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Valke teiken verkeerde huis en skiet Pretoria man dood

Valke teiken verkeerde huis en skiet Pretoria man dood

Polisielede wat ‘n bende transitorowers gejag het, het ‘n Pretoriase huiseienaar doodgeskiet toe hulle glo op die verkeerde huis toegeslaan het, het TimesLive berig.

Nóg mense, glo ‘n polisieman wat wou help en drawwers, is na bewering gewond in die insident in Kilnerpark, volgens die berig in TimesLive.

Alet van der Walt het vroeër berig die Valke het Donderdagaand saam met lede van die polisie se taakspan en misdaadintelligensie drie vermeende transitorowers in hegtenis geneem.

Kapt. Ndivhuwo Mulamu, die Valke se woordvoerder, sê die drie is in hierdie stadium hul hoofverdagtes in verband met die onlangse vlaag van transitorooftogte.

Die ondersoek is nog aan die gang, so hulle sal eers Vrydagoggend – wanneer hulle die verdagtes se identiteitsnommers bevestig het – kan sê of hulle aan enige ander misdade verbind word. Daar was die afgelope week vyf transitorooftogte in Gauteng, terwyl rowers ook Donderdagmiddag laat ’n geldwa buite Barberton in Mpumalanga beroof het.

‘n Spesiale taakspan is op die been gebring om die transitorowers te vang. Dit sluit onder andere lede van die Valke, misdaadintelligensie en taktiese reaksie-eenhede in. Dit vorm alles deel van ‘n multidissiplinêre, inligting-gedrewe poging om sulke aanvalle te beveg.

Mulamu sê die optrede is voorafgegaan deur samewerking tussen verskeie eenhede waartydens heelwat inligting oor ’n beplande transitorooftog aan die lig gekom het. Danksy dié inligting kon die Valke, asook lede van die polisie se taakspan en eenheid vir misdaadintelligensie, op ’n huis in Queenswood, Pretoria, toeslaan.

Die verdagtes het op die polisie geskiet. Twee van die drie mans is gewond en is in die hospitaal onder polisiebewaking.

Mulamu sê daar is nie enige plofstof by die mans gevind nie.

Die Valke verwag om binnekort nog mense in hegtenis te neem.

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Major copper cable theft bust in the City of Tshwane

Major copper cable theft bust in the City of Tshwane

An anonymous tip-off has led to a major cable theft bust valued at about R500 000 by a specialised unit of the Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD) early this morning.

Members of TMPD’s newly established Cable Theft Unit received information last night about a truck carrying stolen copper destined for a known second-hand scrap metal dealer west of the city.

Five members of the unit, in a marked police car, flagged down the truck on Van Der Hoff Road, a few metres from its destination. When the driver saw the police, he made a quick U-turn and sped off. The police gave chase and forced the truck off the road.

When police asked the driver what was in the back of the truck, he said he was delivering a pile of rubbish to a scrap metal dealer. Upon inspection of the truck, police made a startling discovery of used and new copper cables belonging to the City with a street value of R500 000 covered under a pile of rubbish. The cables had been stolen from the vandalised Suiderberg substation last Friday. It will cost the city about R3 million to repair the vandalised substation. The driver has since been arrested and is in police custody.

Today’s breakthrough comes on the back of an intensified effort to clamp down on cable theft. Over the past five days (18 to 22 May 2018) more than five arrests relating to cable theft have been made. The focus is not only on cable thieves, but second-hand scrap metal dealers too. In one incident, TMPD officers found a cable normally used to supply a substation, which feeds a mini-substation and then the consumer, at a scrapyard. The owner could not explain the origin of the cable and was duly arrested. In another incident, copper cables were found at a scrapyard. The manager could not explain where the cables came from and was also arrested.

A delighted Executive Mayor of Tshwane, Cllr Solly Msimanga, who visited the crime scene this morning, appealed to the community to help the City curb the cable theft scourge.

“These cables are part of the infrastructure meant to service our communities for the provision of water and electricity. This infrastructure doesn’t belong to the City, but to the communities. The substations are in the communities and I wish to appeal to our communities to join hands with us to break the backbone of the syndicates that have wrought havoc in the city, causing massive power outages and water supply interruptions across the entire city for quite some time now,” Msimanga said.

Msimanga said he and other metro mayors in Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg, who collectively suffered a whopping R250 million loss due to cable theft in the past six months, intended approaching the Ministers of Police and Intelligence, as well as the President, to plead with them to prioritise cable theft.

“It’s the community that suffers the most due to rampant cable theft. Today’s bust is a welcome relief because some of our communities were beginning to think that the outages that they have been experiencing were as a result of our ineptitude or incompetence. The recent police successes bear testimony to what we’ve been saying all along – that the service interruptions were a result of theft and damage to the city’s infrastructure. The time for criminals and their unlawful conduct in this city is over. We will work tirelessly to bring them to book. I wish to congratulate the team for these recent successes,” Msimanga added.

The leadership of the City of Tshwane would like to reassure residents that they are aware of all service delivery challenges that have been raised, in particular, the issue of constant power outages. With winter now at our doorstep, we are aware that the demand for electricity will increase due to the cold weather conditions. We understand the importance of ensuring a continuous supply of electricity to our communities and businesses.

The unstable power supply is a serious concern and we are not taking it lightly. We have already begun to implement certain interventions to deal with all challenges that contribute to this problem. The power outages are due to a number of factors, but the main contributor is cable theft, which has an effect on mini substations, cabling and transformers, among others. Furthermore, the cost of cable theft is immense and impacts the City’s revenue each time cables have to be replaced. This also means that the City has to channel funds that were meant for other services to restore power to residents.

The City of Tshwane’s Chief of Police, Ms Johanna Nkomo, says the City’s newly established Cable Theft Unit will be capacitated further so that it can intensify its efforts in dealing with cable theft, while continuing with other activities, such as physical guarding and patrols at various points. Our TMPD is aware of areas where this scourge is most prevalent and will double its efforts to safeguard City property at those specific points.

“We are encouraged by the recent arrests and will continue to work hard to effect more. There are a few issues, however, that we will need to work on closely with law enforcement agencies and the justice system to ensure synergy across the entire value chain, especially regarding arrests and successful convictions. We need to see a situation where the perpetrators are denied bail and are locked away for a long time. We need to stop them from inconveniencing our residents and costing government so much revenue loss and headaches,” Nkomo said.

Another growing concern is vandalism of our substations. The City has to spend money almost daily on the restoration of substations that have been vandalised. This is prevalent across all seven regions. We are prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect the City’s strategic assets. Tshwane is a capital city that houses the seat of government, government departments, tertiary institutions and a number of embassies. We have many sites of national strategic importance which we all have a responsibility to protect against any threat, including sabotage. We have begun to procure equipment to be utilised by the TMPD for the safeguarding of City assets. We are willing to try new mechanisms that will help us in this regard, which includes turning to technology.

We wish to reiterate our plea to our communities to report suspicious activities in their neighbourhoods to the Tshwane Metro Police Department on 012 358 7095/6.

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Plans to move Parliament from Cape Town to Pretoria are back on the agenda

Plans to move Parliament from Cape Town to Pretoria are back on the agenda

Plans to move Parliament from Cape Town to Pretoria are back on the agenda.

National Assembly Speaker Baleka Mbete says that work on the study will start this month and that she expects a report in six months time.

A consulting firm has been contracted to carry out a feasibility study on the impact of its relocation.

National Assembly Speaker Baleka Mbete says that work on the study will start this month and that she expects a report in six months time.

She was speaking while tabling Parliament’s budget on Tuesday.

The decision to base Parliament in Cape Town dates back to the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910, when the seat of government became Pretoria and Bloemfontein the judicial capital.

Mbete says consulting firm Pamoja (Pty) Ltd will carry out the latest study on the feasibility of moving Parliament to Pretoria.

Senior ANC MP Vincent Smith says the costs of two capitals can’t be justified.

The apartheid arrangement that arises from having the executive capital 1,000km away from the legislative capital has huge implications for the National Revenue Fund.

“Departmental officials and members of the executive are commuting between the two capitals at huge financial cost, sometimes for engagements that last less than four hours. This status quo can no longer be justified.”

“In light of this reality, I believe that our contribution as this Parliament towards directly saving costs in the long term must include advice to the next Parliament to embark on the programme of relocating this institution.”

It’s unclear what became of a report by a team of ministers tasked by former president Jacob Zuma to look into the matter. Studies in 1995, 1997 and 2011 all reportedly indicated that the cost of moving Parliament would be less, over the long term, than retaining the status quo.

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Msimanga leads crime clean-up campaign in Sunnyside

Msimanga leads crime clean-up campaign in Sunnyside

Tshwane mayor Solly Msimanga this morning led a crime clean-up campaign in Sunnyside alongside the Tshwane Metro police, emergency services and municipal water and electricity technicians.

The raid meant to tackle drug dealings, illegal electricity and water connections, by-law enforcement and the reclaiming of the municipality’s buildings.

Msimanga pointed out several illegal power connections and meter tempering at Nuweveld building on Troy Street as he inspected the municipal flat. He said the building owed the City at least R2 million in rates alone and it was about time it complied.

During the raid, Msimanga introduced himself to several tenants and asked to speak to caretakers of buildings. This he said was because the City was determined to eradicate all criminal activities in the city.

The mayor also visited Nix Accommodation on Rissik Street near Unisa in Sunnyside to inspect the building for possible illegal connections.

The metro police officers said that the building needed to be inspected by inspectors from the disaster management department because it was overcrowded and that could cause several illegal activities.

As the mayor and his team inspected the flats, Some tenants looked down from their windows. Msimanga’s team only sent out notice of this campaign early this morning in an attempt to reduce the chances of criminals finding out about the raid in advance.

The mayor said this campaign was a continuation of several clean-up attempts that took place in the past. He said more of these trips would be taken to achieve a fully compliant City.

The crew was also joined by tow trucks who sought to enforce bylaws by impounding vehicles of motorists who did not comply with city parking laws and rules.

Msimanga also visited the notorious Tamboti flat in the Sunnyside area. He said the police would also spend the whole week visiting all notorious spots in Sunnyside to make criminals and bylaw offenders uncomfortable.

iOl News / Pretoria News

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Voortrekker meisies word aangeval by die Voortrekkermonument in Pretoria

Voortrekker meisies word aangeval by die Voortrekkermonument in Pretoria

“Dis jammer dat kinders weens die misdaadsituasie in ons land nie meer gewone dinge kan doen nie. ’n Mens is oral weerloos, maak nie saak hoe goed jy voorsorg tref nie.”

Dr. Danie Langner, hoofleier van die Voortrekkers, het Sondag só gereageer nadat ’n groep gr. 7-meisies Vrydagaand op ’n Voortrekkerkamp by die Voortrekkermonument in Pretoria aangeval is. Een van die offisiere wat by die meisies was, is van haar handsak en selfoon beroof en moes steke kry nadat die rower haar aangerand het. Die meisies van die Klapperkop-kommando is nie beseer nie, maar erg getraumatiseer.

Arden du Plessis (13) het vertel hoe iemand hulle tydens ’n nagwag omstreeks 23:00 vanuit die bosse met klippe bestook het. “Toe storm hy met ’n doringtak in sy hande uit die bosse. Hy het ons omgestamp.”

Die aanvaller het die een offisier platgeduik en haar begin slaan. “Daar was baie bloed,” sê Arden. Die rower het kort daarna gevlug, en die kinders het voertuie daar naby voorgekeer.

“Ons is geskok en ontsteld,” sê Langner. “Ons én die monument het alles menslik moontlik gedoen om die kinders te beveilig, maar toe verdwaal hulle tydens die nagmars (terwyl hulle items op die terrein moes soek). Hulle was omtrent ’n kilometer weg van die naaste kontrolepunt, buite die veilige gebied.”

Langner sê dis normaalweg baie veilig by die monument se kampterrein en op die nagwagroetes daar naby. “Ons kinders se veiligheid is ons eerste prioriteit. 6 000 van ons voortrekkers het in April daar gekampeer en niks het gebeur nie. Hier was nog nooit voorvalle op of naby die kampeergebied nie, maar wel op die fietsroetes (verder weg).

“Ons het ook bykomende sekuriteit vir Vrydagaand se groep gereël. Offisiere en voertuie het tussen die verskillende kontrolepunte van die roetes gepatrolleer. Offisiere by die kinders was deurentyd in selfoonverbinding met mekaar. Toe hulle agterkom die een groep het verdwaal, het hulle dadelik na hulle begin soek. Voertuie is ook uitgestuur. Hulle was binne minute ná die aanval op die toneel.”

Die polisie het nie op ’n versoek om kommentaar gereageer nie.

Langer sê hulle sal beslis aanhou kampeer by die monument, maar koppe bymekaarsit met die monumentbestuur om voorvalle soos Vrydagaand s’n te voorkom. “Dis ’n wonderlike kultuurterrein.”

Cecilia Kruger, besturende direkteur van die monument, sê hulle bestee maandeliks R120 000 aan beveiliging. “Dis ons grootste uitgawe. Dis onmoontlik om die hele terrein van sowat 250 ha te beveilig. In die toekoms sal ons sorg dat ’n wag kinders altyd op die nagwagroetes vergesel.”

Kruger sê daar is snags wagte met honde by die piekniek- en kampeerterrein, ingangshek, monumentkantore en fort. “Hulle kan enige tyd ’n voertuig met gewapende wagte ontbied. Bedags patrolleer ’n wag op ’n perd ook ons 10 km-lange heining.”

Kruger sê hulle is voortdurend in gesprek met die Tswhane-munisipaliteit om die heining, wat deels aan ’n plakkerskamp grens, beter te beveilig. “Dit sal egter miljoene kos om dit oral met palissade te vervang.”

Die polisie het nie op ’n versoek om kommentaar gereageer nie.

Die monument het Saterdagoggend laat wéér onder ’n rooftog deurgeloop. Volgens Kruger het vier mense wat met pistole en rewolwers gewapen was, wagte by die ingangshek aangehou, die kassiere van ’n bedrag kontant beroof en haar gedwing om die kluis oop te sluit. Hulle het daarna in ’n Volkswagen Golf weggejaag en is nog op vrye voet.

Deur: Netwerk 24

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Huiseienaar word gedreig nadat hy 2 rowers afmaai by sy woning

Huiseienaar word gedreig nadat hy 2 rowers afmaai by sy woning

Jy is ’n moordenaar! Ons gaan jou doodmaak, jou moordenaar! -Dít was die woorde van ’n groep mense wat Maandagoggend voor ’n huis in Lynnwoodrif, Pretoria, bymekaargekom het nadat die huiseienaar Saterdag twee rowers by dié huis doodgeskiet het.

Die huiseienaar het intussen Maandag ’n klag van intimidasie by die Garsfontein-polisiekantoor ingedien.

Luidens sy verklaring aan die polisie het sy tuinwerker hom omstreeks 10:00 geroep en gesê daar is “baie mense voor die hek wat lawaai” en dat hy moet gaan ondersoek instel.

Buite sy hek het hy tien mense gesien, onder wie vier vroue.

Intussen het ’n veiligheidsbeampte van Interactive Security op die toneel opgedaag.

Die mense het op die huiseienaar geskree en hom ’n moordenaar genoem.

Een vrou het geskree: “Jy is ’n moordenaar! Nou het ons jou adres. Ons sal jou doodmaak, jou moordenaar,” lui die polisieverklaring.

Hy het die veiligheidsbeampte gevra om die polisie te ontbied, waarna die groep mense in hul voertuie gespring en weggery het.

“Ek vrees vir my lewe en vir die veiligheid van my gesin, want die vreemdelinge het gedreig om my dood te maak en gesê hulle weet waar ek woon,” sê hy in die verklaring.

“Ek het niemand rede gegee om my te dreig of my gesin dood te maak nie.”

Dié dreigemente kom nadat die huiseienaar Saterdagmiddag twee rowers doodgeskiet het wat hom en sy gesin in die oprit van hul huis oorval het.

Toe die man en sy gesin tuiskom, was die motorhek oop en daar was ’n onbekende voertuig in die oprit, het kapt. Dave Miller, polisiewoordvoerder, vroeër gesê.

Die man het uit sy voertuig geklim om ondersoek in te stel toe een van die verdagtes in sy voertuig klim.

“Die verdagte het met die voertuig in trurat probeer wegry terwyl die man se gesinslede nog daarin was. Gelukkig het die verdagte teen die oprit se muur vasgery en kon die voertuig dus nie verder ry nie,” sê Miller.

In ’n poging om te vlug het die ander verdagte, wat agter die stuur van hul voertuig was, aanhoudend teen die huiseienaar se voertuig vasgery.

Die man het daarin geslaag om sy gesinslede uit hul voertuig te bevry.

“In die proses het die man die twee verdagtes geskiet,” sê Miller.

Verskeie huishoudelike items wat uit die slagoffers se huis gesteel is, is in die verdagtes se voertuig gevind.

Die polisie stel ondersoek in om vas te stel of die verdagtes se voertuig gesteel is en of hulle met ander misdade verbind kan word, sê Miller.

Die polisie ondersoek tans geen klag teen die huiseienaar nie.

* Netwerk24 het die polisieverklaring ontvang op voorwaarde dat die man en sy gesin se name weerhou word.

Deur: Netwerk 24

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Vroulike motoris van Pretoria gedood tydens rooftog

Vroulike motoris van Pretoria gedood tydens rooftog

‘n Vroulike motoris is gedood tydens ‘n kontantwa roof in Pretoria Noord.

‘n Skietgeveg tussen Fidelity wagte en die rowers het gelei tot haar dood toe sy getref is deur ‘n koeël.

Dit is die soveelste kontantwa roof in die afgelope weke en die rowers het gevlug met ‘n onbekende bedrag kontant.

Die geldwa is opgeblaas en twee ander voertuie is beskadig.

Kenners meen dat dit tyd word dat daar van “spookwaens” gebruik gemaak word om diegene in lokvalle te lok waar hulle summier doodgeskiet kan word.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Pretoria tot stilstand gebring deur vullisverwyderaars van SAMWU

Pretoria tot stilstand gebring deur vullisverwyderaars van SAMWU

Verkeer in Pretoria sentraal is tot stilstand gebring laas week deur protesoptogte van van vullisverwyderaars wat aan SAMWU vakverbond behoort.

Die werkers kla dat hulle in onveilige werkstoestande verkeer en vrees vir die moontlike opdoen van siektes. Persoonlike beskermingstoerusting word geis vir alle werkers, terwyl hulle ook nuwe vullisverwydering vragmotors eis.

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Race divisions issue continues at Unisa

Race divisions issue continues at Unisa

THE two black women at Unisa who complained that the white professor was racist were actually the perpetrators of harassment, bullying, abuse of power and intimidation of junior staff members, said a group of academics at the institution.

The group of professionals of different races – including black – claimed the women had charges laid against them by junior staff members, but the university had been reluctant to deal with them because the alleged perpetrators were black.

Last week, the women told the media that the white professor, who the Pretoria News opted not to name, was racist and aggressive.

They alleged he made their lives miserable on campus.

One of the woman claimed she was harassed and suspended by the professor, but later won a case at the CCMA and was reinstated.

However, the academics now allege the woman did not win the case on substance, but rather due to a technical issue.

“It must be noted that the professor accused of racism had not played any part in initiating any disciplinary against the complainant. He inherited the case from the previous executive director when the directorate was moved

“The woman had already been suspended and thus the professor had nothing to do with this case whatsoever. Any insinuation that he did is a lie,” the academics said.

The group said it did not understand why the Black Forum and the EFF student command demanded the professor’s removal from the university on allegations of racism during protests at the main campus last Tuesday. They stated that they were confused because the two organisations had in fact engaged with people who claimed to have been badly treated by the two women.

Unisa has meanwhile invited the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to intervene and help resolve racial conflicts at the institution. University spokesperson Martin Ramotshela said all these complaints formed part of submissions by stakeholders at the hearings.

“It is the university‘s view that the commission must be given space to listen to and interrogate all submissions.

“It must then make a determination after listening to all sides.

“We cannot pre-empt the outcome of this process,” he said.

The next session of the hearings has been scheduled for May 7, 8 and 9, and staff members have until April 18 to make submissions.

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Mango fruit fly infestation hits Pretoria

Mango fruit fly infestation hits Pretoria

Residents of the quiet suburb of Gezina in East Moot, Pretoria, this week discovered a nasty infestation of mango fruit flies, also known as mango flies, Pretoria North Rekord reports.

Charmaine Jacobsz asked for help on the ‘Moot se Mense’ Facebook page, after discovering 26 mango flies on her Maltese Poodle.

“My husband saw mango flies in our garden a while back, but didn’t think much of it at the time. Shortly after this my Maltese Poodle began to look uncomfortable, and I could see she was in pain. A friend of mine who is a pharmacist assisted me in removing all 26 worms from her body,” she explained.

Petra Odendaal’s 10-year-old daughter has bumps all over her body.

According to Dr Jaco de Jongh from the Wilgers Animal Hospital, this is not the first case of mango flies.

“We have seen an increase in dogs that have come into contact with mango flies recently. The flies lay their eggs under the animal’s skin, a larvae grows under the skin, and after a while it appears as a big white spot. The bump on the skin can and be felt, and looks like a pimple,” explains De Jongh.

“Most of the time, I squeeze the bump until the head of the worm is visible, then pull it out with a tweezer.”

Petro Odendaal explained to Pretoria North Rekord that mango flies are not only presenting problems with her pets, but have also bitten her 10-year-old daughter 16 times.

“I washed my daughter’s bedding and hung it outside. After sleeping in her clean bedding that night, she awoke the next morning covered in red bites. I immediately took her to the doctor, who put her on antibiotics and prescribed her Allergex,” Odendaal explains.

“The problem only worsened from there. I took her back to the doctor, who discovered the mango fly larvae under her skin. He slowly began to squeeze until all five came out. We have to go to the doctor every day until all the flies have been removed from her skin.”

Dr De Jongh has appealed to residents that if they do find a pimple-like mark on their pets, they must seek medical attention immediately.

“With animals, we prescribe Advantex, but pet owners must be prepared to shave their pets’ fur and keep them clean. It is very difficult to identify the bumps, especially if the animal has long hair. People must also make sure to dry their washing in the tumble dryer, or to iron it, if it is hung outside.”

“The increase in rainfall in Pretoria over the past few weeks has definitely contributed to mango flies breeding in gardens.”

In most cases, a doctor will prescribe both the pet and its owner antibiotics, to rid the body of infection.

For more information, contact Dr Jaco De Jongh at the Wilgers Animal Hospital, on 012 807 5043.

The original article was translated from Afrikaans and can be found on Pretoria North Rekord .