many pipes needed replacing because they were past their design lifetime, and there was a R2billion hole in the budget for the work, the City said.

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Kidnapped Pretoria businessman reunited with family

Kidnapped Pretoria businessman reunited with family

Elderly Pretoria businessman Omar Carrim, who was kidnapped after leaving his business more than three months ago, has been reunited with his family.

Carrim, the owner of Home Hyper City, was kidnapped 137 days ago.

The 76-year-old, whose family had repeatedly expressed fears that his heart may give in, has been admitted to an undisclosed hospital.

“On behalf of the family, I can confirm the release of Omar Carrim (76). He was released in Olifantsfontein this evening at about 10.30pm,” said anti-crime activist Yusuf Abramjee.

“We appeal for privacy. Let’s give the victim and his family the time and space to recover from the ordeal,” said Abramjee.

Activist Yusuf Abramjee speaks about the release of Pretoria businessman Omar Carrim.

The family has thanked friends, community members and relatives “for all the support and assistance since he disappeared in early August. We are most grateful to everyone and we thank the Almighty for returning our father and brother to us. Thank you for all the prayers and the moral support from the public.”

“We also thank law enforcement agencies,” added Abramjee.

“Omar Carrim and his family will not be commenting any further of this matter for now…We are just grateful
he has been safely returned.”

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Is that Pretoria ‘pap and vleis’ being made with donkey?

Is that Pretoria 'pap and vleis' being made with donkey?

The slaughter of donkeys has raised concerns about consumers being duped when ordering “pap and vleis” from vendors on the outskirts of Pretoria.

Three men caught driving a Citi Golf‚ loaded with buckets and refuse bags of freshly slaughtered donkey meat‚ appeared in the Ga-rankuwa Magistrate’s Court on Monday on charges of livestock theft.

Zimbabwean national Mgcini Dube was denied bail while local residents Stephen Sepeng and Collen Molapo were released on bail of R1‚000 and R500 respectively.

The trio were arrested on November 29 when an off duty police captain spotted a suspicious vehicle making a U-turn.

SPCA inspector Mishack Matlou was shocked when he arrived at the scene of arrest‚ after the organisation was contacted by the police.

“The meat was packed in buckets and refuse bags. We are still investigating as to how we could add cruelty to animals to their charges because the donkeys are killed in the most horrible way‚ sometime hacked with pangas‚” he said.

Matlou said since 2015 more than 300 donkeys had been slaughtered in the areas of Winterveldt‚ Kgabalatsane‚ Klipgat and Madidi. The meat had been removed. He said recently the heads‚ legs and skins of more than 30 donkeys had been found in the bush.

“They remove the meat and leave heads‚ legs and skins. We have information that this meat ends up in pots of food vendors and ultimately plates of customers‚” he said.

Matlou said that the SPCA and police would be checking on street vendors in the area. Food vendors who failed to produce a receipt for their meat would have some explaining to do and their meat could be confiscated for inspection.

Matlou said that some donkey meat was allegedly sold as “game” to unsuspecting commuters at Mabopane station.

Michael Moeng‚ a donkey owner from Mafufu in Jericho‚ was shocked when he the found legs‚ heads and skins of his three donkeys that went missing.

He earned a living using six donkeys to haul a cart transporting various items‚ including sand‚ firewood and water. Now he is left with three donkeys that he guards with his life.

“I went to the police station to report the matter and I was told three men had been arrested a day before‚ after they were found in possession of donkey meat. What makes me sick is that I know these people‚” he said.

A food vendor in the area‚ who requested not to be named‚ said he had no idea that donkey meat was being sold‚ adding that he obtained his meat from an abattoir in Brits.

He had‚ however‚ heard that some vendors purchased cheap meat at Mabopane station. “I am worried about this because it will kill business. People are going to stop buying from us once this becomes public‚” he said.

Richard Dube‚ a regular at a popular food vendor’s outlet in Winterveldt‚ was shocked about the donkey slaughter but said that he trusted his vendor.

“It is a trust issue. I have bought food almost on a daily basis for the past five years from the same vendor and that is why I trust him‚” he added.

By: Times Live

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Pretoria hijacking hotspots identified

Pretoria hijacking hotspots identified

With people getting ready for the upcoming holiday season, it is natural to be slightly more relaxed at this time of the year.

Relaxation mode, however, might be the worst thing to do while behind the wheel during the holiday and festive season.

Hijackings, common as they are, tend to happen more frequently during the festive season.

Motorists in and around the city are required to be more vigilant at all times to avoid becoming a statistic.

It is also advisable for motorists to familiarise themselves with hijacking hotspots.

Compiled by the SAPS, various tracking companies and the South African crime intelligence bureau, Pro-ActiveSA made an all-in-one list of hijacking hotspot areas.

Pro-ActiveSA said: “It will provide the reader with a visual overview of areas to be most aware of.”

Areas and streets prone to hijacking occurrences include:

– Es’kia Mphahlele Drive

– Paul Kruger Street

– R55

– Burnett Street

– Delfi Avenue and Garsfontein Road

– Stormvoel Road traffic lights

– Watermeyer Street traffic lights

– Nelson Mandela Drive

– Simon Vermooten Road and Lynnwood Road

– Lynnwood Road and Solomon Mahlangu Drive

– Justice Mahomed Street (Walker Street)

– Duncan Street

– Lynnwood Road and University Road

– Rigel Avenue and N1 off-ramp

– Pretoria Street and Simon Vermooten Road

– Simon Vermooten Road and Furrow Road

– Lynnwood Road and N1 off-ramp

– Solomon Mahlangu Drive and N4 off-ramp

– Solomon Mahlangu and R21 highway

– Atterbury Road and N1 off-ramp

– Pretorius Street traffic lights

– Francis Baard Street and Festival Street

Hereby we at SA-News give recognition to the author of this article Keitumetse Maako from Pretoria East Rekord.


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City of Tshwane: Workers who protested outside the Gauteng High Court are misinformed

City of Tshwane: Workers who protested outside the Gauteng High Court are misinformed

THE workers who protested outside the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, over what they perceived to be a delayed justice in their case with the City, were misinformed, municipal spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said. The out-of-work staff and subcontractors were bused in to the court to demand a speedy verdict.

The court case concerns the validity of a tender between their employer, Moipone Group of Companies, and the City.

The high court heard the case on September 21, but a verdict is still pending.

The workers said they supported their employer, who took the City to the high court for refusing to pay for services rendered under a “valid and binding” contract.

To showcase their frustrations, they marched from Marabastad to the high court, where they delivered a memorandum to acting court manager Lucky Makumule.

The protesters said the City lacked the will to honour its contractual obligations and that had put them out of work since June.

They were hoping for a favourable verdict. They accused municipal manager Dr Moeketsi Mosola of delaying justice by delaying submissions of certain documents the City’s lawyers were supposed to submit to be considered for the verdict.

The protesters said they could not afford to care for their families this festive season because of the conflict between their employer and the City.

Moipone Group spokeperson Keamogetswe Matsho said the court confirmed the validity of the contract, but they took the City to court again to enforce it.

“We are faced with the non-payment of R75639581 by the City.

“Of that figure, 58% is beyond 120 days. Every business would be detrimentally affected by the non-payment.

“The company has already acquired specialised and extensive equipment and vehicles to service the City under this contract.

“The vehicles are idling due to the conduct of the City.

The company is expected to pay monthly liabilities towards the idling vehicles and equipment.

“We have even taken on the financial responsibility of assisting the subcontractors by lending them money as they are faced with dire financial predicaments.”

But Mashigo said the City contracted another transport company on an emergency basis for a year.

This was because of the under-performance by Moipone; delivery was way beyond schedule.

“The City has submitted all documentation as requested by the judge. In September, the judge requested parties to submit additional heads of argument. The City duly obliged. As far the city is concerned, judgment is reserved. The judge should be given time to craft a judgment.”