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Reeksmoordenaar los in Pretoria wat op haweloses teer – Lyk van 5de hawelose man in Pretoria gekry

Reeksmoordenaar los in Pretoria wat op haweloses teer - Lyk van 5de hawelose man in Pretoria gekry

Die polisie het Woensdag die lyk van ‘n vyfde hawelose slagoffer in Pretoria gekry nadat vier hawelose mans reeds die afgelope paar weke vermoor is.

Brig. Mathapelo Peters, polisiewoordvoerder, sê hulle het ‘n taakspan op die been gebring om die moorde te ondersoek nadat die vyfde lyk sowat 400 m van die Unisa-kampus in Muckleneuk gevind is.

“Die polisie kan bevestig dat minstens vyf lyke tot dusver gekry is. Die lyke is oor die bestek van twee tot drie weke gevind, in verskillende dele van Muckleneuk in die Pretoriase middestad.”

Peters sê die ondersoek is steeds aan die gang, maar die polisie kan reeds bevestig dat die vermoordes almal middeljarige, hawelose mans is, wat in die nag vermoor is.

Sy sê lt.genl. Elias Mawela, Gauteng se polisiehoof, het ‘n taakspan op die been gebring om die moorde te prioritiseer sodat hulle kan seker maak die skuldiges word so gou moontlik gevang.


‘n Bebloede kombers en blou handskoen lê in die Magnoliadalpark waar die lyke van twee mans vroeër gevind is. Foto: Felix Dlangamandla

Die polisie het ook ‘n beroep op private veiligheidsmaatskappye en lede van die publiek gedoen om te help om die skuldiges vas te trek.

Mawela sê hulle wil nie paniek onder die mense in Muckleneuk saai nie, maar hulle wil hê mense moet versigtig wees en hul oë oophou.

Dinsdagoggend het die Tshwane-metropolisie op die lyk van ’n vierde man op die hoek van Justice Mahomed- en Troyestraat in Sunnyside gekry.

Die lyk van die eerste man is op 25 Mei by die Mearspark-treinstasie in Sunnyside gekry. Nadat die lyke van die tweede en derde slagoffer op 8 en 9 Junie in Magnolia Dell, naby die treinstasie, gekry is, het die vraag ontstaan of ’n reeksmoordenaar in Pretoria hawelose mans vermoor.

Volgens kapt. Daniel Mavimbela, polisiewoordvoerder, volg ondersoekbeamptes alle moontlike leidrade op om die moordenaar(s) vas te trek.

“Ek kan nie in die stadium sê dat dit die werk van ’n reeksmoordenaar is nie, maar die moontlikheid daarvan word wel ondersoek,” sê Mavimbela.

“Dinsdag se slagoffer is tussen 06:00 en 07:00 gevind. Die man het ’n besering aan die agterkant van sy kop gehad en ’n moorddossier is geopen. Die nadoodse ondersoek sal verder lig werp op wat tot die man se dood gelei het.”

Die identiteit van al die slagoffers moet nog deur die polisie vasgestel word.

Wayne Renkin, projekkoördineerder van die Tshwane Leadership Foundation (TLF) wat met hawelose mense in Pretoria werk, sê dat die jongste moorde op hawelose mans onrusbarend is.

“Haweloses in die stad is ongelooflik kwesbaar, veral mans en seuns wat nie soos die vroue toegang tot veilige huisvesting het nie. Nie net is hulle uitgelewer aan die natuur nie, maar ook aan menslike elemente. Ek dink dit is hoog tyd dat die regering ingryp en leë geboue tydelik vir haweloses oopstel.


“Solly Msimanga, vorige burgemeester van Tshwane, het belowe om na so ’n moontlikheid te kyk, maar daar het dadels van gekom,” sê Renkin.

Volgens hom is daar ongeveer 6 244 hawelose mense in Pretoria.

“Dit is gegrond op inligting van 2011 se sensus, maar ons dink dit is veel meer.”

Renkin wil hê die regering moet by die situasie ingryp.

“Alles lyk altyd op vergaderings mooi op papier, maar as die bereidwilligheid in die praktyk ontbreek, lei dit uiteindelik tot frustrasie, veral onder organisasies soos die TLF wat daagliks met talle haweloses werk en weet hoe groot die nood is. Hawelose mans in Pretoria word voor die voet deur iemand afgemaai. Die vraag is nou wat ons as ’n gemeenskap daaromtrent gaan doen.”

-Netwerk 24
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New crime trend! Cops say wi-fi detectors used to steal cellphones, laptops from cars

New crime trend! Cops say wi-fi detectors used to steal cellphones, laptops from cars

Pretoria – Police believe they have uncovered the reason behind the high number of theft of cellphones and laptops out of cars in the city and anywhere else across the country.

Spokesperson Captain Collett Weilbach said criminals were using increasingly sophisticated, directional wi-fi detectors to home in on the laptop or cellphone.

This could detect the gadgets from where they had been hidden, be it under the seat of the car or in the boot.

Weilbach urged members of the public, particularly motorists, to turn off the wi-fi of laptops and cellphones to avoid opening an invitation to thieves.

Police in the Brooklyn area, largely populated by students, as well as Sunnyside and the CBD have reported on an increase in the number of laptops stolen out of motor vehicles.

“I parked my car and walked to a restaurant, and all was well. On my return about two hours later, I noticed that one of the rear windows had been smashed.

“I checked under the driver’s seat where my laptop, valued at R15 000, had been, and was alarmed to find it gone.”

She said the laptop couldn’t be seen from any of the windows, and was thus puzzling how the perpetrators could have spotted it.

“I am convinced that they used some kind of a device to detect that I had a laptop in the car. I did not touch the laptop after parking the car, and it had been under the seat the entire time.”

Weilbach said in the majority of the cases, only laptops were stolen out of vehicles.

“The possibility is investigated that there is a new device that allow criminals to locate laptops in parked vehicles.

“Surrounding vehicles are not broken into; the criminals somehow break only into the car (with) laptops.” she said.

She said parking areas at shopping centres, schools, hospitals, sport events and gyms were targeted.

“Sometimes the doors or boots are forced open, and other times windows are broken to gain access.

“In a few incidents there are no signs of forced entry to the vehicle.

“The reports over weekends are the highest,” she said.

The police have cautioned motorists not to leave valuables inside a parked vehicle. Laptop owners in particular were advised to switch these off when travelling to make it invisible to other Bluetooth or wi-fi enabled devices and detectors.

Pretoria News
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Pa van twee veg vir sy lewe na 6 skote hom tref tydens huisinbraak

Pa van twee veg vir sy lewe na 6 skote hom tref tydens huisinbraak

Jan Schoeman ’n pa van twee, veg vir sy lewe in die intensiewe-sorgeenheid van Netcare Montana hospitaal na rowers hom ses keer geskiet het tydens ’n huisbraak in Pretoria-Noord.  Twee verdagtes het van die skiettoeneel gevlug,  met slegs die gesin se TV en ’n skoolsak in hul besit.  Die aanval vorm deel van die terreur wat tans daagliks teen inwoners, feitlik almal blank, in die land gevoer word.

Wat veronderstel was om ’n normale weeksdag vir die Schoeman-gesin moes wees, het ontaard in ’n nagmerrie toe rowers vroegoggend by hul woning ingebreek het.  Schoeman se vrou vertel dat sy besig was in die  kombuis,  toe sy ’n slag hoor van ’n venster wat breek.  Schoeman het ondersoek kom instel en hom vasgeloop in die rowers waartydens ’n struweling ontstaan en skote afgevuur is.  Sy vertel haar man is per ambulans hospitaal toe geneem, waar hy onder sedasie geplaas is, sy toestand is kritiek.  Polisiewoordvoerder Kaptein Matthews Nkoadi het bevestig dat ’n saak van poging tot moord ondersoek word en dat die verdagtes gevlug het met ’n televisiestel asook verskeie ander items.

Die jongste voorval het net nog ‘n statistiek geword in ‘n land waar misdaad ‘n ernstige krisis geword het, die nuutste syfers van AfriForum toon aan dat 53 mense daagliks vermoor word regoor SA, terwyl  plaasmoorde en -aanvalle  kommerwekkend is; Mei alleen was daar 46 aanvalle en 7 moorde op plase en in Junie is alreeds 5 aanvalle en ‘n moord, aangeteken.

Elizaan De Koker


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Plot robberies, rape on the rise in the Pretoria North – communities asked to beef up their security

Plot robberies, rape on the rise in the Pretoria North - communities asked to beef up their security

A spate of crimes are being committed on plots in Pretoria North, particularly house robberies and rape. “Criminals are now going to the extent of stealing solar panels from the roofs of houses.”

This is according to police spokesperson Captain Matthews Nkoadi.

He explained the perpetrators were usually in groups of two or three wearing balaclavas and wielding guns.

“We urge communities in that area to up their security and inform us of any suspicious activities,” Nkoadi said.

Other popular crimes he identified included robberies of hair salons, taxis and buses.

“Criminals are now going to the extent of stealing solar panels from the roofs of houses,” he said.

Other forms of crime in Pretoria North seem to be on the decrease.

Nkoadi also said students in other parts of Pretoria were still being targeted by false prophets who were roaming the streets.

“We urge our students to please be more clever than these people,” he said.

He added that most robberies took place in the evening at around 20:00.

Meanwhile Toyota Quantum robbers have been “quiet”.

This follows after Thabo Baloyi was found dead last week. He had been reported missing earlier.

AUTHOR Keitumetse Maako/ Rekord North
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Pretoria’s homeless people targeted by ‘Serial killer’ – bodies of three victims found over period of twee weeks

Pretoria's homeless people targeted by 'Serial killer' - bodies of three victims found over period of twee weeks

A serial killer may be on the loose in Pretoria, targeting homeless people sleeping in parks in the city.

According to eNCA, three homeless men have been murdered in the same manner in the past two weeks.

The station reported that the latest body was found on Tuesday at the Magnolia Dell Park in Muckleneuk.

Another body was reportedly found in the same park, while the body of a third victim was found close to the park two weeks ago, according to Pretoria News.

All victims were reportedly killed in their sleep. They were stabbed and hit by a blunt object, according to eNCA.

Around 6 000 people in Pretoria are reportedly considered homeless.

According to a representative of an NGO who works closely with homeless people in the city, more homeless people have reported being attacked in a similar way, but managed to escape.

Lucky escape

“They’ve been reporting violence towards them. We spoke to a guy three weeks ago who was sleeping when he was stabbed. He woke up and got away, luckily, and he’s still alive,” the unnamed representative told eNCA.

Police spokesperson Captain Daniel Mavimbela said that intelligence units had been deployed.

“We are also patrolling areas that are frequented by homeless people to ensure we heighten awareness among them.”

News24 reported that police have launched a manhunt following the discovery of two bodies in Magnolia Park, Pretoria, at the weekend.

“Though the deceased were found to have suffered blunt force trauma and multiple stab wounds to the upper body, the motive behind the killings and their identities remain subject to an investigation,” Mavimbela said in a statement.

“Sunnyside police have launched a manhunt and deployed among others, forensic experts, multiple informers and intelligence networks following the discovery of the third body of a homeless man at Muckelneuk’s Magnolia Park in Tshwane on Sunday.”

-News 24
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It’s all systems go for Atteridgeville R1.2bn Capital Mall

The much-anticipated R1.2 billion Capital Mall in Atteridgeville will go ahead despite efforts to halt its construction on the basis that it would “cannibalize” smaller shopping centres in the vicinity.

MMC for Economic Development and Spatial Planning Isak Pietersen said the City of Tshwane’s Appeals Tribunal successfully intervened in the impasse, which threatened to block the development.

The legal wrangling was between the developer, McCormick Property Development, and Safari Investments, over the threats posed by the new mall on the existing shopping centres.

Pietersen said the complaint was overturned on the basis that it lacked substance and went against the spirit of competition permitted in business.

He said the mall construction was an example of what the City wanted to do by creating a conducive economic environment for job creation.

“The aim of the City is to make sure we create those jobs and this is going to make sure that we create jobs,” he said.

The project would be in line with the City’s transport system plans, accommodating A Re Yeng bus system from the CBD towards the direction of the mall, Pietersen said.

“A lot of people who are going to use buses will have an opportunity to use the shopping mall.”

He said he was not sure when construction would start.

“There was an issue emanating from the appeal of the opposite mall that the big mall would cannibalise the smaller malls there. The matter was solved,” he said.

The project head of communications, Gayle Crow, said it was all systems go on the mega-development set to serve the entire Pretoria West region.

“An appeal to halt the development was overturned during a sitting of the City of Tshwane’s Municipal Appeals Tribunal in April, paving the way for the development of the iconic 60000m² regional mall, which will bring more than 3000 employment opportunities to the surrounding communities,” she said.

Crow said the mall would have direct access to both the N4 and WF Nkomo Street and situated on the planned N4/R55 interchange.

The double level mall will also anchor Capital City, an R5bn mixed-use development.

“The development node includes a 1500-bed private hospital, value retail centre, motor dealerships, affordable housing, student housing, schooling and community facilities,” Crow said.

The mall would probably open towards the end of 2021.

-Pretoria News

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Father of two was shot six times in a home invasion incident in north of Pretoria

A father of two in the north of Pretoria was in a critical condition after he was shot six times in a home invasion.

“It’s so surreal. I cannot believe my husband Jan is in ICU and fighting for his life,” Lorna Schoeman told Rekord.

A normal weekday for the Schoeman family in Great Dane Street in Hesteapark turned into a nightmare when two men suddenly entered their home at around 04:50.

Schoeman said she was in the kitchen preparing their children’s school lunches when she heard a window break.

“Something was thrown through the window, and the next moment there were two unknown men in our house.”

A struggle ensued between her husband Jan, who had just woken up, and the attackers in the hallway.

“The next moment the gunshots were fired,” said Schoeman.

Schoeman said Jan was rushed to the Netcare Montana Hospital.

“The bullets did a lot of damage. I just want my husband to recover; there is still a long road ahead as he is in critical condition.”

The couple’s two children, aged 12 and 18, were left unharmed during the attack.

“I can’t believe they didn’t shoot me. I stood there and screamed and screamed. I have never in my life screamed as I did. I hoped and prayed that they would not hurt me nor my children.”

The robbers fled the scene with two television sets and one of the children’s school bags.

“I am so thankful for the paramedics who responded so promptly and to the doctors who treated my husband. The Lord was with my husband.”

A friend of the family has posted on Facebook for the community to pray for Jan.

Tshwane police cluster spokesperson Captain Matthews Nkoadi confirmed a case of attempted murder was being investigated.

“The victim was shot multiple times in the upper body before he was taken to the hospital.”


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AfriForum onthul skokkende nuus: 56 wit skoolmeisies weens ras uit Gauteng-netbalspanne gelaat

Die burgerregteorganisasie AfriForum het in Pretoria bekend gemaak dat dié organisasie die keurders vir die Gautengse o.12- tot o.18-skolespanne se puntestate bekom het.

Dié puntestate bewys dat 56 wit meisies, wat volgens die keurders se beoordeling op meriete vir die spanne gekies moes word, egter weens hul ras uit die spanne gelaat is.

AfriForum het reeds namens 12 van die benadeelde meisies se ouers amptelike klagtes by Netbal Suid-Afrika (NSA), Suid-Afrikaanse Skolenetbal (SASN) en Gauteng Skolenetbal (GSN) ingedien. Dié klagtes eis onder meer dat rassekwotas afgeskaf moet word en dat die benadeelde meisies skriftelik erkenning van GSN moet kry dat hulle wél op meriete gekies moes word. (Die volledige klag en die keurders se puntestate word hierby aangeheg.)

AfriForum en die ouers het in hul klagtes aan die bogenoemde netbalinstellings aangedui dat, sou daar nie binne 14 dae aan hul eise voldoen word nie, ’n amptelike klag van rassediskriminsaie teen NSA by die Internasionale Netbalfederasie (INF) ingedien sal word. Indien nodig sal die saak ook na die internasionale Hof vir Arbitrasie in Sport (CAS) geneem word. Die INF se reëls, asook dié van sowel die Internasionale Olimpiese Komitee as die Statebondspelefederasie, verbied uitdruklik enige vorm van rassediskriminasie.

Kallie Kriel, uitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, wys daarop dat die 56 meisies wat suiwer op grond van hulle velkleur benadeel is, tussen 2001 en 2007 gebore is. Hulle is dus ná oudpresident Mandela se ampstermyn gebore.

“Dié jong kinders se waardigheid word ernstig geskend omdat hulle nou gestraf word vir ’n vorige bedeling waaraan hulle geen aandeel gehad het nie,” voeg Kriel by. Kriel vra hoe ’n mens vir ’n twaalfjarige meisie moet verduidelik dat sy goed genoeg is om ’n span te haal, maar dat haar ras (wat sy nie self gekies het nie) bepaal dat sy nie die span mag haal nie.

Volgens Kriel poog NSA en ander Suid-Afrikaanse sportliggame telkens om hul rassediskriminasie teen kinders met ’n kwotastelsel te regverdig deur dit voor te hou as ’n poging om ongelykhede reg te stel deur geleenthede te bied aan kinders wat skoolgaan by arm, agtergeblewe skole sonder toegang tot goeie fasiliteite en afrigting.

’n Ontleding van die spankeuses van die Gautengse skolespanne dui daarop dat 49 van die 56 meisies wat op grond van ras (en nie meriete nie) gekies is, in gegoede skole (privaat of voormalige model C‑skole) skoolgaan wat oor goeie fasiliteite en afrigters beskik. “Dit beteken dat die rassediskriminasie wat met die spankeuses gepaardgegaan het ’n suiwer poging is om ’n rasgedrewe ideologie te dien, en nie daarop gemik is om geleenthede vir arm kinders te skep nie,” sê Kriel.

Kriel wys daarop dat AfriForum sterk ten gunste daarvan is dat netbalspelers in arm gemeenskappe ontwikkel word. “Die feit dat die spankeusesyfers wys dat NSA klaaglik daarin misluk om spelers in arm skole te ontwikkel, kan nie as regverdiging vir NSA dien om sy eie mislukkings te probeer verbloem deur nou blatant op grond van ras teen kinders te diskrimineer en hul menswaardigheid te skend nie.”

Volgens Kriel het 42 swart meisies die Gautengse spanne op meriete gehaal. Dit is tragies dat hierdie beduidende getal goeie swart spelers nou ook benadeel word deurdat die rassekwotastelsel op onregverdige wyse die kwota-etiket om hul nekke hang.

AfriForum eis ook in sy skrywe dat die Suid-Afrikaanse netbalinstellings ’n uiteensetting verskaf van watter objektiewe kriteria gebruik word om kinders sonder hul ouers se toestemming op grond van ras vir die doeleindes van spankeuses te klassifiseer. AfriForum eis ook dat ’n volledige uiteensetting van NSA se ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe in arm gemeenskappe aan die organisasie verskaf word, aangesien AfriForum graag positiewe insette wil lewer ter verbetering van NSA se planne, wat klaarblyklik misluk as die gebrek in spanne aan spelers uit arm skole in ag geneem word.

Volgens Henk Maree, hoof van AfriForum Jeug, is NSA se diskriminasie teen wit skoolmeisies een van talle voorbeelde van hoe jongmense, wat graag ’n positiewe bydrae tot hul provinsies en land wil maak, op groot skaal vervreem word omdat hulle weens hul velkleur soos tweederangse burgers in hul geboorteland behandel word.

Maree wys daarop dat AfriForum Jeug nooit by hierdie soort benadeling van kinders en jongmense sal berus nie en dat sy organisasie elke meganisme tot sy beskikking sal gebruik om enduit te veg vir ’n samelewing waarin alle jongmense as eersterangse burgers beskou word.

Volgens AfriForum kan die publiek help om te wys dat daar wydverspreide teenkanting teen die kwotastelsel is deur hul name by klagtes teen NSA te voeg wat by die internasionale liggame ingedien gaan word. Die publiek kan hul name na 32687te SMS (R1).


Hierdie nuusberig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUKnuus nie.

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Gerugte doen die rondte dat 5 DA lede slegs op die stadsraad van Pretoria dien weens hul skelmstreke met nominasies

Van die sowat 93 lede van die DA wat dien in die stadsraad van Pretoria, is da blykbaar 5 lede wat onwettig op die raad is weens bedrog met nominasies.

Die vyf lede kan uitgeskakel word indien die beskuldigings teen hulle bewys word en hulle skuldig bevind sou word.

Die party se federale regskommissie ondersoek glo die aangeleentheid, en indien bevind word dat die vyf lede nie korrek genomineer is nie, sal hulle as onwettige indringers beskou word.

John Moodey, ’n provinsiale leier van die linkse party het bevestig dat ondersoek na die vyf persone se nominasies gedoen word.

Politieke waarnemers sê dit sal goed gemoniteer word of die vyf lede, wanneer hulle moontlik skuldig bewys word, die aansienlike bedrae wat hulle wederregtelik ontvang het, gaan terugbetaal.

-Die Vryburger
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Two more suspects arrested in connection with Mamelodi pre-school robbery

Gauteng police have arrested two more suspects in connection with the robbery of international students at a pre-school in Mamelodi East, Pretoria, earlier this month.

According to police spokesperson Brigadier Mathapelo Peters, one of the suspects was arrested in Limpopo on Friday while the other was caught in Mpumalanga on Saturday.

Eighteen students and two professors from the US, who were on an outreach visit at the Viva Foundation School in Mamelodi East, were attacked and robbed by five armed suspects two weeks ago.

Service Maimela, 30, was arrested a few days later at the Pienaarspoort informal settlement in Mamelodi East. He appeared in the Mamelodi Magistrate’s Court last Monday on charges of robbery, attempted murder and assault.

The matter was postponed to Monday, May 27 for further investigations, said Peters.

Peters said the police were still processing the dockets of the two additional suspects, adding that they were most likely to appear in court along with Maimela.

“Both suspects are due in court on Monday 27 May 2019, pending confirmation of the court,” she said.

The US tourists were robbed of their laptops, cellphones, cameras, passports, plane tickets, bags and US dollars.

“The intelligence-driven operation will continue as police are optimistic that it is only a matter of time until the remaining suspects are arrested,” Peters said.


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