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Pretoria Becomes Globalist Sh*thole as Nigerians, Drugs & Taxi Driver Wars Plunge CBD Into Chaos (VIDEO)

Drugs & Taxi Drivers were blamed for CBD being plunged into chaos – shops looted, buildings set on fire and public transport suspended in South Africa’s Capital City.

Taxi drivers took to the streets in Pretoria after one of their “colleagues” was apparently killed by a Nigerian who was apparently selling drugs. They allegedly set the buildings where the Nigerian “businesses” were operating from, on fire and then hijacked a truck, which was used to block an intersection to prevent the fire trucks from getting to the fire.

The killing of the taxi driver is believed to have started these riots in the CBD. The situation left bus commuters stranded after the city temporarily suspended its bus services for safety reasons.

Several foreign stores were looted and a building was set alight.

Police had to chase rioters with rubber bullets who prevented the firefighters from reaching the scene.


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The police system is also broken and rotten to the core and there were accusations of police taking money from drug dealers and claims made that the murderer will never be brought to justice as Police are on drug dealer’s payroll.

However, Pretoria Mayor Stephens Mokgalapa disapproved of the action, saying that retaliatory crimes would not be tolerated. Passers-by were hit with bottles and stones and even media representatives who are more and more being seen as “fake news” were greeted with aggression.

Pretoria’s city center has been plunged into chaos for the past two days now, and people are advised to avoid that part of the city.

Taxi owners, businesspeople and residents who experienced the chaos in Pretoria say the police’s poor behaviour and careless attitude were worse than the criminal elements.

A taxi driver told the media that South Africa will never get out of the mess as long as he is satisfied with the poor police service, especially because they are worse than the criminals.

Another person pointed out that over the past six years, he has witnessed police mistreating innocent people while the guilty elements are shot-free.

Police have repeatedly ripped the crowd apart with rubber bullets over the past few days, injuring people who have no connection to the riotous fighting in the streets of Pretoria.


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Chaos heers in Pretoria se middestad na talle busdrywers staak en paaie versper vir 18% salaris verhoging

Chaos heer in Pretoria se middestad na talle busdrywers staak en paaie versper vir 18% salaris verhoging

Verkeer in die Pretoria se middestad is Maandagoggend tot stilstand geruk na talle busdrywers van die Tshwane-busdiens besluit het om te staak.

Betogende busbestuurders van die Tshwane-munisipale busdienste het busse gebruik om hoofroetes te blokkeer om verkeersvloei te belemmer. Sheila-Lynn Senkubuge, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir paaie en vervoer in Tshwane sê dat Samwu-lede om beter lone betoog, maar ’n stappie te vêr gegaan deur busse sonder toestemming van die stad te neem om die sakekern te blokkeer en honderde motoriste te verontrief en moet nou deur die metro weggesleep word. Sy vra onverskoning vir die ontrief en gaan vêrder deur te sê dat die stad alles in hul vermoë doen om die busse te verwyder sodat verkeersvloei vir die res van die dag kan normaliseer. Senkubuge sê ook dat hul die opsie oorweeg om die busbestuurders wat die busse wederregtelik uit die depot geneem het, van diefstal aan te kla.

Netwerk 24 berig dat Mpho Tladinyane, streeksekretaris van Samwu in die Groter Tshwane-streek, Maandag aan die onderhandelings vir ’n 18%-loonverhoging vir munisipale werkers het op niks uitgeloop nie en die verbreking van die dooiepunt word doelbewus deur die Tshwane-metro vertraag.

Volgens Tladinyane is munisipale busbestuurders ontevrede oor die salarisverhogings wat sommige afdelingshoofde gekry het. “Werknemers op laer vlakke se salarisse is nie verhoog nie. Al wat Samwu eis, is die billike behandeling van dié groep. Die metro gebruik ’n vertragingstaktiek aangesien daar nie op werkers se eise gereageer word nie en voortgegaan is met die herstrukturing van vergoedingspakkette. Dié reaksie van die metro beskou ons as ’n verwerping van ons 18%-eis,” sê Tladinyane.

“Dit is jammer dat ons tot hierdie uiterste moet gaan om die metro se aandag te kry,” sê hy. Hy wou hom egter nie verder uitlaat oor die versperring van paaie as deel van die protesoptrede nie.

Isaac Mahamba, woordvoerder van die Tshwane- metropolisie, het vroeër gesê roetes soos Es’kia Mphahlele-, WF Nokoma-, Thabo Sehume- en Madibastraat word deur die busse versper.

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Reeksmoordenaar los in Pretoria wat op haweloses teer – Lyk van 5de hawelose man in Pretoria gekry

Reeksmoordenaar los in Pretoria wat op haweloses teer - Lyk van 5de hawelose man in Pretoria gekry

Die polisie het Woensdag die lyk van ‘n vyfde hawelose slagoffer in Pretoria gekry nadat vier hawelose mans reeds die afgelope paar weke vermoor is.

Brig. Mathapelo Peters, polisiewoordvoerder, sê hulle het ‘n taakspan op die been gebring om die moorde te ondersoek nadat die vyfde lyk sowat 400 m van die Unisa-kampus in Muckleneuk gevind is.

“Die polisie kan bevestig dat minstens vyf lyke tot dusver gekry is. Die lyke is oor die bestek van twee tot drie weke gevind, in verskillende dele van Muckleneuk in die Pretoriase middestad.”

Peters sê die ondersoek is steeds aan die gang, maar die polisie kan reeds bevestig dat die vermoordes almal middeljarige, hawelose mans is, wat in die nag vermoor is.

Sy sê lt.genl. Elias Mawela, Gauteng se polisiehoof, het ‘n taakspan op die been gebring om die moorde te prioritiseer sodat hulle kan seker maak die skuldiges word so gou moontlik gevang.


‘n Bebloede kombers en blou handskoen lê in die Magnoliadalpark waar die lyke van twee mans vroeër gevind is. Foto: Felix Dlangamandla

Die polisie het ook ‘n beroep op private veiligheidsmaatskappye en lede van die publiek gedoen om te help om die skuldiges vas te trek.

Mawela sê hulle wil nie paniek onder die mense in Muckleneuk saai nie, maar hulle wil hê mense moet versigtig wees en hul oë oophou.

Dinsdagoggend het die Tshwane-metropolisie op die lyk van ’n vierde man op die hoek van Justice Mahomed- en Troyestraat in Sunnyside gekry.

Die lyk van die eerste man is op 25 Mei by die Mearspark-treinstasie in Sunnyside gekry. Nadat die lyke van die tweede en derde slagoffer op 8 en 9 Junie in Magnolia Dell, naby die treinstasie, gekry is, het die vraag ontstaan of ’n reeksmoordenaar in Pretoria hawelose mans vermoor.

Volgens kapt. Daniel Mavimbela, polisiewoordvoerder, volg ondersoekbeamptes alle moontlike leidrade op om die moordenaar(s) vas te trek.

“Ek kan nie in die stadium sê dat dit die werk van ’n reeksmoordenaar is nie, maar die moontlikheid daarvan word wel ondersoek,” sê Mavimbela.

“Dinsdag se slagoffer is tussen 06:00 en 07:00 gevind. Die man het ’n besering aan die agterkant van sy kop gehad en ’n moorddossier is geopen. Die nadoodse ondersoek sal verder lig werp op wat tot die man se dood gelei het.”

Die identiteit van al die slagoffers moet nog deur die polisie vasgestel word.

Wayne Renkin, projekkoördineerder van die Tshwane Leadership Foundation (TLF) wat met hawelose mense in Pretoria werk, sê dat die jongste moorde op hawelose mans onrusbarend is.

“Haweloses in die stad is ongelooflik kwesbaar, veral mans en seuns wat nie soos die vroue toegang tot veilige huisvesting het nie. Nie net is hulle uitgelewer aan die natuur nie, maar ook aan menslike elemente. Ek dink dit is hoog tyd dat die regering ingryp en leë geboue tydelik vir haweloses oopstel.


“Solly Msimanga, vorige burgemeester van Tshwane, het belowe om na so ’n moontlikheid te kyk, maar daar het dadels van gekom,” sê Renkin.

Volgens hom is daar ongeveer 6 244 hawelose mense in Pretoria.

“Dit is gegrond op inligting van 2011 se sensus, maar ons dink dit is veel meer.”

Renkin wil hê die regering moet by die situasie ingryp.

“Alles lyk altyd op vergaderings mooi op papier, maar as die bereidwilligheid in die praktyk ontbreek, lei dit uiteindelik tot frustrasie, veral onder organisasies soos die TLF wat daagliks met talle haweloses werk en weet hoe groot die nood is. Hawelose mans in Pretoria word voor die voet deur iemand afgemaai. Die vraag is nou wat ons as ’n gemeenskap daaromtrent gaan doen.”

-Netwerk 24
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Plot robberies, rape on the rise in the Pretoria North – communities asked to beef up their security

Plot robberies, rape on the rise in the Pretoria North - communities asked to beef up their security

A spate of crimes are being committed on plots in Pretoria North, particularly house robberies and rape. “Criminals are now going to the extent of stealing solar panels from the roofs of houses.”

This is according to police spokesperson Captain Matthews Nkoadi.

He explained the perpetrators were usually in groups of two or three wearing balaclavas and wielding guns.

“We urge communities in that area to up their security and inform us of any suspicious activities,” Nkoadi said.

Other popular crimes he identified included robberies of hair salons, taxis and buses.

“Criminals are now going to the extent of stealing solar panels from the roofs of houses,” he said.

Other forms of crime in Pretoria North seem to be on the decrease.

Nkoadi also said students in other parts of Pretoria were still being targeted by false prophets who were roaming the streets.

“We urge our students to please be more clever than these people,” he said.

He added that most robberies took place in the evening at around 20:00.

Meanwhile Toyota Quantum robbers have been “quiet”.

This follows after Thabo Baloyi was found dead last week. He had been reported missing earlier.

AUTHOR Keitumetse Maako/ Rekord North
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Pretoria’s homeless people targeted by ‘Serial killer’ – bodies of three victims found over period of twee weeks

Pretoria's homeless people targeted by 'Serial killer' - bodies of three victims found over period of twee weeks

A serial killer may be on the loose in Pretoria, targeting homeless people sleeping in parks in the city.

According to eNCA, three homeless men have been murdered in the same manner in the past two weeks.

The station reported that the latest body was found on Tuesday at the Magnolia Dell Park in Muckleneuk.

Another body was reportedly found in the same park, while the body of a third victim was found close to the park two weeks ago, according to Pretoria News.

All victims were reportedly killed in their sleep. They were stabbed and hit by a blunt object, according to eNCA.

Around 6 000 people in Pretoria are reportedly considered homeless.

According to a representative of an NGO who works closely with homeless people in the city, more homeless people have reported being attacked in a similar way, but managed to escape.

Lucky escape

“They’ve been reporting violence towards them. We spoke to a guy three weeks ago who was sleeping when he was stabbed. He woke up and got away, luckily, and he’s still alive,” the unnamed representative told eNCA.

Police spokesperson Captain Daniel Mavimbela said that intelligence units had been deployed.

“We are also patrolling areas that are frequented by homeless people to ensure we heighten awareness among them.”

News24 reported that police have launched a manhunt following the discovery of two bodies in Magnolia Park, Pretoria, at the weekend.

“Though the deceased were found to have suffered blunt force trauma and multiple stab wounds to the upper body, the motive behind the killings and their identities remain subject to an investigation,” Mavimbela said in a statement.

“Sunnyside police have launched a manhunt and deployed among others, forensic experts, multiple informers and intelligence networks following the discovery of the third body of a homeless man at Muckelneuk’s Magnolia Park in Tshwane on Sunday.”

-News 24
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Centurion residents taught how to avoid driveway hijackings by RICHARD BRUSSOW of the National Hijack Prevention Academy

Centurion residents were on Saturday taught about how to avoid becoming victims of hijackings in driveways.

This was during a workshop at Laerskool Louis Leipoldt in Lyttelton, where former police officer Richard Brussow spoke to them about prevention of crimes such as hijacking and robbery.

Brussow, who established the National Hijack Prevention Academy in 2001, said 68% of hijackings happened in driveways and could be avoided.

He has more than 15 years of experience in motor vehicle crime investigation, organized crime, motor vehicle theft, metro police crime prevention, and vehicle tracking.

Brussow educated his audience about tricks used by hijackers, their motivation, factors that lead to attacks and categories of hijacked vehicles.

Robbers liked using service stations as a base to prey on unsuspecting victims, he said. Once they had identified their victims they drove behind them until they arrived home.

Brussow advised motorists to always look at the car behind them to prevent the crime.

Those in attendance were also warned against inviting potential car buyers to their homes after they had advertised them online.

Rather, Brussow said, ask to meet them at a service station where there were CCTV cameras. He said sellers ought to carefully examine the buyers’ driving licenses to check if they were not fake.

They also needed to guard against receiving counterfeit cash from unscrupulous buyers.

Motorists must also be aware of a technique where criminals bumped into cars during rush hour with the intention to get them out of their vehicles, where they would be robbed. However, he said the technique was well known.

Robbers had slightly changed it by sending female drivers to bump into cars, hoping that drivers wouldn’t be scared to stop for inspecting the extent of the damage. “Just get a number plate and drive off,” warned Brussow.

-Pretoria News

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Father of two was shot six times in a home invasion incident in north of Pretoria

A father of two in the north of Pretoria was in a critical condition after he was shot six times in a home invasion.

“It’s so surreal. I cannot believe my husband Jan is in ICU and fighting for his life,” Lorna Schoeman told Rekord.

A normal weekday for the Schoeman family in Great Dane Street in Hesteapark turned into a nightmare when two men suddenly entered their home at around 04:50.

Schoeman said she was in the kitchen preparing their children’s school lunches when she heard a window break.

“Something was thrown through the window, and the next moment there were two unknown men in our house.”

A struggle ensued between her husband Jan, who had just woken up, and the attackers in the hallway.

“The next moment the gunshots were fired,” said Schoeman.

Schoeman said Jan was rushed to the Netcare Montana Hospital.

“The bullets did a lot of damage. I just want my husband to recover; there is still a long road ahead as he is in critical condition.”

The couple’s two children, aged 12 and 18, were left unharmed during the attack.

“I can’t believe they didn’t shoot me. I stood there and screamed and screamed. I have never in my life screamed as I did. I hoped and prayed that they would not hurt me nor my children.”

The robbers fled the scene with two television sets and one of the children’s school bags.

“I am so thankful for the paramedics who responded so promptly and to the doctors who treated my husband. The Lord was with my husband.”

A friend of the family has posted on Facebook for the community to pray for Jan.

Tshwane police cluster spokesperson Captain Matthews Nkoadi confirmed a case of attempted murder was being investigated.

“The victim was shot multiple times in the upper body before he was taken to the hospital.”


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Two more suspects arrested in connection with Mamelodi pre-school robbery

Gauteng police have arrested two more suspects in connection with the robbery of international students at a pre-school in Mamelodi East, Pretoria, earlier this month.

According to police spokesperson Brigadier Mathapelo Peters, one of the suspects was arrested in Limpopo on Friday while the other was caught in Mpumalanga on Saturday.

Eighteen students and two professors from the US, who were on an outreach visit at the Viva Foundation School in Mamelodi East, were attacked and robbed by five armed suspects two weeks ago.

Service Maimela, 30, was arrested a few days later at the Pienaarspoort informal settlement in Mamelodi East. He appeared in the Mamelodi Magistrate’s Court last Monday on charges of robbery, attempted murder and assault.

The matter was postponed to Monday, May 27 for further investigations, said Peters.

Peters said the police were still processing the dockets of the two additional suspects, adding that they were most likely to appear in court along with Maimela.

“Both suspects are due in court on Monday 27 May 2019, pending confirmation of the court,” she said.

The US tourists were robbed of their laptops, cellphones, cameras, passports, plane tickets, bags and US dollars.

“The intelligence-driven operation will continue as police are optimistic that it is only a matter of time until the remaining suspects are arrested,” Peters said.


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Tshwane Metro Police Department officers pounce on robbery suspects

Pretoria – Tshwane Metro Police Department officers on Sunday arrested three men for possession of a car that was taken during a house robbery in Limpopo about two weeks ago.

The arrests were made in Barnett and Hilda streets in Hatfield at about 11am. The suspects had been on the run after committing another crime on Saturday.

Metro Police spokesperson Senior Superintendent Isaac Mahamba said the vehicle’s original number plate had been replaced.

The suspects, aged 24, 32 and 37, are facing charges of house robbery, attempted murder, possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition, as well as possession of a hijacked motor vehicle.

Mahamba said two charges were opened in Limpopo and the others yesterday in Pretoria.

“Between May 18 and 19, three suspects went to a house in Limpopo and committed house robbery and took a VW bakkie, a firearm, R4000 and bank cards and went to withdraw R5000 from the victim’s account.

“On Saturday night they went to a pub in Limpopo and an argument ensued between them and a man believed to be the owner of the car.

“They shot him, and his brother rushed him to hospital. Unfortunately, they were involved in a car accident on their way there, and we are yet to confirm their current state with the hospital,” he said.

Mahamba said the suspects traveled from Limpopo to Tshwane in the same car. By then, they had removed the original number plate of the car and replaced it with a GP one.

“We received information that these guys were coming to Pretoria, and our officers heard on the radio that the same car they were looking for was parked at a McDonald’s outlet in Colbyn.

“When they arrived, they saw a car moving away and followed, while calling for back-up from the SAPS. They managed to stop the car and arrest the men,” he said.

Of the three suspects, two are from Limpopo and the third a Zimbabwean. Their crimes were committed in Bogom and Ga-Mamabolo in Limpopo.

The three are in police custody and expected to appear in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court soon.

“They will appear in court soon after we have combined all the dockets,” Mahamba added.


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AfriForum dagvaar polisie om vir onwettige grondgryp te betaal – Polisie het versuim om hul pligte tydens ’n grondgryp naby Onderstepoort in Pretoria, uit te voer

AfriForum dagvaar polisie om vir grondgryp te betaal - Polisie het versuim om hul pligte tydens ’n grondgryp naby Onderstepoort in Pretoria, uit te voer

Die verontregte eienaar van ’n plaas naby Onderstepoort in Pretoria het vandag in samewerking met AfriForum ’n dagvaarding uitgereik teen Bheki Cele, minister van polisie, om die kostes en uitgawes verbonde aan ’n dringende uitsettingsaansoek in 2018 te verhaal. Die polisie het versuim om hul pligte tydens ’n grondgryp wat op die perseel plaasgevind het, uit te voer.

Die polisie het in Augustus verlede jaar geweier om dr. Motodi Maserumule by te staan om betreders te arresteer wat sy grond wederregtelik betree en begin het om strukture op te rig.

Dr. Maserumule het AfriForum genader en ’n dringende hofbevel bekom wat gelas het dat die betreders verwyder word, en dat die polisie die balju daarmee behulpsaam moet wees. Dr. Maserumule en AfriForum het die Rooimiere ’n mandaat gegee om die betreders en strukture te help verwyder.

“AfriForum raak betrokke by sake soos hierdie om toe te sien dat die polisie gedwing word om hulle werk te doen. Ons hoop dat hierdie eis as afskrikmiddel sal dien sou die polisie in die toekoms huiwer om hul grondwetlike mandaat uit te voer. AfriForum sal hierdie litigasieproses deursien ten einde die gemeenskap daarop attent te maak dat die wetstoepassingsowerhede se laksheid nie ongesiens verby gaan nie. Hierdie dagvaarding sal dien as ’n swaard oor die kop van instansies wat deur die Grondwet getaak word om burgers teen misdaad te beskerm. Hulle moet hul mandaat uitvoer of die gevolge dra,” sê Ian Cameron, AfriForum se hoof van gemeenskapsveiligheid.

Die dagvaarding is op die minister beteken. Hy het die geleentheid om ’n verweer teen die eis te opper al dan nie. Dan sal die proses gevolg word totdat ’n regter ’n beslissing hieroor kan maak.

“In die dagvaarding word daar verder versoek dat die minister ook die regskostes verbonde aan hierdie aksie moet betaal. Indien hy dus ’n poging aanwend om ’n power verweerskrif te liasseer, en die eis slaag, sal dit ’n duur oefening vir die polisie wees. AfriForum glo dat die polisie aan die einde van dié aksie twee keer sal dink voordat hulle hul plig weier,” sluit Marnus Kamfer, regs-en-risikobestuurder vir gemeenskapsveiligheid by AfriForum, af.

Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.