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Nie Blankes Vlug SA Ook – Vise-kanselier van Wits Verlaat Pos en Suid Afrika vir Engeland. Adam Habib Noem Druk van Korrupte Elites wat Voorkeur vir Hul Kinders Eis as Rede!

Die uittog uit Suid-Afrika is nie net blankes wat vlug nie, soos die hoofstroommedia wil hê mense moet glo. Selfs nie-blanke liberale soos die Vise-kanselier van die Universiteit van Witwatersrand, Adam Habib, het sy bedanking uit Wits aangekondig, en gesê hy verlaat ook Suid-Afrika om hulle in Engeland te gaan vestig, waar hy sonder sy BEE kruk oor die weg sal moet kom.

Van die redes wat hy genoem het, is die skokkende ervarings wat hy moes deurmaak van ouers van studente wat “aanbied om iets vir hom te doen” as hy hul kinders in die mediese skool laat opgeneem word, en vir hulle sorg na hul kind opgeneem is.

Hy het ook gewaarsku dat die wetteloosheid hom ongemaklik gemaak het, en dat linkse ekstremiste sowel as konserwatiewe elemente hom vernietig, hoewel ons nie seker is watter “regse” elemente die universiteite ontwrig het nie?

Hy sê die was slegs enkele voorbeelde van die ervarings wat hy by Wits gehad het, en in sy sewe jaar diens aan die universiteit moes hy dikwels baie onaangename sake in ag neem. Dit is nie verbasend nie, aangesien die universiteite heenkome geword het vir burgerlike onrus en gewelddadige politisering deur marxistiese en ver linkse elemente in die samelewing.

Hy sê egter die span onder hom het sterk gestaan ​​en nie voldoen aan die vele versoeke en eise wat hulle ontvang het nie, en dat hulle eerder die integriteit van die universiteit verdedig het.

Soos gewoonlik is dit nie nuut vir liberale om uit ‘n land te vlug sodra hul liberalisme dit vernietig het nie. Baie swart Suid-Afrikaners eis ook asiel in die Weste, nadat hulle SA effektief vernietig het.

Lees ook: Nuwe statistieke wys dat Suid-Afrikaners na Nieu-Seeland as vlugtelinge probeer emigreer


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Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie bring Pretoria tot stilstand tydens protestoptogte

Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie bring Pretoria tot stilstand tydens protestoptogte

Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie (TUT) het weereens die strate ingevaar en verkeer in die sentrale gedeeltes van Pretoria ontwrig.

Klasse is ontwrig en studente eis die kop van die polisieman wat Andries Monareng glo doodgeskiet het.

Die studente het gedreig dat hul die hele Pretoria tot stilstand sal bring. Winkels is gesluit en berigte van stropery by wegneem eetplekke is aangemeld.

Die polisie ontken intussen steeds dat hulle verantwoordelik was vir die dood van Monareng.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Nehawu to intensify Unisa strike, may spread to Tuks

Nehawu to intensify Unisa strike, may spread to Tuks

WORKERS at the University of Pretoria could soon join their Unisa counterparts in a strike for higher wages, the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) said yesterday.

As the strike at Unisa entered its fourth day yesterday, Nehawu threatened to intensify its strike and mobilise members at other universities.

Nehawu national organiser for higher education Ntsako Nombelani said this was not Unisa’s fight alone and next on the list to strike would be its members at Tuks.

They too, according to Nombelani, were at loggerheads with the university with their wage rates.

“In the next couple of weeks the strike will hit Tuks,” he said.

Workers affiliated to Nehawu at and Tshwane University of Technology managed to score them themselves a good deal during negotiations last year. They agreed on a 7% hike, coupled with numerous benefits. Nombelani said that university was safe from the wage-related strikes.

At Unisa, students were yet again hit as staff at the country’s largest university continued to strike for higher wages.

Those who arrived at the Sunnyside campus to register were left in limbo as workers went into the fourth day of strike.

Workers initially put forward a 12% pay hike demand, while the university offered 7%. The strikers have since lowered their demand to 9%, to no avail. Nombelani said the strike would carry on indefinitely.

Nombelani said if Unisa did not concede to its demand for a 9% increase across the board, the workers would continue the shutdown of all campuses.

“They can afford it, they have reserves and they haven’t presented their statements to say they are in a financial crisis,” he said.

Nombelani said salaries are not the only issue: “It’s more than the 9% workers are demanding. There are transformation issues which we are fighting for, we want to de-Guptarise the council of Unisa because there are people who have been cited in the State of Capture Report, by Amabhungane and the Gupta leaks.

“These people are the ones fighting for these tenders at Unisa,” he said

Hundreds of students were yesterday left frustrated as they couldn’t register.

A student from Mamelodi, Simi Kutumela, said the Unisa online-registrations website was a hassle to use and not user-friendly.

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City of Tshwane: Workers who protested outside the Gauteng High Court are misinformed

City of Tshwane: Workers who protested outside the Gauteng High Court are misinformed

THE workers who protested outside the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, over what they perceived to be a delayed justice in their case with the City, were misinformed, municipal spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said. The out-of-work staff and subcontractors were bused in to the court to demand a speedy verdict.

The court case concerns the validity of a tender between their employer, Moipone Group of Companies, and the City.

The high court heard the case on September 21, but a verdict is still pending.

The workers said they supported their employer, who took the City to the high court for refusing to pay for services rendered under a “valid and binding” contract.

To showcase their frustrations, they marched from Marabastad to the high court, where they delivered a memorandum to acting court manager Lucky Makumule.

The protesters said the City lacked the will to honour its contractual obligations and that had put them out of work since June.

They were hoping for a favourable verdict. They accused municipal manager Dr Moeketsi Mosola of delaying justice by delaying submissions of certain documents the City’s lawyers were supposed to submit to be considered for the verdict.

The protesters said they could not afford to care for their families this festive season because of the conflict between their employer and the City.

Moipone Group spokeperson Keamogetswe Matsho said the court confirmed the validity of the contract, but they took the City to court again to enforce it.

“We are faced with the non-payment of R75639581 by the City.

“Of that figure, 58% is beyond 120 days. Every business would be detrimentally affected by the non-payment.

“The company has already acquired specialised and extensive equipment and vehicles to service the City under this contract.

“The vehicles are idling due to the conduct of the City.

The company is expected to pay monthly liabilities towards the idling vehicles and equipment.

“We have even taken on the financial responsibility of assisting the subcontractors by lending them money as they are faced with dire financial predicaments.”

But Mashigo said the City contracted another transport company on an emergency basis for a year.

This was because of the under-performance by Moipone; delivery was way beyond schedule.

“The City has submitted all documentation as requested by the judge. In September, the judge requested parties to submit additional heads of argument. The City duly obliged. As far the city is concerned, judgment is reserved. The judge should be given time to craft a judgment.”

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[Video] Volledige registrasie amptelik aan Akademia toegeken


Van die studente wat in April van Akadmia se eerste grade ontvang het. Foto: Jhua-nine Wyrley-Brich/

Akademia het pas bekendgemaak dat dié Afrikaanse gemeenskapsuniversiteit nou volledig as hoëronderwysinstansie deur die departement van hoër onderwys en opleiding (DHET) geregistreer is.

Die instansie het op 30 Mei die goeie nuus van die DHET ontvang dat dit nou volledig geregistreer is ná ʼn omvattende gehaltebeheerproses wat ses jaar lank geduur het. Akademia het in dié tydperk alle voorwaardes van die departement nagekom en aan alle vereistes voldoen.

By Akademia se oprigting het die DHET voorwaardelike registrasie as hoëronderwys­instansie aan Akademia toegeken. Dr. Paul Steyn, Akademia se provoos, verduidelik dat voorwaardelike registrasie bloot beteken het dat Akademia eers aan die DHET moes bewys lewer dat die instansie volhoubare programme van hoë akademiese gehalte kan aanbied. Ten minste een kohort van studente in die langste kwalifikasie moes hul studies suksesvol voltooi, sonder enige onderbreking in dienslewering.

“Akademia dien jaarliks ʼn jaarverslag in, wat ʼn vorm van ouditering van ons finansiële status en dienslewering aan studente is, asook ons volhoubaarheid met betrekking tot regs­vereistes soos deur die Wet op Hoër Onderwys gestel aandui. Volledige registrasie impliseer dus geen statusverandering nie – ons moet steeds voortgaan om aan al die jaarlikse wetlike vereistes te voldoen – dit stel studente en ondersteuners bloot gerus dat Akademia van meet af ʼn hoë standaard handhaaf,” het Steyn gesê.

Piet le Roux, akademiese hoof by Akademia Foto: Maroela Media

Piet le Roux, akademiese hoof, sê Akademia beskou die finale registrasie by die departement as ’n belangrike bousteen in sy ontwikkelingsplanne.

“Die finale registrasie is vir Akademia ’n belangrike mylpaal op sy ontwikkelingspad. Dit baan die weg na verdere, belangrike vorme van erkenning waaraan reeds hard gewerk word, insluitende internasionale uitruiling en samewerking, sowel as professionele en bedryfsonderskrywings van kwalifikasies. In ’n globale, mededingende ekonomie en onderwysomgewing is sulke bykomende erkennings – en die vertroue van sy ondersteuningsgemeenskap – onmisbaar vir Akademia om homself en sy alumni te onderskei,” het Le Roux gesê.

Volgens Le Roux beskik Akademia reeds oor 11 studiesentrums wat geleë is in Bloemfontein, Boksburg, Centurion, George, Krugersdorp, Paarl, in die Moot en Lynnwood in Pretoria, Somerset-wes, Tygervallei en Vanderbijlpark. “Ons beplan om binne die volgende jaar minstens nog twee sentrums by te voeg waarvan een in Windhoek, Namibië.

“Ons wil die Afrikaanse publiek bedank vir hulle ondersteuning en in besonder dankie sê vir die lede van Solidariteit wat met hulle bydraes gehelp het om Akademia tot stand te bring,” het hy bygevoeg.

Daar is tans meer as 730 studente by Akademia ingeskryf en aansoeke vir studies in 2018 kan reeds gedoen word. Besoek Akademia se webwerf en Akademia se Facebook-blad vir meer inligting hieroor.

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