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Prasa will completely close Pretoria Railway Station with no trains accessing the station for 40 days

Prasa will completely close Pretoria Railway Station with no trains accessing the station for 40 days

Prasa will completely close Pretoria Railway Station with no trains accessing the station for 40 days with effect from December 14 until January 22.

The work will involve the replacement of old signals, turnouts and points machines as part of Prasa’s modernisation programme. The benefits of a new modernised infrastructure will be a safer, faster, smoother and world class train service with improved traveling times.

An occupation will be taken during this period and trains will be monitored to ensure safe movement. During the construction phase the following train service will apply:

1. Trains from the Saulsville corridor (00), De Wildt corridor (44) and Mabopane (18) will turn around at Bosman Station.

2. All trains on the northern side will terminate at Bosman Station and Mears Street Station.

3. A shuttle train service (31s) will run between Mears Street Station and Koedoespoort. Buses will ferry commuters to Bosman Station.

4. Another shuttle train service (81s) will run between Pienaarspoort to Bosman via Capital Park route.

5. All Johannesburg – Pretoria trains (06s) will turn at Centurion Station, buses will ferry commuters to Bosman Station.

6. The only tickets that will be sold are to commuters traveling between listed stations.

Commuters are advised to adhere to the service announcements made at stations during this period to be familiar with the revised train timetable.

The final testing and commissioning of the newly installed electronic signalling system in the Park Station complex is going well. Many platforms had been turned back to operations running with the new system, proving that the transition from the old system to the new electronic interlocking system had been a huge success.

By: kemptonexpress

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How to smash and grab a brand new stadium in SA – New Tshwane stadium worth R44.3 million already in ruins in less than a year

How to smash and grab a brand stadium in SA- New Tshwane stadium worth R44.3 million already in ruins in less than a year

Thieves have stolen almost the entire Zithobeni stadium near Bronkhorstspruit in Gauteng, which was built for R44.3 million just over a year ago by the Tshwane metro.

Water pipes, electrical fittings, door and window frames, and the cafeteria’s roll-down service opening have been stolen, and now the perimeter fence is going.

Urinals, toilet bowls, basins and copper pipe fittings have been ripped from the walls of all the ablution facilities.

Bathroom fittings that could not be stolen have been destroyed and turned into a heap of rubble, with electrical fittings also ripped off the walls and rafters.

Almost the entire facility’s doors, as well as door and window frames, have either been stolen or vandalised.

The cafeteria’s roll-down service opening has been stolen, with dressing rooms and guardrooms not spared the rampage.

Water is seeping and flowing around after thieves stole pipe fittings and taps, with freshly painted walls covered in obscene statements.

Players and spectators have no choice but to relieve themselves on the floor, resulting in a permanent nauseating stench.

Electronic turnstile operating systems at the entrance have been stripped – and now thieves have begun stealing the soccer pitch’s perimeter fence.

The stadium has all the hallmarks of an abandoned community facility, with the once-lush lawn disappearing, reducing the soccer pitch to a bare dusty ground. Weeds cover the paved parking area, stall floors and walkways, and rubbish is piling up.

According to residents, the facility was abandoned after the 2016 local government elections during which the ANC lost the city’s administration to the DA.

Philani Ntuli, 17, said the facility was never handed over to the community after construction and was left with no security. Thieves and vandals stripped it under cover of darkness.

“They are eating up the stadium like termites. It is puzzling why the municipality abandoned the stadium after spending millions in taxpayers’ money,” he said.

Another resident, Sarah Ngwenya said: “With no security, the nyaope addicts moved in and stole everything.”

The thieves even dug out trees around the stadium to sell on the main road. People were now stripping the paving bricks.

“What happened here is sad,” she said.

The metro said the extent of the damage was yet to be established but the costs would likely be covered by insurance.

Spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said the stadium was completed in April last year when the contractor left the site. At the time there were security guards provided by their regional office in Region 7, but security was withdrawn due to challenges he did not specify.

“There is a city-wide challenge with provision of security personnel since April this year, but plans are under way to have the security reinstated at the facility,” Mashigo said.

He confirmed the facility was never handed over to the community because there were outstanding issues with town planning.

“The consolidation of the two erven on which the facility is situated must be finalised,” Mashigo said.

[email protected]

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Shock at costly funeral for Tshwane ANC councillor where taxpayers had to fork out a whopping R576 000

Shock at costly funeral for Tshwane ANC councillor where taxpayers had to fork out a whopping R576 000

Tshwane council Speaker Katlego Mathebe has been mired in controversy after allegations surfaced that her office unlawfully forked out a whopping R576 000 for catering at a late ANC councillor’s funeral.

The matter, which has baffled even the official opposition ANC, came to light during the ordinary council sitting last Thursday.

At the meeting, Mathebe’s office submitted a report detailing how it was forced to deviate from the Supply Chain Management Act when it procured services for funeral preparations.

Winterveldt ANC councillor Esther Matumane, who was afforded a civic funeral, died outside her home after being shot several times in September.

Senior ANC councillor Mapiti Matsena expressed shock at claims that the City parted with R500 000 to cover aspects of the funeral costs. “An amount of R576 000 is extremely high for procuring a service provider.”

The amount was probably spent on buying groceries for the bereaved family, given that civic funeral policies didn’t make provision for purchasing a coffin, he said.

The City hand-picked a service provider because it didn’t have a panel of service providers from which to choose one at a reasonable cost.

Matsena estimated that funeral costs should have been in the region of R200 000 if the City had obtained quotes from various service providers.

He called for a probe to be instituted into the alleged rot, saying exorbitant costs were unjustifiable.

Matsena, who was strategic executive head in the Speaker’s office when the ANC governed the City, said there had never been instances where funeral costs sky-rocketed to that amount.

High costs incurred by the City was despite the fact that there had been no groceries bought for the affected family on the eve of the funeral.

Matsena said corruption and fraud might have been committed when procuring services for the funeral of his late comrade.

“If we can go to the family of the deceased and disclose that close to R600 000 was spent on their daughter’s funeral, they would be surprised.

“They would say we should have instead given them at least R150 000 to give their daughter a proper burial,” Matsena said.

Mathebe concurred that an investigation ought to be undertaken by the chief audit executive into the procurement of services for the funeral.

Matsena suggested the probe outcome be submitted to the Municipal Public Accounts Committee for scrutiny. Should the investigation uncover wrongdoing, those implicated must be forced to pay back the money, he said.

By:iOl News

This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.

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EFF warns Rosslyn companies during protest: Police won’t be able to protect you – demand a basic minimum wage of R12 500

EFF warns Rosslyn companies during protest: Police won’t be able to protect you - demand a basic minimum wage of R12 500

Thousands of EFF members, some who work in the area, marched on Thursday to demand a basic minimum wage of R12 500 and worker ownership and control to the South African Breweries, PRAGA Technical, BMW, Nissan, Afrit Trailers and Coca-Cola.

Tshwane Secretary Nqobile Mhlongo told BMW that workers will close down the area if their demands are not met.

“There is no political or police force which will protect companies in Rosslyn area from thousands of workers. Companies must not wait until there is no time and there is social instability which will collapse business in the area until they extend ownership of companies to workers. The sooner we realise economic freedom for workers, the better for Rosslyn to grow economically.”

The party’s deputy chairperson Leofi Leshabane said workers have complained to Nissan about being on night shift for several years without any rotation but nothing has been done.

There are also complaints of racism at Afrit Trailers and Praga Technical.

“We demand an immediate end to continues intimidation and racial attacks on workers, the majority of whom are black. We demand that all former employees must receive their pension and provident fund payouts without any further delays. We demand a proper response within seven days,” said Leshabane.

By: Jakaranda FM / Gaopalelwe Phalaetsile

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10-jarige Seun van Pretoria al ’n week lank opsoek

10-jarige Seun van Pretoria al ’n week lank opsoek

Die 10-jarige seun Johannes Venter van Pretoria-Noord word reeds sedert Dinsdag 30 Oktober 2018 vermis.

Woordvoerder van die organisasie Pink Ladies, Dessie Rechner, sê dat Johannes Phillip Venter se ouma hom skool toe geneem het op die betrokke dag wat hy verdwyn het. Hy is ’n leerder van die Laerskool Voortrekker Eeufees in Presidentsraat, maar het geen van sy klasse daardie dag bygewoon nie.

Volgens Rechner het die seun se pa hom na bewering by die skool kom haal, waarna hulle saam in Shoprite in Pretoria-Noord gesien is. Venter het ’n groen skoolsak met ’n wapen daarop by hom gehad.

Die seun se ma is oorlede en het by sy ouma gewoon.

Volgens Rechner word die saak ook deur die polisie ondersoek.

Die organisasie Pink Ladies, ʼn organisasie wat dit daarop toespits om vermiste mense op te spoor.

Enigeen met inligting oor waar Venter hom bevind, kan die polisie van Pretoria-Noord by 082 319 9798 of Pink Ladies by 072-214-7439, 083-378-4882 of 086-001-0111 bel.

Oorspronklike berig is geplaas op Maroela Media


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Waarskuwing: Nuwe dwelm middel, soortgelyk aan dagga, laat beland jong tieners in ernstige toestand in hospitaal

Polisie het dringend ‘n onbekende stof vir forensiese toetsing gestuur, na 14 jong volwassenes en tieners wat in Pretoria woonagtig is na die hospitaal gehaas moes word nadat hulle ’n onbekende kruiemengsel wat bekend staan as puff or blazing gebruik het.

Dit kom na die voorval waar drie tieners van Pretoria-Wes, Maandagmiddag na die hospitaal gehaas moet word, geklee nog in hul skooldrag, nadat hulle die onbekende stof gerook het.

Xander Loubser, woordvoerder van BestCare, het die voorval bevestig en gesê dat die drie tieners in ‘n ernstige toestand was en is behandel vir simptome soos aanvalle, psigose, naarheid, braking en hallusinasies.

Al drie tieners is gestabiliseer en na die Eugene Marais-hospitaal vervoer vir verdere mediese sorg.

In ‘n video wat wat geneem is, kan gesien word hoe een van die leerlinge, met ’n drup in sy arm, hewig veg en baklei met een van die paramedici. Daar kan ook op die greep gehoor word dat die seun ontken dat hy iets gerook het. Op die toneel waar die seun gevind is, het die noodhulp beamptes ’n verdagte pakkie opgetel met ’n onbekende stof wat amper soos dagga lyk.


Kapt. Augustina Selepe, woordvoerder van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens, het gesê die onbekende stof is verpak in ‘n swart sakkie. Die stof is soortgelyk aan dagga, het Selepe gesê.

“SAPD het dringend die stof na ‘n SAPD-forensiese laboratorium gestuur vir toetsing. Die polisie het intussen ‘n ondersoek geloods wagtend op die forensiese uitslae.”

Die dwelm wat amper dieselfde voorkoms as dagge vertoon, word in aantreklike pakkies verkoop wat soortgelyk is aan kondoom verpakkings. Dit staan bekend as Huff, Blazing, Fun Bubblegum, Tutti Frutti en Crazy Coconut.

Die dwelm word ook in ‘n zol gerol, soos die dwelm middel dagga, en dan gerook.

Die polisie het ouers gevra om hul kinders te waarsku oor die gevare van die gebruik van onbekende stowwe. Een van die grootste struikelblok is, is dat die dwelm na bewering vrylik beskik baar is en  kan gekoop word in die tabak winkels en by drankwinkels sommer so oor die toonbank.

Die polisie het  intussen ook ouers aangemoedig om verdagte pakkies te verwyder wat hul kinders in hul besit het en die saak aan die polisie rapporteer.

Die volgende whatsup stemboodskap is gestuur deur een van die paramidici wat op van die tonele was.

Deur: Elizaan de Koker

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Bogus doctor arrested for issuing medical certificates to people applying for or renewing their driver’s licenses

Bogus doctor arrested for issue medical certificates to people applying for or renewing their driver’s licenses

A 50-yeard old man pretending to be a licensed medical practitioner was arrested by the Tshwane Metro Police (TMPD) at the Waltoo licensing department on Tuesday.

It appears that the man was issuing medical certificates to individuals who applied for new or to renew their driver’s licenses.

When questioned by the police, the man claimed to be a qualified doctor.

TMPD officers got in touch with the health professional council of South Africa and verified that the so called medical practitioner was operating illegally, as his medical license was suspended.

The bogus doctor was arrested and will appear in court soon.

Read the original article on Rekord East.

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South Africa’s first clear-water lagoon is Pretoria’s new ‘beach’

South Africa’s first clear-water lagoon is Pretoria’s new ‘beach’

Landlocked Pretoria just got a new ‘beach’ thanks to South Africa’s first clear-water lagoon.

It took Balwin Properties two years to make history in Sub-Saharan Africa, by constructing the first ‘beach’ of its kind. The Blyde, which officially opened on 8 September, is an exclusive housing estate in Pretoria East, which features 1.5-hectare The Blyde.

Cost of construction
While it’s unlikely to replace the seasonal exodus to coastal hotspots, Pretoria’s new ‘beach’ and residential complex provides an unusual oasis for residents of The Blyde. The project, which was spearheaded in partnership with Crystal Lagoons in 2016, cost an estimated R4.2 billion to construct and is only accessible to residents of The Blyde.

While The Blyde’s lagoon is definitely the main attraction, other facilities include a restaurant, gym, spa, concierge, laundromat, and multi-purpose sports fields. Residents can enjoy swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding and sailing on the lagoon.

Environmental impact
The lagoon, which is equivalent to more than two rugby fields combined, promises to be an eco-friendly attraction. Alastair Sinclair, regional director at Crystal Lagoons, explains that the development uses less water than an average golf course, saying:

“Crystal Lagoons’ technology addresses the concerns around the use of water and the energy needed to maintain conventional swimming pools. Also, any type of water can be used – ground water, salt water and even brackish water are all suitable to fill a beach-like Lagoon.”

Water saving technology developed by scientist Fernando Fischmann, aims to reduce upkeeps costs and allow for the use of rainwater. Water evaporation has also been minimised thanks to micro-film technology.

Technology now available to other African countries
State of the art filtration systems also cut down on energy consumption, while still keeping the water crystal clear.

Sinclair states that the development is an ecological and scientific phenomenon which is just the first of many to be implemented across South Africa:

“We are delighted with the inauguration of this crystalline lagoon at the Blyde in Pretoria, as it will not only provide tremendous value to our partners, Balwin Properties, and the residents of this development, but it also means that our company’s technology is now present on all five continents.

By: The South African

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Booswigte steel kerkklok van NG kerk Wespoort in Danville

Booswigte steel kerkklok van NG kerk Wespoort in Danville

’n NG kerk in die weste van Pretoria se kerkklok is soek nadat booswigte verlede week baie moeite gedoen en swaar gedra het om dit te steel.

Dié klok van die NG kerk Wespoort in Danville weeg maklik meer as 100 kg.

“Ek hoop die mense wat die klok gesteel het, word gevang, sodat hulle dit weer kan terugsit. Ek sal graag wil sien hoe hulle dit gaan regkry,” sê Koos du Raan, die koster.

Du Raan sê daar is Maandag die eerste keer opgemerk die klok hang nie meer in sy boog aan die bo-punt van die kerktoring nie.

Die klok word net op spesiale geleenthede gelui, soos op begrafnisse en middernagdienste.

’n Ouderling het Maandag die klok se ketting in die binneplaas naby die kerkgebou sien lê.

“Groot was ons verbasing toe ons omdraf en sien die klok is weg,” sê Du Raan.

Die diewe het vermoedelik oor die kerk se agterste muur geklouter nadat hulle die lemmetjiesdraad in die hoek platgedruk het.

Du Raan wys na die leer wat teen die agterkant van die kerkgebou is, wat die skelms gebruik het om tot by die klok te klim.

“Hoe hulle die klok tot op die grond en oor die muur gekry het, sal ek graag wil weet, dit kon nie ’n maklike taak gewees het nie,” sê Du Raan.

Hy vermoed die klok, wat gegiet is uit ’n mengsel van koper en geelkoper, is gesteel om as skrootmetaal gesmous te word.

“Die diewe mag dalk lekker geld maak uit die klok, maar vir ons gemeente is dit ’n hartseersaak. Die klok is deel van ons kerkgebou se geskiedenis,” sê Du Raan.

Besonderhede oor die klok se geskiedenis is skraps, maar dit was volgens Du Raan daar toe die gemeente op 22 Januarie 1949 gestig en die ou kerkie ingewy is.

Geld vir ’n nuwe klok is daar nie.

Die beloning van R3 000 wat uitgeloof is om die klok op te spoor, is deur die plaaslike gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum bymekaargemaak.

Die saak is by die polisie aangemeld.

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Oom Paul spog nou met ‘n splinternuwe baadjie by sy graf

Oom Paul spog nou met 'n splinternuwe baadjie by sy graf

Nadat sy graf in Julie vanjaar gevandaliseer is, het Jacques Müller, ‘n beeldhouer van Centurion, aangebied om nie net die beskadigde borsbeeld op die graf van oudpres. Paul Kruger te restoureer nie, maar ‘n hele nuwe beeld vanuit graniet en marmer te kap.

Die nuwe Kruger-monument is gister op oom Paul se 193ste verjaarsdag onthul.