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Die myn wat die wêreld se grootste diamant gelewer het, het nou weer ’n groot blinke uitgehaal – Nog ’n knewel van ’n diamant gevind by Cullinan

Die myn wat die wêreld se grootste diamant gelewer het, het nou weer ’n groot blinke gelewer - Nog ’n knewel van ’n diamant gevind by Cullinan

Cullinan, die klein dorpie oos van Pretoria is gewoonlik net in die nuus as daar nog ’n knewel van ’n diamant gevind is soos wat nou weer die geval is.

Die myn, wat die wêreld se grootste diamant gelewer het, het nou weer ’n groot blinke gelewer – bykans ’n eeu nadat die opspraakwekkende diamant gevind is wat tans in besit van die koninklike forste huis van Brittanje is.

Die Petra myn se jongste fonds het sy aandele op die beurs laat spring met 7% tot die vreugde van sy eienaars in ’n tyd wat die diamantbedryf maar ’n minder goeie tyd deurmaak.

Volgens die Petra Diamonds se webtuiste is die diamant ’n tipe D kleur en 425.19 karaat, wat een van die groter diamante is wat die wêreld tot dusvêr opgelewer het.

Die wêreld se grootste diamant is ook uit Cullinan afkomstig, en met 1,055.89 karaat, is die pragstuk die eiendom van die Koninklike Huis van Koningin Elizabeth in Engeland.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Be vigilant of whom you hire and trusts – Pretoria man died savagely after employee of 26 years stabbed him four times in chest – deceased cared for this ruthless killer and put this man’s children through school and college

South-Africans be careful of whom you hire and trusts - Pretoria man died savagely after employee of 26 years stabbed him four times in chest – deceased cared for this ruthless killer and put this man’s children through school and college

Herman Scoltz was brutally murdered in his home in Pretoria during the night of 9 March 2019. Scoltz was described by his friend, Nico Bernard, as “a gentle soul and a gentleman”. He also reported that the person that stabbed him four times in the chest worked for him for 26 years and that Scoltz had put this man’s children through school and college and cared for his family.

Bernard added that people need to understand why South Africa is such a violent place and that his friend Herman traveled the whole of Africa for his work to see that people got good health care, which most people will consider dangerous but Herman was killed in his own house in Pretoria, South Africa.

Read the original article on Boere Krisis Aksie BKA

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Polisie se misdaad rekord styg – Twee Metropolisie lede van Pretoria op heterdaad betrap met ’n gesteelde voertuig in hul besit

Polisie se misdaad rekord is aan die styg - Twee Metropolisie lede van Pretoria op heterdaad betrap met ’n gesteelde voertuig in hul besit

Twee lede van die Pretoriase Metro Polisie is in hegtenis geneem nadat ‘n gesteelde voertuig in hul besit gevind is.

Die voertuig wat in Eldoraigne gesteel is, is opgemerk by ‘n woning in Philip Nel Park. Die eienaar van die huis, ‘n vroulike lid van die Metropolisie is gearresteer en na verdere ondersoek is nog twee verdagtes aangekeer. Die een is getroud met die vroulike konstabel en word tans opgelei deur die Metro Polisie.

Dit blyk dat die polisie se misdaad rekord aan die styg is as gelet word op die groot aantal voorvalle waarby beamptes betrokke was in die afgelope maande.

Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Stadsraad van Pretoria gaan in die volgende 4 maande 13,000 voorafbetaalde kragmeters vervang na bevind is dat PEU Capital Partners se meters nie geldig is

Stadsraad van Pretoria gaan in die volgende 4 maande 13,000 voorafbetaalde kragmeters vervang na bevind is dat PEU Capital Partners se meters nie geldig is

Die stadsraad van Pretoria wil die omstrede elektriese meters vervang, en daarvoor het hulle glo vier maande tyd om 13,000 te vervang.

Die 13,000 vooruitbetaal meters moet ingevolge ’n hofbeslissing vervang word omdat die meter met ’n ongeldige kontrak ingesit is en glo ook onwettige toestelle is.

Talle werkers moet nou deur sekere gebiede se geboue beweeg om te kyk of die meters in die geboue wettig is, aangesien die PEU Capital Partners se meters nie geldig is nie.

Dit beteken glo dat die multi-miljard se daaglikse betalings wat die stad aan PEU maak in terme van die kontrak, word as onbekostigbaar beskou en sal ook tot ’n einde kom.

Daar bestaan onduidelikheid wie verantwoordelik gehou word vir die koste om die meters te vervang, en of dit maar weer die onskuldige verbruiker is watt moet opdok.

Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Frail and elderly patients at Huis Davidtz Retirement Home take on role of nurses after yet another service disruption at the home

Frail and elderly patients at Huis Davidtz Retirement Home take on role of nurses due to strike action

Pretoria – The frail and elderly patients at Huis Davidtz Retirement Home assumed the role of nurses, while they cleaned dishes and swept the floor, after yet another service disruption at the home.

Some did not receive their daily chronic medication, while others were cleaned and fed late.

One patient who has arthritis lay with a urine filled and unchanged diaper, which further gave the room a strong scent.

The person was one of many patients at the troubled centre in the CBD, who have been left unattended while staff, who have worked there for decades without work contracts, went on strike.

The issue of contracts date back to two decades ago with staff claiming they have worked at the home for more than 20 years without employment contracts.

They also made allegations of racism, the abuse of patients by management, being underpaid, and more.

In August, disgruntled nurses, volunteers, chefs and cleaners went on a three-day strike, led by the EFF with police keeping watch.

It came on the heels of another protest in March. Only four staff nurses are currently volunteering to look after more than 1000 patients but said they were barely coping.

One volunteer said she resorted to asking some of the patients to assist with duties.

One of the workers who has also downed tools said they feared the Life Esidimeni tragedy would repeat itself at the centre.

They vowed not to go back to work until something was done.

“We don’t want another Life Esidimeni incident here, but we also don’t have a choice because we want to see these issues get resolved.

The government if fully aware of what’s happening here but no one wants to assist us, so we are not going back to work until we get the help we need,” she said.

The Social Development MEC, Nandi Mayathula-Khoza, called for an urgent investigation into the home in August last year.

Mayathula-Khoza asked for a full report with solid evidence on all allegations labelled against the centre, which led to employees going on strike.

She asked for the report during her visit to the centre. She said she could only come up with an action plan to resolve the issues once a report has been compiled.

Pretoria News
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.

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Nuwe burgemeester van Tshwane kanselleer GladAfrica-kontrak – firma wat tender onregmatig ontvang het was onder meer daarvoor verantwoordelik om dienslewering te monitor

Nuwe burgemeester van Tshwane kanselleer GladAfrica-kontrak- firma wat tender onregmatig ontvang het was onder meer daarvoor verantwoordelik om dienslewering te monitor

Die metroraad in Tshwane het met die ingenieursfirma GladAfrica ooreengekom om hul omstrede multimijoenrandkontrak te beëindig.

Stevens Mokgalapa, uitvoerende burgemeester van die Tshwane-metro, het dié aankondiging Maandag op ‘n mediakonferensie in Tshwane-huis in Pretoria gemaak.

Mokgalapa is vroeër die maand as die stad se nuwe burgemeester aangewys.

Die ouditeur-generaal het bevind dat die tender wat in November 2017 aan GladAfrica toegeken is, onreëlmatig was.

Hy het ook bevind dat die stadsbestuurder, dr. Moeketsi Mosola, met die toekenning van die tender die Wet op die Bestuur van Munisipale Finansies oortree het.

Werksaamhede tussen GladAfrica en die munisipaliteit sal op 30 Junie tot ‘n einde kom.

“Ons gee hulle kans om die werk waarvoor ons hulle reeds betaal het, klaar te maak,” sê Mokgalapa.

“GladAfrica was besorg oor hul reputasie wat weens die sage skade lei en was bereid om die kontrak te kanselleer. Daar is nie noodwendig iets fout met die werk wat GladAfrica doen nie, dit gaan eerder oor hoe die tender aangewys is.”

Die metroraad het reeds byna R500 miljoen op die GladAfrica-kontrak spandeer.

Die firma was onder meer daarvoor verantwoordelik om dienslewering te monitor. Mokgalapa het onderneem om al die aanbevelings van die ouditeur-generaal te implementeer.

Mosola word steeds deur die metroraad ondersoek.

Deur: Netwerk24
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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HUGE LAND CLAIM IN CENTURION – Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway, property affected is estimated at over R4Billion

HUGE LAND CLAIM IN CENTURION - Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway, property affected is estimated at over R4Billion

As we reported before, land claims in suburban areas are becoming the norm. The stark reality is that people should realize that these land claims are a far greater threat than what they initially thought.

Front National attended a meeting on 19 February 2019, held by Afriforum at Leriba Lodge, pertaining to the pending land claim in Centurion. The land claim stretches over 4000 hectares and it effects more than 2000 households. This includes areas such as: Zwartkop, Doornkloof, Rooihuiskraal, Olievenhoutbosch, Hoekplaats, Trigaardspoort, The Reeds, Brakfontein, Heuweloord, Louwlardia, Kosmosdal and Midstream. Some properties have up to seven claims on the same property and each claim must be dealt with individually. Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal (with 2000 Afrikaans pupils) and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway. The total value of all the property affected is estimated at over R4Billion. The attendance was huge and more than 1000 people attended the meeting. Front National stands in solidarity with their members who are also affected by these land claims and Front National supports any initiative that will appose these questionable land claims.

Kallie Kriel, CEO of Afriforum, says that political leaders have created unrealistic expectations about land and that Afriforum will not stand back and allow legal owners of land pay the price for this.

As we reported before, the claim was lodged in 1998 on behalf of 39 members of the Mahlangu family, but only gazetted 20 years later, in June 2018. In the meantime all the original claimants passed on. That alone raises many question marks why the claimants waited a full 20 years before the claim was gazetted. A similar claim is also pending in Pretoria-East.

Ian Cameron, head of safety for Afriforum, says that since the 1st of January 2019, over 70 land-grabs were reported. Irresponsible comments by politicians and frivolous land claims is setting the tone for these kind of land-grabs. Afriforum have drafted and outlined a comprehensive 13 point plan to fight these land claims in Centurion.

Willie Spies, form Hurter & Spies Attorneys, says that property ownership in South Africa is severely under threat. The looming changes to Sec25 of the Constitution, compounds the problem. Currently, any person who wants to sell their property, or rent out their property or make any changes on the property must first give 30 days notice to the Land claims Commissioner. Government have given an extension on all land claims until June 2019. Indications are that there is another 15 pending land claims in the Centurion area and will be submitted before June 2019.

These claims have a direct influence on property values. But it not only influences the properties directly affected by the claims, but it also effects the value of neighboring properties as well.

Residents have formed a civic rights group called ReThRo. Both Afriforum and ReThRo have taken hands to address this land claim together. Any person who would like to find out if their property is affected by the land claim can visit their website and see on the maps if their property is on the list. Their website is:

These land claims have set the tone of what we can expect in the future. Suburban areas, including schools and highways are under threat and we need to take heed of what is happening. Land claims are not just limited to farms or empty pieces of land anymore.

We encourage our members to submit their mandates and objections on the allocated Afriforum website. Even if you are not affected by the land claim, you can still object to the land claim as these land claims directly influence property rights and property values. You can also find out more about the land claims and what they entail. Go to:
People can also submit queries to: [email protected]

Front National agree that property rights are fundamental rights that are protected by International Law. We also encourage our members to fight these dubious land claims collectively. Every legal remedy should be used to protect your property rights. BUT, we do not know for how long can our people stave off these land claims and land grabs indefinitely. We have seen what happened in Zimbabwe and we see many similarities happening here in South Africa. We need to keep in mind that the Land Claim Commissioners are political appointees and the mere fact that these kind of questionable and dubious claims are even considered and the looming changes to Section 25 of the Constitution, should serve as a serious warning.

Front National maintains that the only sure way that we can guarantee our future and guarantee the protection of our property rights, is to have self-determination in our own self-governed area. We have the right to self-determination in terms of trite International Law, several International Treaties and Section 235 of our Constitution. It is time that we claim our right.

Front Nasionaal
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Civil rights organisation, ’AfriForum tackles 4 000 hectare residential land claim in Centurion

civil rights organisation’

AfriForum announced at a media conference in Centurion on 5 February 2019, that the civil rights organisation’s legal representatives had informed the Land Claims Commission in writing of the organisation’s intent to oppose a land claim that had been instituted on about 4 000 hectares residential land in the Centurion area.

“AfriForum already has the necessary resources to take immediate action against this claim. We want to ensure our members and the affected community that this attack on their property will not pass unobserved. AfriForum already has an action plan in place and is taking the necessary steps to oppose this attack on private property rights,” says Ian Cameron, AfriForum’s Head of Community Safety.

AfriForum will hold a community meeting on 19 February 2019 at 19:00 at the Leriba Lodge to address community members who own immovable property in Centurion. The organisation will inform the community at the meeting of all the facts surrounding the land claim, as well as the steps to be taken, the organisation’s action plan and what has already been done.

“It is important that the community knows all the facts and that it presents AfriForum with a written mandate to enable the organisation to fight this battle on their behalf,” Cameron says.

Read the original article in Afrikaans on AfriForum

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SAPS is looking the other way as no active steps are being taken to prevent the wave of crime that is ravishing parts of Kameeldrift, East in Pretoria

SAPS is looking the other way as no active steps are being taken taken to prevent the wave of crime that is ravishing parts of Kameeldrift, East in Pretoria

Despite a wave of crime that ravages Kameeldrift East in Pretoria, it seems that the SAPS is simply looking the other way, as no active steps are being taken to provide badly needed relief for this agricultural community.

AfriForum launched several actions to support this besieged area in its battle to call the SAPS to account to ensure that the local police station functions properly to effectively help the community.

Among other, AfriForum launched a court application to compel the community to send reservists for the prescribed training to enable them to supplement the understaffed police station. AfriForum also monitors the investigation of various cases, among them that of former Springbok Naka Drotské, who was injured during a farm attack on his brother’s smallholding.

Another is that of Manie Entres, whose wife was murdered in his presence. In both cases, the SAPS investigative abilities were shocking. AfriForum has already voiced its dissatisfaction in a letter to Gen. Wiese, Cluster Head of the area. Gen. Wiese has not yet replied to the letter, despite follow-up letters in this regard.

“AfriForum shares the frustration of the Kameeldrift East community and will continue to launch actions to compel the SAPS to fulfil its constitutional mandate,” says Hillel Coetzer, AfriForum’s Head of Community Safety for the northern region.

“As civil rights watchdog, AfriForum succeeds time and again in calling law enforcement authorities to account through its initiatives. AfriForum will continue to do so,” concludes Marnus Kamfer, Legal and Risk Manager at AfriForum’s Community Safety division.

Read the original article in Afrikaans on AfriForum
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.

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Pretoria train collision: Four dead, 620 injured – Prasa please explain to us how on earth did this happen!

Pretoria train collision: Four dead, 620 injured - Prasa please explain to us how on earth did this happen!

Four people died and 620 other commuters were injured when two trains collided near Pretoria’s Mountain View train station, Netcare911 said on Tuesday afternoon.

Netcare911 spokesperson Shawn Herbst told TimesLIVE that injuries suffered ranged from minor to moderate.

“All the people have been removed. One person sustained critical injuries.”

Metrorail spokesperson Lillian Mofokeng said the two trains were both travelling on the same line towards Pretoria from Mabopane.

Two trains collided in Pretoria on January 8 2019 during the early-morning rush-hour commute. Four people have been killed and hundreds injured.

Mofokeng said a board of inquiry would be instituted to determine the root cause of the accident.

Trains running between Pretoria, Mabopane and Dewildt are temporarily suspended until further notice.

All commuters in possession of valid weekly and monthly tickets will be transported by bus until the line is reopened.

Metrorail said it would set up a walk-in centre at Pretoria station to assist commuters involved in the accident.

“We urge commuters to bring the relevant documents with for processing,” Mofokeng said.

Gauteng MEC for roads and transport Ismail Vadi has called on the Passenger Rail Agency of SA and the Railway Safety Regulator to “urgently investigate” the cause of the crash.

Vadi said urgent measures must also be implemented to improve commuters’ safety on trains.

“We are deeply shocked by this tragic accident so early in the new year.

“We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and wish those injured a speedy recovery,” Vadi said.

President Cyril Ramaphosa sent his condolences to the crash victims.

“Our thoughts are with those who lost their lives and their families. To the injured I would like to wish you all a speedy recovery,” Ramaphosa said.

“I would like to also encourage emergency services team on the scene to do all in their powers to help those who are still trapped under the train.”

Transport minister Blade Nzimande, Prasa and the Railway Safety Regulator will host a media briefing on Tuesday at 5pm.