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Social media posts hamper Pretoria cash heist probe

Social media posts hamper Pretoria cash heist probe

False information on social media following a daring heist on the N4 on Friday was hampering investigations, police spokesperson Captain Mavela Masondo said on Monday.

He said some dishonest social media users were spreading misinformation that three suspects were later caught, shot and killed by the police.

He warned that some people were misleading the public by posting photographs on social media.

“Concerned citizens who sought justice need not be entertained by such reports, but work with the police to help catch the culprits.”

Masondo was speaking on the incident which happened last week in which nine men armed with rifles shot at a G4 Security vehicle, forcing it to stop, on the N4 between Ga-Rankuwa and the R80.

The suspects then overwhelmed three security officers out of the vehicle before using explosives to destroy the truck.

Masondo said the security officers were not harmed in the process and the private companies involved in the cash-in-transit heist were responsible for the provision of counselling for their staff.

An undisclosed amount of money was taken from the vehicle, and the police were determined to continue investigations until the suspects were arrested.

“The information being spread is misleading, considering that the suspects are still on the run; the police did not shoot and kill any people in relation to the heist.

“We need the public to help us catch the culprits by calling our offices to provide information and tips,” Masondo said.

While the police may not speak of ongoing investigations, it is believed that one of their leads was that the suspects were spotted fleeing in two Audi A4 vehicles.

Cash-in-transit heists remained one of the criminal activities targeted by former Minister of Police Fikile Mbalula.

Attackers are usually heavily armed and often travel in hijacked vehicles, which they later dump.

Anyone able to assist the police with their manhunt for the suspects should call 0860 10111.

The Star

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Kopiereg-werkswinkel in Pretoria: 24 Februarie 2018

Kopiereg-werkswinkel in Pretoria: 24 Februarie 2018

Onthou die datum: Saterdag 24 Februarie 2018! Dit is die dag waarop ’n belangrike kopiereg-werkswinkel in Pretoria gehou sal word vir outeurs, kunstenaars, musikante, filmvervaardigers en die bedrywe wat in hul werk belê.

Die parlement hersien tans Suid-Afrika se kopieregwetgewing. Die Kopieregalliansie, ’n groepering van rolspelers in die skeppende bedrywe, is in reaksie op die Wysigingswetsontwerp op Outeursreg gestig en is tans besig om openbare bewustheid oor relevante onderwerpe te skep. ’n Spesifieke fokus is die wyse waarop die wetsontwerp skrywers, kunstenaars, musikante, filmvervaardigers en die bedrywe wat in hul werk belê, sal beïnvloed.

Die parlementêre portefeuljekomitee beplan om in Maart beraadslaging oor die wetsontwerp te hervat. Die Kopieregalliansie reël ’n geleentheid op 24 Februarie 2018 in afwagting van hierdie vergaderings. Die geleentheid sal vanaf 14:00 tot ongeveer 18:00 by die Universiteit van Pretoria se Musaionteater plaasvind.

Die program sal bestaan uit ’n beleidsrede, gevolg deur vier segmente van 40 minute elk, met die geleentheid vir vrae uit die gehoor en met kunstenaarsoptredes tussenin. Die vier segmente sal fokus op:

die boekuitgewersbedryf
die musiekbedryf
die rolprentbedryf en
die regspraktyk.
Die Kopieregalliansie bestaan uit / word ondersteun deur die volgende verenigings en organisasies:

CAPASSO – Composers Authors and Publishers Association
DALRO – Dramatic Artistic and Literary Rights Organisation
MASA – Musicians Association of South Africa
PASA – Publishers Association of South Africa
RiSA – Recording Industry of South Africa
SAMPRA – South African Music Performers Rights Association
SAMRO – Southern African Music Rights Organisation
MPA SA – Music Publishers’ Association of South Africa
IBFC – Independent Black Filmmakers Collective (IBFC)
SAIIPL – The South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law
Die Kopieregalliansie beoog om die volgende partye na die geleentheid van 24 Februarie te nooi:

die Minister van Handel en Nywerheid, lede van die portefeuljekomitee en verteenwoordigers van die regering;
prominente persone binne die skeppende en uitvoerende kunsbedrywe;
verteenwoordigers van die Kopieregalliansie se lede-organisasies;
organisasies wat ander skeppende bedrywe verteenwoordig, soos skrywersverenigings; en
verteenwoordigers van die pers
’n Uitnodiging sal binnekort versprei word, maar hou asseblief die datum oop!

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Teetuin by die Sammy Marks-mu­seum moet deure sluit ná 25 jaar

Teetuin by die Sammy Marks-mu­seum moet deure sluit ná 25 jaar

Eers het die Pretoria Boeremark by die Pioniersmu­seum in die slag gebly, toe is dit Tant Miertjie se kombuisrestaurant by die Willem Prinsloo-museum wat sy deure moet sluit.

Nou is die nuutste slagoffer van Ditsong Museums van Suid-Afrika glo The Rose Garden-teetuin by die Sammy Marks-mu­seum, wat sy deure ná 25 suksesvolle jare moet sluit.

Volgens Werner Weinbeck (74), eienaar van die teetuin, is dit vir hom vreeslik hartseer om sy deure nou ná al die jare te sluit omdat Ditsong Museums glo besluit het om die teetuin op tender uit te sit.

Werner Weinbeck, eienaar van The Rose Garden-teetuin by die Sammy Marks-museum, moet sy gereelde klante nou ná 25 suksesvolle jare groet.

“Hierdie was my plek. Dis so mooi en rustig hier by die mu­seum. Ek het elke dag met ’n lied in my hart kom werk. Dis die einde van ’n baie goeie hoofstuk in my lewe. Ek is verpletter, maar ek het nie ’n ander keuse as om aan te beweeg nie,” sê Weinbeck.

Benewens die teetuin het Weinbeck ook baie eksklusiewe sesgang-etes in die museum aangebied.

“Die etes was gewild. Ek het ook piekniekmandjies gepak vir mense wat hier wou kom piekniek hou en het gereeld werksfunksies aangebied. Dit is nou als op ’n einde.”

Volgens Alana Bailey, adjunk- uitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, is dit wêreldwyd ontsettend moeilik om finansiering vir erfenisinstansies te kry en is dit hartseer dat suksesvolle mu­seums op hierdie manier skade berokken word.

“As iets soos ’n mark of restaurant by ’n museum is en dit werk, moet jy nie daaraan torring nie. Pretoria is nie soos Kaapstad wat jaarliks honderde duisende toeriste lok nie,” sê Bailey.

As daar suksesvolle markte of restaurante by ’n museum is wat voete lok, hoekom wil jy dan daaraan karring?

“Dit is op die ou end grotendeels tot nadeel van die museum. Hierdie mark en restaurante het baie voete na die museums gelok, wat ontsettend belangrik is vir die oorlewing en sinvolle bestaan van die museums,” sê Baily.

“Tenders is ook nie altyd ’n vreeslike deursigtige proses nie. Ons sal moet kyk hoe dit bestuur word. Ek hoop van harte dit word nie toegeken aan mense wat op die ou end nie die pyp kan rook nie.”

Volgens Johan van Wyk, organiseerder van die Pretoria Boeremark, het Ditsong Museums tot vandag toe nie vir hom terugvoering oor die tenderproses gegee nie.

Dít nadat Ditsong Museums verlede jaar besluit het om die huurkontrak met die Pretoria Boeremark ná 13 jaar te beëindig en om ’n tender uit te sit vir diensverskaffers om die perseel te huur.

“Hulle het my nie eens laat weet dat ek nie die tender gekry het nie. Al wat ek weet is dat die museum nou die R6 000 per week, die bedrag wat ek per week betaal het om die perseel te huur, verloor het.

“Ons is nou ses maande daar weg. Dit beteken die museum het sowat R144 000 aan huurinkomste verloor. Om nie eens te praat van al die mense wat weekliks die mark bygewoon het nie.

“Besoekers aan die mark het dan gesien dat dit ’n oulike perseel is en gereeld kinderpartytjies ens. by die museum kom aanbied oor naweke. Die partytjies het nou opgedroog en so ook die besoekers aan die museum. Doodeenvoudig omdat daar nie meer ’n trekpleister is wat besoekers daarheen lok nie,” sê Van Wyk.

Volgens Lemohang Zincume, woordvoerder van Ditsong Museums Suid-Afrika, was die rede om nuwe kontrakte toe te ken by die Willem Prinsloo-, Pioniers-, en Sammy Marks-museum om oop en mededingende kompetisie te bewerkstellig.

Die Boeremark se huurkontrak met Ditsong het in 2017 verstryk. Die kontrak was uit op tender, maar daar was ’n dispuut tydens die kontrakfase.

Die geleentheid moet ook ten voordeel van die ontwikkeling van klein-, middelslag en mikro-ondernemings (KMMO’s), vroue en gestremde mense wees.

“Die kontrak vir die huidige diensverskaffer by die Sammy Marks-museum het al op 1 Junie 2008 verstryk.

“Van daardie tydperk af het die diensverskaffer op ’n maand-tot-maand-grondslag gewerk. Ditsong is besig met ’n tenderproses,”sê Zincume.

Volgens haar is die huurkontrak van die diensverskaffer by die Willem Prinsloo-museum nie hernu nie, weens kontrakbreuk.

“Die kontrak was uit op tender, maar is weens ’n dispuut nie gefinaliseer nie. Die Boeremark se huurkontrak met Ditsong het in 2017 verstryk. Die kontrak was uit op tender, maar daar was ’n dispuut tydens die kontrakfase.

“Die kontrak sal weer op tender uitgesit word om ’n nuwe diensverskaffer aan te stel,” sê sy.

Foto: Werner Weinbeck, eienaar van The Rose Garden-teetuin by die Sammy Marks-museum, moet sy gereelde klante nou ná 25 suksesvolle jare groet.

Deur: Netwerk 24

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Oom Paul statue excluded from monument; EFF threat to topple it

Oom Paul statue excluded from monument; EFF threat to topple it

OOM Paul’s statue at Church Square is the subject of debate yet again, after the city council resolved to support a motion by the EFF that it be excluded from the Lalela Freedom of Expression Monument. However, there is still no mention of whether the statue will be removed or not.

The resolution was passed during a council sitting on Thursday.

It was opposed by the ANC, which said this would be “against the party policies on statues and heritage”.

Last year, mayor Solly Msimanga said Church Square would be transformed into a place of open-air entertainment, called the Lalela Freedom of Expression Monument. Work has already started at the historic site.

Msimanga said the Lalela project was aimed at bringing about vibrancy in public activities in the inner city.

At the time, he said the statue would remain in place as the inner city regeneration project changed the face of Church Square around it.

EFF councillor MoAfrika Mabogwane proposed that Paul Kruger’s statue should not form part of Lalela because the apartheid leader represented “a history which is in stark contrast to the values that the monument seeks to promote”.

Mabogwane’s motion read: “The mayor in his inaugural budget speech spoke about the Lalela Freedom of Expression Monument which will be in Church Square.

“The statue of Paul Kruger which is in honour of the Boer leader represents a history which is in stark contrast to the values that the monument seeks to promote.”

According to documents dated January 25, the council resolved that the statue would not form a part of the ongoing Church Square facelift.

ANC leader in the council Mapiti Matsena said: “The ANC position is clear; there has to be a decision that statues like that of Paul Kruger be kept in some museum as part of our heritage, as part of our history, painful as it is, but it is important to keep that history.”

Mabogwane said the DA supported the EFF motion, but held the stance that the statue should not be removed.

He said he found the DA’s stance to be contradictory.

“The DA is using apartheid legislation not to remove the statue. We only want the statue of the freedom fighters,” Mabogwane said.

He threatened that EFF branch members could at any time demolish the statue.

“There is a national mandate to all the EFF branches to remove all the apartheid statues and symbols,” he said.

He declined to reveal the date on which the statue would be toppled.

“You can’t announce a day for a revolution. One day people are going to wake up and find the statue not being there,” he said.

The Lalela project was first hatched under the previous ANC administration four years ago, but never came to fruition.

The ANC emphasised its significance as introducing African cultural ownership of the square, and to acknowledge Struggle stalwarts.

Late president Nelson Mandela’s legacy was meant to be part of the exhibition on the square.

The proposed monument will feature rock excavated from a limestone quarry on Robben Island, where forced labour was used.

The estimated cost of the project, as calculated by the ANC municipality, was at least R12million.

At the time of the announcement, Msimanga said the DA-led administration was committed to creating an inclusive society and sharing the resources of the city.

“The former administration loved to talk big about creating an inclusive society in which all South Africans from different walks of life may share,” he said.

“Yet they sat on this project for almost four years after it was passed by the previous mayoral committee.”

By: iOl News


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Nehawu to intensify Unisa strike, may spread to Tuks

Nehawu to intensify Unisa strike, may spread to Tuks

WORKERS at the University of Pretoria could soon join their Unisa counterparts in a strike for higher wages, the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) said yesterday.

As the strike at Unisa entered its fourth day yesterday, Nehawu threatened to intensify its strike and mobilise members at other universities.

Nehawu national organiser for higher education Ntsako Nombelani said this was not Unisa’s fight alone and next on the list to strike would be its members at Tuks.

They too, according to Nombelani, were at loggerheads with the university with their wage rates.

“In the next couple of weeks the strike will hit Tuks,” he said.

Workers affiliated to Nehawu at and Tshwane University of Technology managed to score them themselves a good deal during negotiations last year. They agreed on a 7% hike, coupled with numerous benefits. Nombelani said that university was safe from the wage-related strikes.

At Unisa, students were yet again hit as staff at the country’s largest university continued to strike for higher wages.

Those who arrived at the Sunnyside campus to register were left in limbo as workers went into the fourth day of strike.

Workers initially put forward a 12% pay hike demand, while the university offered 7%. The strikers have since lowered their demand to 9%, to no avail. Nombelani said the strike would carry on indefinitely.

Nombelani said if Unisa did not concede to its demand for a 9% increase across the board, the workers would continue the shutdown of all campuses.

“They can afford it, they have reserves and they haven’t presented their statements to say they are in a financial crisis,” he said.

Nombelani said salaries are not the only issue: “It’s more than the 9% workers are demanding. There are transformation issues which we are fighting for, we want to de-Guptarise the council of Unisa because there are people who have been cited in the State of Capture Report, by Amabhungane and the Gupta leaks.

“These people are the ones fighting for these tenders at Unisa,” he said

Hundreds of students were yesterday left frustrated as they couldn’t register.

A student from Mamelodi, Simi Kutumela, said the Unisa online-registrations website was a hassle to use and not user-friendly.

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ANCYL, Vat Alles workers vow to bring Pretoria CBD to a standstill

ANCYL, Vat Alles workers vow to bring Pretoria CBD to a standstill

No application had been received by Monday night for Friday’s planned shutdown of the city spearheaded by the ANC Youth League (ANCYL) Greater Tshwane region.

Mayoral spokesperson Samkelo Mgobozi said: “We are aware of the planned shutdown. However, no application has been received to our knowledge and thus the march will be unprotected and illegal.”

Mgobozi said the DA-led administration hoped there would be no loss to life or limb, or damage to property, and that proceedings would be conducted within the ambit of law.

Metro Police spokesperson Nonhlanhla Mgiba also confirmed that no application had been received for the planned march.

Mgiba said the City had only received a request for a march by former Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) employees.

Mgiba said the ANCYL march had not yet been approved due to requirements still pending.

However, the route to be taken would be communicated once the march was approved.

“Should this march be approved, the streets that will be affected will be communicated prior and our officers will be deployed to monitor the situation. Motorists will also be advised to avoid the CBD and use alternative routes.”

The regional ANCYL and former EPWP – Vat Alles – workers have vowed to bring the city to a standstill when they march to Tshwane House and the Union Buildings.

The former contract workers, in collaboration with the ANCYL, are demanding the reinstatement of those whose contracts had expired.

ANCYL regional chairperson, Lesego Makhubela, also ANC metro councillor said the DA promised people jobs in the run-up to the election.

However, it had turned around and put people out of employment.

Makhubela – taken to task by the DA last week for statements which the party said encouraged the use of petrol bombs – said the information being channelled through by the DA was nothing more than hogwash.

He said the vast majority of workers who were part of the EPWP had been working at keeping the city clean for six years.

Moreover, he said picking up papers was not a skill that could be used to find further employment, or set up sustainable businesses.

Makhubela said what the DA-led administration was doing was “witchcraft” as it had taken people out of jobs, only to hire older people. “The DA has employed people aged 58 to 63 years, on the understanding that the backbone of the ANC is old people. So, they are using this opportunity as a way of buying votes,” he said.

Makhubela said in other areas where the EPWP had been implemented successfully by the former administration, it was taking people coming from colleges and upskilling them in the area they had specialised in. Another issue was for the re-employment of the security guards who were to be replaced by metro police recruits.

Makhubela said having metro police officers replace security guards had removed food from thousands of family tables.

“Although the court declared the move invalid, no worker has been reinstated by the City,” according to Makhubela.

He said the court had said the removal of workers was unlawful and ordered that they be rehired by the City and reimbursed from the time of termination of the contracts.

The protest is also for the plight on informal traders, who Makhubela said were constantly harassed by metro police.

“They abandoned all negotiations with traders and even stopped the payment of bursaries to their beneficiaries,” he added.

The march is scheduled to start from Burgers Park at 8am and proceed to Tshwane House to deliver the first memorandum before heading to the Union Buildings, where a second memorandum will be submitted.

The marchers will also be demanding land for churches, which the ANCYL said was promised to them, as well as a reduction of high rental rates.

Pretoria News

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Father severely beaten during house robbery in north of Pretoria for a cellphone and TV

A 43 year-old male was severely beaten during a house robbery that occurred in north of Pretoria on Tuesday morning around 01:00.

Police spokesperson Captain Rebecca Phatlane stated the following: “The home was invaded by two armed men who tied the homeowner and his daughter’s feet and hands then assaulted the owner,” she said.

Phatlane stated that the robbers fled with a cellphone and a TV.

“The owner was seriously injured and taken to hospital. The daughter was unharmed.”

A case of house robbery and assault was opened, she said.

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Pretoria Zoo rejects grumbles from dissatisfied visitors

Pretoria Zoo rejects grumbles from dissatisfied visitors

Dissatisfied visitors took to social social media over the festive season, saying that Pretoria Zoo had shoddy maintenance and a lackluster workforce.

Zoo visitors spend too little time at enclosures and if they don’t see the animal immediately, they walk past and assumed the enclosures were empty, says Pretoria Zoo spokesperson Angeline Schwan in response to recent visitor complaints about the absence of animals.

On Facebook, Christiaan David Vdm Cardoso vented his frustrations, saying he would not be visiting the zoo again.

His post outlined his qualms, which included staff not doing their job properly, poor conditions and a run-down facility, among others.

“I cannot express my utter and sickening discuss at how the zoo has turned out!!!

“As an avid zoo visitor annually I am saddened to say that you will not see me and my family ever again,” he wrote.

Saying it was a depressing place to go to, Cardoso said: “I am 37 years old, have been coming to the zoo since I was 4 and now with my own daughter wanted to continue the tradition.

“However, I am saddened to say it will not continue.

“The zoo has officially turned out like any public office eg a clinic, hospital or Home Affairs, tattered, run down and staff that do what they have to, to have and keep a ‘job’, with no one that truly cares about anything around them besides their direct duty. This includes management.”

Other people in the group also claimed to have had terrible experiences at the zoo, saying they too were no longer interested in visiting it.

They raised issues like overgrown, empty enclosures, saying that some appeared to be outdated and depressing for the animals.

According to the visitors, there were untidy enclosures filled with cans.

During a visit there this week, the Pretoria News team was shown around some of the enclosures.

Schwan explained: “What happens often is that the animals from that area might be resting, so you assume it’s empty. You don’t take a little while longer just to see if you can see something. We have that issue at the gorilla enclosure.”

Explaining the “overgrowth”, she said: “Animals, just like people, need to have a sense of privacy and in that way, by giving a more natural look and feel, they get the opportunity to rest and to be a little bit out of the public eye.”

Normally, the animals would be kept away if they were ill, had just had babies or were being moved from one area to the other, but a sign would be put up to indicate the reason, she said.

And as she took the Pretoria News team on the tour, they almost walked past a green mamba cage, which appeared empty, but the snake had wrapped itself around the leaves.

Schwan said snakes also sometimes hid under the rocks and could not be seen.

On Facebook, users complained about the pygmy hippo enclosure, which they said was filled with soft drink and beer cans.

Schwan said this was sometimes due to the wind blowing them into the enclosure when dustbins were full.

“As you can see, the dust bins are very close. So if the bin overflows, the wind blows the stuff in there.”

In addition, she said their staff was dedicated and doing all they could to ensure the area was clean, but it was also the visitors’ responsibility not to litter.

“We’ve got signs at the zoo that say ‘Please do not litter’.

“It is very difficult to control visitors and sometimes the wind can blow dirt in, but our staff clean that out.”

Responding to the issue of staff not doing their job, she said the complainant probably came around the time they catered for a lot of people and struggled to please everyone.

All in all, Schwan said, the zoo remained highly maintained, as clean as possible and with everything it promised.

By: iOL News

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12-jarige sterf by gewilde vakansieoord oos van Pretoria

12-jarige sterf by gewilde vakansieoord oos van Pretoria

ʼn Rotspoel by ʼn gewilde vakansieoord oos van Pretoria het Maandag die lewe van nog ʼn besoeker geëis.

Die polisie het bevestig ʼn 12-jarige meisie is by die Nkwe-oord naby Tierpoort dood toe sy glo in ʼn rotspoel naby ʼn piekniekarea in die oord ingegaan het om haar kleiner sussie te red wat in die moeilikheid beland het.

Kapt. Kay Makhubela, woordvoerder van die polisie, het gesê die meisie het toe ook in die water in die moeilikheid geraak. “’n Lid van die publiek het ingespring om te help, maar net die een kind kon opgespoor en gered word,” het Makhubele gesê.

Volgens inligting op sosiale media het omstanders solank as ʼn uur gesoek vir die meisie se liggaam sonder professionele hulp.

“Daardie wonderlike mans wat gehelp het (waarvan drie van hulle my kêrel en sy twee vriende was) is huis toe met uitputting, skraapmerke, hartseer, skuldgevoel, woede, frustrasie en teleurstelling. ʼn Kennisgewing alleen is nie genoeg veiligheidsmaatreëls om so ʼn verlies te voorkom nie,” het iemand op die oord se Facebook-blad gesê.

Nkwe-oord het op dié inskrywing geantwoord: “’n Absolute tragedie. Ons diepste medelye aan Jabulile se familie en dankie aan almal wat gehelp het.”

Maroela Media kon ondanks talle telefoonoproepe en boodskappe nie daarin slaag om kommentaar oor die voorval van Nkwe te kry nie.

Makhubela het gesê die polisie doen ʼn geregtelike doodondersoek.

Die 12-jarige meisie se dood kom nadat ʼn 24-jarige man in Maart verlede jaar by dieselfde oord gesterf het toe hy van rotse af in ʼn rotspoel gespring het. Maroela Media het vroeër berig Ephraim Tshabalala (24) van Soshanguve, noord van Pretoria is in Maart 2017 dood toe hy vermoedelik sy nek gebreek of ʼn kopbesering opgedoen het toe hy iets getref het.

Dr. Hennie Annandale, eienaar van die oord, het kort ná hierdie voorval aan Maroela Media gesê die rotspoel is ʼn gewilde besoekpunt en piekniekplek aangesien dit ʼn natuurlike formasie langs die rivier is. “Daar is duidelike kennisgewings by die watergat aangebring wat mense waarsku dat hulle op eie risiko daar swem,” het Annandale destyds gesê.

Hy het toe gesê daar het al voorheen mense in die rotspoel verdrink.

Deur: Maroela Media

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Slagpale in Pretoria gesluit ná bakterie in vleismonsters gevind word

Slagpale in Pretoria gesluit ná bakterie in vleismonsters gevind word

Die Gautengse department van Gesondheid het ‘n slagpale in Pretoria gesluit na vleismonsters van dié slagpale positief getoets het vir die Listeriose bakterie. Die slagpale mag nie enige produkte verkoop tot hulle aan die vereistes van die departement voldoen nie. Dit sluit in dat die bron van die organisme bepaal word, ontsmetting van die perseel plaasvind en monsters van die werksoppervlaktes en water voor en na ontsmetting gedoen word.

Vroeër vanjaar het die Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid ‘n uitbraak van Listeriose aangekondig na ten minste 365 gevalle van dié toestand en 28 sterfgevalle aangemeld is.

Die departement van Gesondheid het die afgelope tyd hard gewerk om die bron van die uitbraak vas te stel. Na ‘n pasiënt onlangs met die toestand gediagnoseer is, kon die department die bron van die besmette vleis na die betrokke slagpale in Pretoria naspoor.

Die Gautengse Department van Gesondheid het ook monsters ook aan die “National Institute for communicalble Diseases (NICD)” gestuur vir verdere ontleding en analise.

Die department het ook inwoners van Pretoria gevra om hul volle samewerking vir amptenare van die department terwyl verdere ondersoeke in die gemeenskapps gedoen word.

Lees meer hieronder oor Listeriose

Wat is Listeriose?
Listeriose is ‘n ernstige en potensieël dodelike infeksie wat deur die Listeria bakterie veroorsaak word. Hierdie bakterie word veral gevind in grond en besmette water, pluimvee en kudde diere en kan dus daarom in ongepasteuriseerde melk en vleisprodukte voorkom. Dit kan ook deur rou groente en vrugte wat besmet is versprei word.
Die infeksie het tipies gastro-intestinale klagtes soos naarheid, braking, diarree, buikpyn. Dit kan ook “griep-agtige” simptome soos lyfseer en koors veroorsaak.

Is dit gevaarlik?
Listeria infeksie is potensieël dodelik in ouer mense en jong kinders en babas, mense met ingekorte immuunsisteme (soos byvoorbeeld HIV positiewe mense) en swanger vroue. In die meeste gesonde mense is listeria infeksie self beperkend en is daar geen ernstige komplikasies nie behalwe vir ongemak en glad nie lekker voel nie. Dít gesê, moet die toestand nie ligtelik opgeneem word nie! As jy wel simptome ervaar, is dit belangrik om tóg ondersoek te word aangesien die infeksie vinnig kan versprei en ernstige gevolge kan hê.

Waarvoor moet jy op die uitkyk wees?
Simptome kan vinnig ontstaan – binne 9 tot 48 uur na infeksie, maar dit kan selfs tot 30 dae neem voor simptome verskyn. Tipies is die volgende teenwoordig: koors, diarree, naarheid en braking, buikongemak,erge lyfseer. Kyk ook uit vir nekstyfheid en verwarring. Baie mense kan selfs die simptome met lugweginfeksie simptome verwar.

Hoe word dit gediagnoseer?
Indien jou dokter ‘n sterk vermoede het dat jy moontlik listeria-infeksie kan hê, sal hy/sy sekere bloedtoetse aanvra om vir die teenwoordigheid van die organisme te soek, en om dit te bevestig.
(Let wel, hierdie toetse word nie gewoonlik roetine-weg aangevra nie.)

Kan dit behandel word?
In die meeste gevalle is die toestand self-beperkend en is slegs ondersteunende behandeling nodig. Genoegsame vloeistofinname, en kosse soos brood, rys, piesang en appels kan die diarree onder beheer hou. Behandeling sal deur jou dokter begin word indien dit nodig is. In meer ernstige gevalle, swanger vroue, ouer mense en kinders asook mense wat moontlik komplikasies van die infeksie het, word antibiotika gebruik om die infeksie te behandel. Onthou, as jy simptome ervaar is dit belangrik dat jou dokter jou ondersoek.

Hoekom is dit gevaarlik?
Listeria infeksie kan ernstige nagevolge soos breinvliesontsteking, hartspierinfeksie, septisemie (ernstige bloedstroom infeksie) hê. In swanger vroue kan dit voortydse kraam en selfs miskrame veroorsaak. Met erge diarree kan ontwatering volg. Veral kinders ontwater vinnnig. Dit is daarom belangrik om notisie te neem van simptome en vroegtydig daarna te laat kyk.

Is daar iets wat mens kan doen om dit te voorkom?
Goeie higiëne is altyd die beste begin punt- veral handwas. Kook alle voedsels deeglik, en was alle groente en vrugte behoorlik af voor jy dit eet. Gebruik gepasteuriseerde produkte. Hou gaar en rou vleise in verskillende houers en maak seker voedsel en water kom van betroubare bronne.

Dit is belangrik om vroegtydig op te tree as jy moontlike infeksie vermoed. Hou veral kinders dop. As jy twyfel, besoek jou dokter of naaste hospitaal. Dit is ook belangrik om te onthou dat, al het jy baie van of al die simptome, dit nie noodwendig Listeriose is nie! Daarom is dit belangrik om jou dokter te besoek as jy siek voel.

Hierdie inligting is slegs vir opvoedkundige doeleindes en moet glad nie gebruik word om self-diagnose te maak nie. Besoek jou dokter vir diagnose en raad.