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Bogus doctor arrested for issuing medical certificates to people applying for or renewing their driver’s licenses

Bogus doctor arrested for issue medical certificates to people applying for or renewing their driver’s licenses

A 50-yeard old man pretending to be a licensed medical practitioner was arrested by the Tshwane Metro Police (TMPD) at the Waltoo licensing department on Tuesday.

It appears that the man was issuing medical certificates to individuals who applied for new or to renew their driver’s licenses.

When questioned by the police, the man claimed to be a qualified doctor.

TMPD officers got in touch with the health professional council of South Africa and verified that the so called medical practitioner was operating illegally, as his medical license was suspended.

The bogus doctor was arrested and will appear in court soon.

Read the original article on Rekord East.

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Farm attack, couple traumatized by terrorists during 3 hour ordeal, Pretoria West

Farm attack, couple traumatized after 3 hour ordeal, Pretoria West

A traumatic farm attack took place on 5 October 2018, between 01:00 and 04:45, on a Welgegund smallholding in Pretoria West, Gauteng. The inside perimeter beams were activated around 01h00, after the attackers bypassed, and cut through the electric fence.

The resident, Niel looked and could not see anything and reactivated the alarm, but the attackers were inside the property already. They gained access to the house from the balcony. The male victim was surprised by three armed black males in his bed. (one armed with a pistol and ²nd with a crowbar).

Both the man and woman were tied up. They forced the victims to open the safe, and took their time ransacking the house. The suspects and fled the scene at around 04h45, taking with them: jewellery, camaras, 2 laptops. R1800± in cash, mobile phones, TV, and meat.

The couple did not sustain any physical injury, but are extremely traumatized.

Patrollers with dogs and SAPS followed the tracks but no arrests have been made yet. The suspects came with their own ladder to gain access to the first floor.

Read the original article on Oorgrens veiligheid


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Onwettige grondbesetters dreig media en AfriForum met petrolbomme

Onwettige grondbesetters dreig media en AfriForum met petrolbomme

’n Spul onwettige grond gryppers het verteenwoordigers van AfriForum sowel ’n mediaspan Maandagoggend met petrolbomme gedreig op ’n grondeienaar se plaas net buite Pretoria. Die grond word tans onwettig beset en die plakkers het hul teengesit vir samesprekings en onderhoude met met die media.

Die stuk grond ter sprake behoort aan ene dr. Motodi Maserumule en is geleë tussen Soshanguve en Onderstepoort. Na bewering het ongeveer 150 mense verlede Maandag onwettige sinkhuise begin oprig op die grond. Volgens Cameron het die plakkers laas week baie vinnig ’n sinkhuisie met die woord “Office” op opgerig en is tans besig om erwe teen R500 stuk aan lede van die publiek te verkoop.

Cameron het ook te vertel dat Maserumule aanvanklik gesukkel het om ’n saak by die polisie te open. Met behulp van AfriForum kon hul daarin slaag om ’n saak van betreding by die polisie aanhangig maak verlede Woensdag.

“Teen verlede week Vrydag was hier seker so 30 strukture opgerig, maar oor die naweek moes hulle baie besig gewees het, want hier is nou al seker ’n honderd sinkstrukture opgerig en hier is baie meer mense,” het Cameron aan die media gesê.

Die burgerregte organisasie Afriforum het ’n dringende hofbevel Vrydag bekom in die hooggeregshof in Pretoria om die onwettige plakkers te verwyder.

“Toe ons vanoggend daar kom om ’n media-onderhoud te doen, was dit aanvanklik rustig, maar toe word dit baie vinnig lelik. ’n Groep mense het op ons voertuie afgestorm; van hulle het met pangas en selfs vuurwapens gestaan en gedreig. Daar is toe aan ons gesê dat indien enige iemand hulle gaan probeer keer, hulle met petrolbomme gegooi gaan word. Toe hulle klippe begin optel om ons voertuie daarmee te gooi, het ons gery.”

Volgens Cameron moet die hofbevel deur die balju aan die grondbesetters en die SAPD beteken word, waarna die polisie dan verplig sal wees om die balju by te staan om die onwettige plakkers van die grond te verwyder.

“Volgens ons kennis gaan die balju vanmiddag na die plaas toe om die hofbevel aan hulle te beteken. Die situasie is egter baie gespanne en ons is nie seker hoe die balju se aankoms die situasie vererger nie,” het Cameron gesê.

Die betrokke polisiewoordvoerder het glo aan die media groep Maroela Media gesê hy is nie bewus van hierdie grondgryp nie.

Die oorspronklike berig kan gelees word op Maroela Media

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Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie bring Pretoria tot stilstand tydens protestoptogte

Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie bring Pretoria tot stilstand tydens protestoptogte

Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie (TUT) het weereens die strate ingevaar en verkeer in die sentrale gedeeltes van Pretoria ontwrig.

Klasse is ontwrig en studente eis die kop van die polisieman wat Andries Monareng glo doodgeskiet het.

Die studente het gedreig dat hul die hele Pretoria tot stilstand sal bring. Winkels is gesluit en berigte van stropery by wegneem eetplekke is aangemeld.

Die polisie ontken intussen steeds dat hulle verantwoordelik was vir die dood van Monareng.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Barbaarse studente in Pretoria stig brand voor Bheki Cele, minister van polisie, se kantore

Barbaarse studente in Pretoria stig brand voor Bheki Cele, minister van polisie, se kantore

‘n Groep studente van die voormalige Technicon, tans bekend as die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie, het die polisie besig gehou deur ‘n brand te stig voor Bheki Cele, minister van polisie, se kantore in Pretoria.

Dit volg na die dood van een opstoker student op die Soshanguve kampus tydens geweld wat daar uitgebreek het.

Waarnemers vra die vraag wat sal die polisie doen as boere strate afsper en breek en brand oor plaasmoorde?

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Activist group threatens to shut down Pretoria east after a previous memorandum was not taken seriously

a previous memorandum

The group claims that a previous memorandum handed to the Tshwane metro in March was not taken seriously.

A Mamelodi activist group, which recently shut down Mamelodi municipal office services for several weeks, said they will do so again – if their demands are not met, reports Pretoria East Rekord.

Oupa Mashiane, chairperson of the Mamelodi Concerned Residents for Service Delivery, made the remarks while handing over a memorandum to the metro at the local municipal offices on Monday morning.

It was the second such memorandum, he said, and “the last”.

Mashiane gave the metro seven working days to respond to demands.

“This is a serious matter – the city of Tshwane must take our demands very seriously,” said Mashiane.

Utility services MMC Darryl Moss received the memorandum on behalf of the Tshwane mayor.

He promised to meet with the mayor the same afternoon to “personally hand over the memorandum to him”

Mashiane claimed the metro did not take the group’s previous memorandum, which was handed over on March 23, seriously.

The memorandum is unchanged and contains residents’ complaints regarding service delivery.

Mashudu Maepya, who read the memorandum aloud before handing it over, said residents were generally unhappy with RDP housing fraud.

Water and electricity bills were also substantially higher and unaffordable.

The community was charged R2.40 for a one-litre bin, which was initially said to be free.

Maepya further said burial costs are higher, there is higher unemployment and more people are living below the bread-line.

“Most streets in Mamelodi are gravel roads, whereas no white areas are in this condition despite us all paying rent to the same centre,” she said.

“The drainage system is very poor, leading to flooding into yards and obstructing traffic follow.”

“Projects from the council were granted to special people who are friends with the ward councillors and not to the community. Community members who were hired are being paid slave wages.”

She concluded that the community is prepared to only pay a R40 per month flat rate until the “apartheid debts are audited”.

By: The Citizen

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Illegal land grabbers in Faerie Glen, Pretoria East became very hostile and threatened the community that they will burn down their homes and kill them

Land grabbers in Faerie Glen, Pretoria East became very hostile and threatened the community that they will burn down their homes and kill them

Dear Residents,

I just got back from an attempted land grab of Municipal Property in Faerie Glen, Plaston Str.

I arrived on site this afternoon with the community who wanted to meet with the ‘owners’ of the property after they started building and even put in an illegal water connection to this property, probably to make the construction seem more legitimate.

Unfortunately for the land grabbers, the community is very well organized and aware of the fact that this property is a Municipal Road Reserve.
I immediately contacted the MMC as well as the Chairperson of Roads & Transport from the site, who confirmed my position that no Municipal Land was sold to these ‘owners’.

I proceeded to disrupt this meeting, saying that we cannot engage with thugs grabbing land and, unless they can prove the contrary, they should leave – this prompted the land grabbers, who were very diplomatic up until then, to show their true colors and intent.

The land grabbers became very hostile and threatened the community that they will burn down their homes and kill them. There were a few shuffles between the land grabbers and the community which TMPD Officers, and later also SAPS, had to break up.

The negotiator later asked me to get the community to agree to a round table meeting during the week, only then will they leave. I told him that if they don’t leave, I will not be held responsible for any possible actions of the community.
They left within 15min thereafter, shouting that they will take the land by force.

The Tshwane Metro Police Department’s Land Invasion Unit will start cleaning the area.

I have also made contact with the Community Policing Forum, who mobilized, and security companies will patrol this area to ensure the safety of the residents.

We always think that this will not happen to us. Clearly it does, and in this case a very quiet street in Pretoria East.
The community, from all walks of life, yet again showed their calibre by mobilizing against lawlessness and sent the land grabbers leaving with, among others, a Mercedes Benz and a Range Rover.

My plea to you is:
Be vigilant.
Get involved in the CPF.
Get onto a community WhatsApp or Telegram group.
Build a personal relationship with your security company.

We can only succeed if we work together, as a community.

To the residents in the area of the land grab, well done and thank you for being active citizens!

Stay vigilant!

Best Regards,
Cllr. Ernst Botha
Ward 44

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Bekende skrywer, Tom Gouws op kleinhoewe buite Pretoria vermoor

Bekende skrywer, Tom Gouws op kleinhoewe buite Pretoria vermoor

Die bekende skrywer en letterkundige Tom Gouws is tydens ’n rooftog op sy kleinhoewe buite Pretoria vermoor deur aanvallers.

Die nuus is bevestig deur sy suster Judy Leclerc.

Volgens inligting ontvang van Judy het Tom en sy vrou onlangs ’n kleinhoewe buite Lynwood buite Pretoria gekoop waar hul ’n huis gebou het.

Tom is na bewering deur rowers by die huis ingewag waar hy koelbloedig vermoor is. Sy vrou is ook tydens die aanval beseer, maar haar toestand is nie bekend gemaak nie.

Daniël Gouws, Tom se seun het ook die voorval bevestig, maar was te hartseer om meer inligting te gee.

Medelye het vroeg Donderdagoggend op Facebook ingestroom nadat die nuus soos ’n veldbrand versprei het.

Fred en Mercia Eloff sê: “Tom ou maat, nou is jy waar Vader is. Vertroosting toegebid vir die familie.”

“Sjoe Tom … nou is jy elke dag saam met my …. WOLK van Getuie en moedig my aan. My meegevoel aan familie wat hier deur werk”, lui ’n inskrywing van Christa Stander.

Tom was veral bekend as digter, maar het ook verskeie dramas en radiodramas geskryf.

Hy was die vierde wenner van die jaarlikse Nagtegaalprys vir nuut geskrewe verhoogtekste vir die drama Nag van die langmesse.

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Gewilde Hartland program van lug af gehaal by Pretoria FM

Gewilde program op Pretoria FM sonder waarskuwing van lug

Luisteraars van Pretoria FM, voorheen bekend as Radio Pretoria, het penregop gesit toe hulle oor die lug verneem dat een van die gewildste programme summier van die lug verwyder is.

Skynbaar is ander ewe gewilde programme se tydsduur gehalveer, want “daar moet minder gepraat word” op die radio.

Ander programme soos Fokus, waar veral Solidariteit ‘n groot rol speel en waar mense soos mnre. Flip Buys, Jaco Kleynhans en ander uit die Solidariteit dampkring, onbeperkte spreektyd het, word skynbaar nie geraak nie, en volgens die direksie voorsitter, Willie Spies, in ‘n antwoord op mnr. Bennie van Zyl se Facebook inskrywing, gaan Fokus nou Hartland se plek inneem.

Die “minder praat” is dus skynbaar net van toepassing op sekere sprekers.

Die gewilde program Hartland is skielik deur die nuwe uitvoerende bestuurder, mnr. Hennie Koortz, nek-om gedraai, en Marianne Breytenbach, uiters bekwame en geliefde aanbieder van die indiepte nuusagtergrond program, het die aankondiging daaroor gemaak tydens ‘n laaste emosionele uitsending daarvan.

Haar laaste gaste was mnre. Louis Meintjes en Bennie van Zyl van TLU SA, wat in geen onduidelike taal te kenne gegee het dat hulle nie met die verandering geneë is nie en dit op die hoogste vlak sal beveg. Hulle standpunt is dat TLU SA se standpunt nou ook deur Pretoria FM gemarginaliseer gaan word, terwyl dié organisasie een van die eerste, langste en sterkste ondersteuners van Pretoria FM was.

Ook op sosiale media het daar ‘n hewige reaksie op die besluit gevolg, en die meeste deelnemers beskou dit as ‘n verdere afwyking van dit waarvoor Radio Pretoria aanvanklik gestaan het.

Na verneem word het is die radio se kortboodskap-lyn (sms) en e-pos adres ook oorstroom met besware van ontstoke luisteraars, en talle het gedreig om hulle finansiële bydrae te kanselleer.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Onwettige grondbesetting op R21 veroorsaak chaos

Onwettige grondbesetting op R21 veroorsaak chaos

Onwettige grondbesetters het weereens chaos veroorsaak. Hierdie keer op die R21 naby Olifantsfontein.

Die hoofweg is deur protesteerders geblokkeer vir verkeer, ‘n vragmotor is aan die brand gesteek en motoriste is met klippe bestook. ‘n Onbekende persoon is dood tydens die optrede maar die oorsaak van sy dood kon nie vasgestel word nie.

Verkeer vanaf die lughawe na Pretoria is ontwrig deur rommel wat op die pad gestort is en die pad is laat Sondagmiddag vir verkeer oopgestel nadat polisie die rommel verwyder het.

Deur: Die Vryburger