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Tshwane Metro Police Department officers pounce on robbery suspects

Pretoria – Tshwane Metro Police Department officers on Sunday arrested three men for possession of a car that was taken during a house robbery in Limpopo about two weeks ago.

The arrests were made in Barnett and Hilda streets in Hatfield at about 11am. The suspects had been on the run after committing another crime on Saturday.

Metro Police spokesperson Senior Superintendent Isaac Mahamba said the vehicle’s original number plate had been replaced.

The suspects, aged 24, 32 and 37, are facing charges of house robbery, attempted murder, possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition, as well as possession of a hijacked motor vehicle.

Mahamba said two charges were opened in Limpopo and the others yesterday in Pretoria.

“Between May 18 and 19, three suspects went to a house in Limpopo and committed house robbery and took a VW bakkie, a firearm, R4000 and bank cards and went to withdraw R5000 from the victim’s account.

“On Saturday night they went to a pub in Limpopo and an argument ensued between them and a man believed to be the owner of the car.

“They shot him, and his brother rushed him to hospital. Unfortunately, they were involved in a car accident on their way there, and we are yet to confirm their current state with the hospital,” he said.

Mahamba said the suspects traveled from Limpopo to Tshwane in the same car. By then, they had removed the original number plate of the car and replaced it with a GP one.

“We received information that these guys were coming to Pretoria, and our officers heard on the radio that the same car they were looking for was parked at a McDonald’s outlet in Colbyn.

“When they arrived, they saw a car moving away and followed, while calling for back-up from the SAPS. They managed to stop the car and arrest the men,” he said.

Of the three suspects, two are from Limpopo and the third a Zimbabwean. Their crimes were committed in Bogom and Ga-Mamabolo in Limpopo.

The three are in police custody and expected to appear in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court soon.

“They will appear in court soon after we have combined all the dockets,” Mahamba added.


This news release does not necessarily reflect the opinion of SA-news.

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Jo’burg:- Plastic bags will be banned at some of SA’s biggest malls, including Sandton City

JSE-listed real estate giant Liberty Two Degrees (L2D), which owns some of South Africa’s top shopping malls, says it will implement a “no plastic shopping bag” policy at its malls by 1 January 2020.

Some 1,808 tenant shops may have to drop plastic bags by the end of the year.

L2D’s shopping mall portfolio includes Sandton City, Melrose Arch, and the Eastgate complex.

L2D decided to take the “bold step to implement a ‘no plastic shopping bags’ policy across our malls to ensure that change starts with us,” said Amelia Beattie, the company’s chief executive, in a statement.

“With rising levels of plastic pollution in our country and oceans, it is no longer a case of best practice to eradicate the use of plastic shopping bags but rather a commitment of paramount importance and necessity. We are committed to implementing this initiative to drive our sustainability imperative,” said Beattie.

It has already introduced recycling drop-off booths at Sandton City and at Eastgate, and this will be expanded to all its malls.

In Johannesburg, more than 740 tenants at Sandton City will be affected, as well as 425 tenants at the Eastgate Complex and 171 tenants at Nelson Mandela Square.

The company also owns Liberty Midlands Mall (240 tenants) in KwaZulu-Natal, and Liberty Promenade Mitchells Plain (172 tenants), in the Western Cape.

In addition, L2D has interests in the mixed-use precinct of Melrose Arch and the newly developed Botshabelo Mall (57 tenants), in the Free State.


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Motoriste word gewaarsku dat boewe bedrywig is op die N4 – Oos snelweg op die Cullinan/Rayton afrit en die Diamond Hill tol-plaza

Motoriste word gewaarsku dat boewe bedrywig is op die N4 – Oos snelweg op die Cullinan/Rayton afrit en die Diamond Hill tol-plaza

Vyf voertuie se bande is in die vroeë oggendure van 27 Maart voor die tol-plaza beskadig. Dit wil voorkom asof skerp voorwerpe en hindernisse op daardie pad geplaas word om motoriste te dwing om stil te hou sodat hulle beroof kan word.

‘n Vrou wat in ‘n oostelike rigting op die snelweg gery het, berig dat sy oor twee onbekende hindernisse gery het en twee pap wiele gekry het. Sy het besluit om nie stil te hou nie en het deur die tolhek gery en by The Rose vulstasie aangedoen om na die skade te kyk. By die vulstasie het sy vier ander voertuie met beskadigde bande gevind en van daardie motors het al vier bande verloor. Volgens ‘n sekuriteit firma van Bronkhorstspruit was ten minste een ander motoris nie so gelukkig nie Hy het daardie nag van die pad afgetrek om insleep-dienste te skakel nadat sy bande beskadig is en is dadelik beroof.

‘n Polisiewoordvoerder sê dat die polisie bewus is van die probleem en die snelweg gereeld patrolleer. Verlede maand is ‘n Tradevest Logistics vragmotor die nag van 2 Maart op daardie deel van die snelweg gekaap.

Die vragmotor was van Nelspruit op pad na Rustenburg. Net na die Diamond Hill tolplaza en die Cullinan/Rayton afrit van die snelweg is hy van die pad af gedwing deur twee bakkies, een wat voor hom en een wat agter hom gery het. Twee van die vier mans in die bakkies het in die vragmotor se kajuit gespring en ‘n vuurwapen teen die bestuurder se kop gedruk.

Lesers en motoriste word aangemoedig om sulke voorvalle op hierdie deel van die snelweg te rapporteer aan die Cullinan se Polisiestasie by telefoon 012-7340751.

Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van nie.

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AfriForum dagvaar polisie om vir onwettige grondgryp te betaal – Polisie het versuim om hul pligte tydens ’n grondgryp naby Onderstepoort in Pretoria, uit te voer

AfriForum dagvaar polisie om vir grondgryp te betaal - Polisie het versuim om hul pligte tydens ’n grondgryp naby Onderstepoort in Pretoria, uit te voer

Die verontregte eienaar van ’n plaas naby Onderstepoort in Pretoria het vandag in samewerking met AfriForum ’n dagvaarding uitgereik teen Bheki Cele, minister van polisie, om die kostes en uitgawes verbonde aan ’n dringende uitsettingsaansoek in 2018 te verhaal. Die polisie het versuim om hul pligte tydens ’n grondgryp wat op die perseel plaasgevind het, uit te voer.

Die polisie het in Augustus verlede jaar geweier om dr. Motodi Maserumule by te staan om betreders te arresteer wat sy grond wederregtelik betree en begin het om strukture op te rig.

Dr. Maserumule het AfriForum genader en ’n dringende hofbevel bekom wat gelas het dat die betreders verwyder word, en dat die polisie die balju daarmee behulpsaam moet wees. Dr. Maserumule en AfriForum het die Rooimiere ’n mandaat gegee om die betreders en strukture te help verwyder.

“AfriForum raak betrokke by sake soos hierdie om toe te sien dat die polisie gedwing word om hulle werk te doen. Ons hoop dat hierdie eis as afskrikmiddel sal dien sou die polisie in die toekoms huiwer om hul grondwetlike mandaat uit te voer. AfriForum sal hierdie litigasieproses deursien ten einde die gemeenskap daarop attent te maak dat die wetstoepassingsowerhede se laksheid nie ongesiens verby gaan nie. Hierdie dagvaarding sal dien as ’n swaard oor die kop van instansies wat deur die Grondwet getaak word om burgers teen misdaad te beskerm. Hulle moet hul mandaat uitvoer of die gevolge dra,” sê Ian Cameron, AfriForum se hoof van gemeenskapsveiligheid.

Die dagvaarding is op die minister beteken. Hy het die geleentheid om ’n verweer teen die eis te opper al dan nie. Dan sal die proses gevolg word totdat ’n regter ’n beslissing hieroor kan maak.

“In die dagvaarding word daar verder versoek dat die minister ook die regskostes verbonde aan hierdie aksie moet betaal. Indien hy dus ’n poging aanwend om ’n power verweerskrif te liasseer, en die eis slaag, sal dit ’n duur oefening vir die polisie wees. AfriForum glo dat die polisie aan die einde van dié aksie twee keer sal dink voordat hulle hul plig weier,” sluit Marnus Kamfer, regs-en-risikobestuurder vir gemeenskapsveiligheid by AfriForum, af.

Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Pretoria beplan aktivering van ou kragsentrales as plan B indien Eskom nie aan die aanvraag van elektrisiteit kan voorsien

Pretoria beplan aktivering van ou kragsentrales as plan B indien Eskom nie aan die aanvraag van elektrisiteit kan voorsien

Die Stadsraad van Pretoria is glo besig om die twee ou kragsentrales van die stad op te gradeer en weer in werking te stel in die lig van die onsekerheid oor kraglewering deur Eskom.

Een kragsentrale in die westelike deel van die stad en die Rooiwal kragstasie beskik oor die gesamentlike potensiaal om 1,000 MW krag te lewer as hulle opgradeer word.

Die twee aanlegte is aanvanklik opgerig om met antrasiet te werk, maar omdat die uitvoer prys daarvan baie goed is, het dit meer voordeel ingehou as wat dit met elektrisiteit opwekking is.

Die omskakeling na steenkool kan bekostigbaar wees, maar inwoners sê die opgradering moet ook die versekering bied dat lugbesoedeling nie die stad onleefbaar maak nie.

Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Die myn wat die wêreld se grootste diamant gelewer het, het nou weer ’n groot blinke uitgehaal – Nog ’n knewel van ’n diamant gevind by Cullinan

Die myn wat die wêreld se grootste diamant gelewer het, het nou weer ’n groot blinke gelewer - Nog ’n knewel van ’n diamant gevind by Cullinan

Cullinan, die klein dorpie oos van Pretoria is gewoonlik net in die nuus as daar nog ’n knewel van ’n diamant gevind is soos wat nou weer die geval is.

Die myn, wat die wêreld se grootste diamant gelewer het, het nou weer ’n groot blinke gelewer – bykans ’n eeu nadat die opspraakwekkende diamant gevind is wat tans in besit van die koninklike forste huis van Brittanje is.

Die Petra myn se jongste fonds het sy aandele op die beurs laat spring met 7% tot die vreugde van sy eienaars in ’n tyd wat die diamantbedryf maar ’n minder goeie tyd deurmaak.

Volgens die Petra Diamonds se webtuiste is die diamant ’n tipe D kleur en 425.19 karaat, wat een van die groter diamante is wat die wêreld tot dusvêr opgelewer het.

Die wêreld se grootste diamant is ook uit Cullinan afkomstig, en met 1,055.89 karaat, is die pragstuk die eiendom van die Koninklike Huis van Koningin Elizabeth in Engeland.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Frail and elderly patients at Huis Davidtz Retirement Home take on role of nurses after yet another service disruption at the home

Frail and elderly patients at Huis Davidtz Retirement Home take on role of nurses due to strike action

Pretoria – The frail and elderly patients at Huis Davidtz Retirement Home assumed the role of nurses, while they cleaned dishes and swept the floor, after yet another service disruption at the home.

Some did not receive their daily chronic medication, while others were cleaned and fed late.

One patient who has arthritis lay with a urine filled and unchanged diaper, which further gave the room a strong scent.

The person was one of many patients at the troubled centre in the CBD, who have been left unattended while staff, who have worked there for decades without work contracts, went on strike.

The issue of contracts date back to two decades ago with staff claiming they have worked at the home for more than 20 years without employment contracts.

They also made allegations of racism, the abuse of patients by management, being underpaid, and more.

In August, disgruntled nurses, volunteers, chefs and cleaners went on a three-day strike, led by the EFF with police keeping watch.

It came on the heels of another protest in March. Only four staff nurses are currently volunteering to look after more than 1000 patients but said they were barely coping.

One volunteer said she resorted to asking some of the patients to assist with duties.

One of the workers who has also downed tools said they feared the Life Esidimeni tragedy would repeat itself at the centre.

They vowed not to go back to work until something was done.

“We don’t want another Life Esidimeni incident here, but we also don’t have a choice because we want to see these issues get resolved.

The government if fully aware of what’s happening here but no one wants to assist us, so we are not going back to work until we get the help we need,” she said.

The Social Development MEC, Nandi Mayathula-Khoza, called for an urgent investigation into the home in August last year.

Mayathula-Khoza asked for a full report with solid evidence on all allegations labelled against the centre, which led to employees going on strike.

She asked for the report during her visit to the centre. She said she could only come up with an action plan to resolve the issues once a report has been compiled.

Pretoria News
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.

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HUGE LAND CLAIM IN CENTURION – Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway, property affected is estimated at over R4Billion

HUGE LAND CLAIM IN CENTURION - Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway, property affected is estimated at over R4Billion

As we reported before, land claims in suburban areas are becoming the norm. The stark reality is that people should realize that these land claims are a far greater threat than what they initially thought.

Front National attended a meeting on 19 February 2019, held by Afriforum at Leriba Lodge, pertaining to the pending land claim in Centurion. The land claim stretches over 4000 hectares and it effects more than 2000 households. This includes areas such as: Zwartkop, Doornkloof, Rooihuiskraal, Olievenhoutbosch, Hoekplaats, Trigaardspoort, The Reeds, Brakfontein, Heuweloord, Louwlardia, Kosmosdal and Midstream. Some properties have up to seven claims on the same property and each claim must be dealt with individually. Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal (with 2000 Afrikaans pupils) and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway. The total value of all the property affected is estimated at over R4Billion. The attendance was huge and more than 1000 people attended the meeting. Front National stands in solidarity with their members who are also affected by these land claims and Front National supports any initiative that will appose these questionable land claims.

Kallie Kriel, CEO of Afriforum, says that political leaders have created unrealistic expectations about land and that Afriforum will not stand back and allow legal owners of land pay the price for this.

As we reported before, the claim was lodged in 1998 on behalf of 39 members of the Mahlangu family, but only gazetted 20 years later, in June 2018. In the meantime all the original claimants passed on. That alone raises many question marks why the claimants waited a full 20 years before the claim was gazetted. A similar claim is also pending in Pretoria-East.

Ian Cameron, head of safety for Afriforum, says that since the 1st of January 2019, over 70 land-grabs were reported. Irresponsible comments by politicians and frivolous land claims is setting the tone for these kind of land-grabs. Afriforum have drafted and outlined a comprehensive 13 point plan to fight these land claims in Centurion.

Willie Spies, form Hurter & Spies Attorneys, says that property ownership in South Africa is severely under threat. The looming changes to Sec25 of the Constitution, compounds the problem. Currently, any person who wants to sell their property, or rent out their property or make any changes on the property must first give 30 days notice to the Land claims Commissioner. Government have given an extension on all land claims until June 2019. Indications are that there is another 15 pending land claims in the Centurion area and will be submitted before June 2019.

These claims have a direct influence on property values. But it not only influences the properties directly affected by the claims, but it also effects the value of neighboring properties as well.

Residents have formed a civic rights group called ReThRo. Both Afriforum and ReThRo have taken hands to address this land claim together. Any person who would like to find out if their property is affected by the land claim can visit their website and see on the maps if their property is on the list. Their website is:

These land claims have set the tone of what we can expect in the future. Suburban areas, including schools and highways are under threat and we need to take heed of what is happening. Land claims are not just limited to farms or empty pieces of land anymore.

We encourage our members to submit their mandates and objections on the allocated Afriforum website. Even if you are not affected by the land claim, you can still object to the land claim as these land claims directly influence property rights and property values. You can also find out more about the land claims and what they entail. Go to:
People can also submit queries to: [email protected]

Front National agree that property rights are fundamental rights that are protected by International Law. We also encourage our members to fight these dubious land claims collectively. Every legal remedy should be used to protect your property rights. BUT, we do not know for how long can our people stave off these land claims and land grabs indefinitely. We have seen what happened in Zimbabwe and we see many similarities happening here in South Africa. We need to keep in mind that the Land Claim Commissioners are political appointees and the mere fact that these kind of questionable and dubious claims are even considered and the looming changes to Section 25 of the Constitution, should serve as a serious warning.

Front National maintains that the only sure way that we can guarantee our future and guarantee the protection of our property rights, is to have self-determination in our own self-governed area. We have the right to self-determination in terms of trite International Law, several International Treaties and Section 235 of our Constitution. It is time that we claim our right.

Front Nasionaal
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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How to smash and grab a brand new stadium in SA – New Tshwane stadium worth R44.3 million already in ruins in less than a year

How to smash and grab a brand stadium in SA- New Tshwane stadium worth R44.3 million already in ruins in less than a year

Thieves have stolen almost the entire Zithobeni stadium near Bronkhorstspruit in Gauteng, which was built for R44.3 million just over a year ago by the Tshwane metro.

Water pipes, electrical fittings, door and window frames, and the cafeteria’s roll-down service opening have been stolen, and now the perimeter fence is going.

Urinals, toilet bowls, basins and copper pipe fittings have been ripped from the walls of all the ablution facilities.

Bathroom fittings that could not be stolen have been destroyed and turned into a heap of rubble, with electrical fittings also ripped off the walls and rafters.

Almost the entire facility’s doors, as well as door and window frames, have either been stolen or vandalised.

The cafeteria’s roll-down service opening has been stolen, with dressing rooms and guardrooms not spared the rampage.

Water is seeping and flowing around after thieves stole pipe fittings and taps, with freshly painted walls covered in obscene statements.

Players and spectators have no choice but to relieve themselves on the floor, resulting in a permanent nauseating stench.

Electronic turnstile operating systems at the entrance have been stripped – and now thieves have begun stealing the soccer pitch’s perimeter fence.

The stadium has all the hallmarks of an abandoned community facility, with the once-lush lawn disappearing, reducing the soccer pitch to a bare dusty ground. Weeds cover the paved parking area, stall floors and walkways, and rubbish is piling up.

According to residents, the facility was abandoned after the 2016 local government elections during which the ANC lost the city’s administration to the DA.

Philani Ntuli, 17, said the facility was never handed over to the community after construction and was left with no security. Thieves and vandals stripped it under cover of darkness.

“They are eating up the stadium like termites. It is puzzling why the municipality abandoned the stadium after spending millions in taxpayers’ money,” he said.

Another resident, Sarah Ngwenya said: “With no security, the nyaope addicts moved in and stole everything.”

The thieves even dug out trees around the stadium to sell on the main road. People were now stripping the paving bricks.

“What happened here is sad,” she said.

The metro said the extent of the damage was yet to be established but the costs would likely be covered by insurance.

Spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said the stadium was completed in April last year when the contractor left the site. At the time there were security guards provided by their regional office in Region 7, but security was withdrawn due to challenges he did not specify.

“There is a city-wide challenge with provision of security personnel since April this year, but plans are under way to have the security reinstated at the facility,” Mashigo said.

He confirmed the facility was never handed over to the community because there were outstanding issues with town planning.

“The consolidation of the two erven on which the facility is situated must be finalised,” Mashigo said.

[email protected]

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Waarskuwing: Nuwe dwelm middel, soortgelyk aan dagga, laat beland jong tieners in ernstige toestand in hospitaal

Polisie het dringend ‘n onbekende stof vir forensiese toetsing gestuur, na 14 jong volwassenes en tieners wat in Pretoria woonagtig is na die hospitaal gehaas moes word nadat hulle ’n onbekende kruiemengsel wat bekend staan as puff or blazing gebruik het.

Dit kom na die voorval waar drie tieners van Pretoria-Wes, Maandagmiddag na die hospitaal gehaas moet word, geklee nog in hul skooldrag, nadat hulle die onbekende stof gerook het.

Xander Loubser, woordvoerder van BestCare, het die voorval bevestig en gesê dat die drie tieners in ‘n ernstige toestand was en is behandel vir simptome soos aanvalle, psigose, naarheid, braking en hallusinasies.

Al drie tieners is gestabiliseer en na die Eugene Marais-hospitaal vervoer vir verdere mediese sorg.

In ‘n video wat wat geneem is, kan gesien word hoe een van die leerlinge, met ’n drup in sy arm, hewig veg en baklei met een van die paramedici. Daar kan ook op die greep gehoor word dat die seun ontken dat hy iets gerook het. Op die toneel waar die seun gevind is, het die noodhulp beamptes ’n verdagte pakkie opgetel met ’n onbekende stof wat amper soos dagga lyk.


Kapt. Augustina Selepe, woordvoerder van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens, het gesê die onbekende stof is verpak in ‘n swart sakkie. Die stof is soortgelyk aan dagga, het Selepe gesê.

“SAPD het dringend die stof na ‘n SAPD-forensiese laboratorium gestuur vir toetsing. Die polisie het intussen ‘n ondersoek geloods wagtend op die forensiese uitslae.”

Die dwelm wat amper dieselfde voorkoms as dagge vertoon, word in aantreklike pakkies verkoop wat soortgelyk is aan kondoom verpakkings. Dit staan bekend as Huff, Blazing, Fun Bubblegum, Tutti Frutti en Crazy Coconut.

Die dwelm word ook in ‘n zol gerol, soos die dwelm middel dagga, en dan gerook.

Die polisie het ouers gevra om hul kinders te waarsku oor die gevare van die gebruik van onbekende stowwe. Een van die grootste struikelblok is, is dat die dwelm na bewering vrylik beskik baar is en  kan gekoop word in die tabak winkels en by drankwinkels sommer so oor die toonbank.

Die polisie het  intussen ook ouers aangemoedig om verdagte pakkies te verwyder wat hul kinders in hul besit het en die saak aan die polisie rapporteer.

Die volgende whatsup stemboodskap is gestuur deur een van die paramidici wat op van die tonele was.

Deur: Elizaan de Koker