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Msimanga leads crime clean-up campaign in Sunnyside

Msimanga leads crime clean-up campaign in Sunnyside

Tshwane mayor Solly Msimanga this morning led a crime clean-up campaign in Sunnyside alongside the Tshwane Metro police, emergency services and municipal water and electricity technicians.

The raid meant to tackle drug dealings, illegal electricity and water connections, by-law enforcement and the reclaiming of the municipality’s buildings.

Msimanga pointed out several illegal power connections and meter tempering at Nuweveld building on Troy Street as he inspected the municipal flat. He said the building owed the City at least R2 million in rates alone and it was about time it complied.

During the raid, Msimanga introduced himself to several tenants and asked to speak to caretakers of buildings. This he said was because the City was determined to eradicate all criminal activities in the city.

The mayor also visited Nix Accommodation on Rissik Street near Unisa in Sunnyside to inspect the building for possible illegal connections.

The metro police officers said that the building needed to be inspected by inspectors from the disaster management department because it was overcrowded and that could cause several illegal activities.

As the mayor and his team inspected the flats, Some tenants looked down from their windows. Msimanga’s team only sent out notice of this campaign early this morning in an attempt to reduce the chances of criminals finding out about the raid in advance.

The mayor said this campaign was a continuation of several clean-up attempts that took place in the past. He said more of these trips would be taken to achieve a fully compliant City.

The crew was also joined by tow trucks who sought to enforce bylaws by impounding vehicles of motorists who did not comply with city parking laws and rules.

Msimanga also visited the notorious Tamboti flat in the Sunnyside area. He said the police would also spend the whole week visiting all notorious spots in Sunnyside to make criminals and bylaw offenders uncomfortable.

iOl News / Pretoria News

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EFF: As die Stad Tshwane nie die standbeeld van Paul Kruger van Kerkplein af verwyder nie,sal ons dit doen

EFF: As die Stad Tshwane nie die standbeeld van Paul Kruger van Kerkplein af verwyder nie,sal ons dit doen

“Ons doen ’n belangrike beroep op die Stad Tshwane, as hoofstad van die land, om Madikizela-Mandela te vereer. Sy het ’n enorme bydrae tot die land gelewer en word nie genoeg daarvoor vereer nie,” het Mabogoane Donderdag by navraag gesê.

Hy sê die EFF het die Tshwane-metro twee opsies gegee: Kruger se standbeeld word óf verskuif na ’n ander plek, of word heeltemal gesloop.

“Ons vra nog altyd dat die standbeeld verwyder word. Dit is ’n belediging vir swart mense. Indien die stad dit nie verwyder nie, sal ons dit self doen, ons het dit al voorheen gedoen.”

Mabogoane sê hulle het in die stadium nie ’n sperdatum vir die stad om die standbeeld te verwyder nie, maar hulle is ernstig oor die saak.

Hy sê dit is deel van die EFF se mandaat om ontslae te raak van alle simbole en standbeelde wat aan apartheid gekoppel is.

Intussen het die VF Plus in ’n verklaring gesê hy distansieer hom van die EFF se versoek dat die standbeeld van Kruger vervang moet word met dié van Madikizela-Mandela.

“ ’n Standbeeld van die voormalige presidentsvrou kan opgerig word, maar nie in die plek van die Kruger-standbeeld nie. Die EFF se argument dat Kruger ’n apartheidsikoon was, is nie korrek nie. Die ware feite is dat hy ’n vryheidstryder teen die Britse kolonialisme was,” lui dié verklaring.

Elke standbeeld moet egter op meriete oorweeg word. Gemeenskappe behoort sensitief te wees vir mekaar se simboliese ruimtes.

“Die VF Plus sal met ’n proses begin om die ware geskiedenis van Kruger bekend te maak, en sodoende wys waarom sy standbeeld Kerkplein hoort en daar moet bly.”

Dr. Danie Langner, besturende direkteur van die Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge (FAK), sê die FAK is in beginsel teen die skuif van standbeelde gekant.

“Elke standbeeld moet egter op meriete oorweeg word. Gemeenskappe behoort sensitief te wees vir mekaar se simboliese ruimtes.”

Langner sê die standbeeld van Kruger is al verskuif, van die Pretoriase treinstasie na Kerkplein in 1954. Hy sê egter die demografie van die Pretoriase middestad moet in dié geval ook in ag geneem word. “Dit kan nie ontken word dat die meerderheid inwoners van Pretoria se middestad eerder in aanvoeling met Madikizela-Mandela sal wees as met Kruger nie. Vanweë Kruger se betrokkenheid by die Anglo-Boereoorlog en omdat hy as 12-jarige seun die Groot Trek meegemaak het, kan die Voortrekkermonument as moontlike alternatief vir sy standbeeld dien indien die beeld wel verskuif moet word.”

Die Tshwane-metro kon nie onmiddellik kommentaar lewer nie.

Netwerk 24

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Pretoria tot stilstand gebring deur vullisverwyderaars van SAMWU

Pretoria tot stilstand gebring deur vullisverwyderaars van SAMWU

Verkeer in Pretoria sentraal is tot stilstand gebring laas week deur protesoptogte van van vullisverwyderaars wat aan SAMWU vakverbond behoort.

Die werkers kla dat hulle in onveilige werkstoestande verkeer en vrees vir die moontlike opdoen van siektes. Persoonlike beskermingstoerusting word geis vir alle werkers, terwyl hulle ook nuwe vullisverwydering vragmotors eis.

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Race divisions issue continues at Unisa

Race divisions issue continues at Unisa

THE two black women at Unisa who complained that the white professor was racist were actually the perpetrators of harassment, bullying, abuse of power and intimidation of junior staff members, said a group of academics at the institution.

The group of professionals of different races – including black – claimed the women had charges laid against them by junior staff members, but the university had been reluctant to deal with them because the alleged perpetrators were black.

Last week, the women told the media that the white professor, who the Pretoria News opted not to name, was racist and aggressive.

They alleged he made their lives miserable on campus.

One of the woman claimed she was harassed and suspended by the professor, but later won a case at the CCMA and was reinstated.

However, the academics now allege the woman did not win the case on substance, but rather due to a technical issue.

“It must be noted that the professor accused of racism had not played any part in initiating any disciplinary against the complainant. He inherited the case from the previous executive director when the directorate was moved

“The woman had already been suspended and thus the professor had nothing to do with this case whatsoever. Any insinuation that he did is a lie,” the academics said.

The group said it did not understand why the Black Forum and the EFF student command demanded the professor’s removal from the university on allegations of racism during protests at the main campus last Tuesday. They stated that they were confused because the two organisations had in fact engaged with people who claimed to have been badly treated by the two women.

Unisa has meanwhile invited the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to intervene and help resolve racial conflicts at the institution. University spokesperson Martin Ramotshela said all these complaints formed part of submissions by stakeholders at the hearings.

“It is the university‘s view that the commission must be given space to listen to and interrogate all submissions.

“It must then make a determination after listening to all sides.

“We cannot pre-empt the outcome of this process,” he said.

The next session of the hearings has been scheduled for May 7, 8 and 9, and staff members have until April 18 to make submissions.

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Mango fruit fly infestation hits Pretoria

Mango fruit fly infestation hits Pretoria

Residents of the quiet suburb of Gezina in East Moot, Pretoria, this week discovered a nasty infestation of mango fruit flies, also known as mango flies, Pretoria North Rekord reports.

Charmaine Jacobsz asked for help on the ‘Moot se Mense’ Facebook page, after discovering 26 mango flies on her Maltese Poodle.

“My husband saw mango flies in our garden a while back, but didn’t think much of it at the time. Shortly after this my Maltese Poodle began to look uncomfortable, and I could see she was in pain. A friend of mine who is a pharmacist assisted me in removing all 26 worms from her body,” she explained.

Petra Odendaal’s 10-year-old daughter has bumps all over her body.

According to Dr Jaco de Jongh from the Wilgers Animal Hospital, this is not the first case of mango flies.

“We have seen an increase in dogs that have come into contact with mango flies recently. The flies lay their eggs under the animal’s skin, a larvae grows under the skin, and after a while it appears as a big white spot. The bump on the skin can and be felt, and looks like a pimple,” explains De Jongh.

“Most of the time, I squeeze the bump until the head of the worm is visible, then pull it out with a tweezer.”

Petro Odendaal explained to Pretoria North Rekord that mango flies are not only presenting problems with her pets, but have also bitten her 10-year-old daughter 16 times.

“I washed my daughter’s bedding and hung it outside. After sleeping in her clean bedding that night, she awoke the next morning covered in red bites. I immediately took her to the doctor, who put her on antibiotics and prescribed her Allergex,” Odendaal explains.

“The problem only worsened from there. I took her back to the doctor, who discovered the mango fly larvae under her skin. He slowly began to squeeze until all five came out. We have to go to the doctor every day until all the flies have been removed from her skin.”

Dr De Jongh has appealed to residents that if they do find a pimple-like mark on their pets, they must seek medical attention immediately.

“With animals, we prescribe Advantex, but pet owners must be prepared to shave their pets’ fur and keep them clean. It is very difficult to identify the bumps, especially if the animal has long hair. People must also make sure to dry their washing in the tumble dryer, or to iron it, if it is hung outside.”

“The increase in rainfall in Pretoria over the past few weeks has definitely contributed to mango flies breeding in gardens.”

In most cases, a doctor will prescribe both the pet and its owner antibiotics, to rid the body of infection.

For more information, contact Dr Jaco De Jongh at the Wilgers Animal Hospital, on 012 807 5043.

The original article was translated from Afrikaans and can be found on Pretoria North Rekord .


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Pick n Pay branch in Rayton shares a storage building with a morgue

Pick n Pay branch in Rayton shares a storage building with a morgue

A Sowetan journalist who reported how a Pretoria building houses both a mortuary and a food storage facility for a local Pick n Pay store has described his shock upon discovering the premises.

Isaac Mahlangu on Monday morning exposed how the retailer’s branch in Rayton shares a building with a morgue.

He goes on to describe how the food is separated from bodies only by a four-metre wall.

The food stored there includes soft drinks and cooking oil.

Mahlangu says that he received a tip-off from community members.

“On Friday we decided to head out and when we got to Rayton we were really surprised to see this one structure behind Rayton Park Mall and the doors were opened.

“You could see food that was stored in that storeroom and just behind it, a mortuary, all under one roof.”

By: EWN/ 2018-04-09

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Talle woonbuurte in Pretoria dalk vandag sonder water

Talle woonbuurte in Pretoria dalk vandag sonder water

Die Tshwane-metro het gewaarsku dat talle woonbuurte in Pretoria Dinsdag moontlik sonder watertoevoer gaan wees.

Lindela Mashigo, woordvoerder van die metro, het gesê die metro se waterverskaffer, Rand Water, het die raad kennis gegee dat die Garsfontein-reservoir in die ooste van die stad afgeskakel gaan word vir beplande instandhoudingswerk.

“Watertoevoer sal van 09:00 tot omstreeks 23:00 afgeskakel wees om ʼn ou watermeter met ʼn moderne een te vervang. Voor dié tydperk sal die reservoir tot sy maksimum kapasiteit gevul wees om water aan die woonbuurte te voorsien, maar inwoners word egter versoek om water spaarsamig te gebruik om te verhoed dat dié water opgebruik word, anders sal dit tot wateronderbrekings lei,” het Mashigo gesê.

Die woonbuurte wat geraak sal word indien wateronderbrekings plaasvind, is Bergtuin, Colbyn, Derdepoort, East Lynne, Ekklesia, Jan Niemandpark, Kenley-kleinhoewes, Kilnerpark, Koedoespoort, Montana, Môregloed, Queenswood, Rietfontein, Rietondale, Villieria, Waverley, Waltloo, Eersterust, Meyerspark, Silverton, Val de Grace, Murrayfield, Lynnwood, Die Wilgers, Wapadrand, Equestria, Faerie Glen, Garsfontein, Pretoriuspark, Mamelodi, Samcorpark, La Montagne, Moreletapark, Elarduspark en Rietvalleirand.

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Die busse in die Tshwane-metro ry al weer nie

Die busse in die Tshwane-metro ry al weer nie

Selby Bokaba, woordvoerder van die metro, sê busbestuurders het Woensdag omstreeks 12:00 opgehou werk en alle hekke by al die busdepots gesluit om busse te verhinder om die depots te verlaat.

“Hulle weier om redes te verskaf waarom hulle staak.”

Die stakende busbestuurders is lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse Munisipale Werkersunie (Samwu).

“Ander busbestuurders van ander vakbonde soos Imatu (die Municipal and Allied Trade Union) wil werk, maar het uit vrees vir hul lewe ook nie vir werk opgedaag nie.”

Die metro sal dringend met die stakende werkers vergader om ’n oplossing te probeer vind om hul “onbekende griewe” te hanteer.

“Die bestuur van die metro meen onderhandelings is die beste en enigste oplossing om die griewe van die werknemers op te klaar, wat dit ook al mag wees.

“Ons vra ons buspendelaars om verskoning vir die ongerief wat hulle weens die staking ervaar. Ons doen ’n beroep op hulle om ander reisreëlings te tref. Ons sal hulle op die hoogte van sake hou.”

Dié busdiens is in die verlede verskeie kere weens arbeidsgeskille ontwrig.

Deur: Netwerk 24

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Transforming Pretoria’s heritage landscape continue

Transforming Pretoria's heritage landscape continue by dismantle the apartheid social structure

On Friday, Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa gave a report-back on work being done to transform South Africa’s heritage landscape.

He noted it was necessary to continue to dismantle the apartheid social structure, including the removal of colonial and apartheid-era monuments and place names.

The process initiated by Mthethwa in 2015 was a response to incidents surrounding statues in public spaces, after the demand for the removal of a statue of Cecil John Rhodes at the University of Cape Town. It sparked a national debate over the transformation of the heritage landscape to foster a new national identity.

Among the resolutions taken was that there was a need to create civic awareness and national consciousness using shared symbols such as the flag and national anthem, while offensive names and other “symbols of hate” should be removed.

However, this did not mean every old name and statue had to be removed. Where such symbols reflected separate histories, an idea was mooted to create public spaces where they may be retained but grouped with others – such as heroes of the fight for justice and freedom – to offer a narrative of our shared history.

This approach has led to the decision to retain the bronze statue of Paul Kruger, which has stood on Church Square for more than 60 years, as part of the redevelopment currently underway with lawns, trees and benches, making it a more welcoming public space.

Residents can expect to see, as part of the plan, new statues in conversation with Kruger, starting with Kgosi Mampuru II, who was hanged at the former Pretoria prison in 1883 (the year Kruger became president of the South African Republic), and after whom the city prison was renamed in 2013.

The compromise position can be seen in Pretoria, where streets such as Hans Strijdom and Hendrik Verwoerd have been renamed; we have Steve Biko Hospital and Sefako Makgatho University; new monuments such as Freedom Park and the Living Women’s Monument.

The debate around symbols and names is by no means over, and we should continue to embrace change which can lead to dignity and social cohesion.

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Social media posts hamper Pretoria cash heist probe

Social media posts hamper Pretoria cash heist probe

False information on social media following a daring heist on the N4 on Friday was hampering investigations, police spokesperson Captain Mavela Masondo said on Monday.

He said some dishonest social media users were spreading misinformation that three suspects were later caught, shot and killed by the police.

He warned that some people were misleading the public by posting photographs on social media.

“Concerned citizens who sought justice need not be entertained by such reports, but work with the police to help catch the culprits.”

Masondo was speaking on the incident which happened last week in which nine men armed with rifles shot at a G4 Security vehicle, forcing it to stop, on the N4 between Ga-Rankuwa and the R80.

The suspects then overwhelmed three security officers out of the vehicle before using explosives to destroy the truck.

Masondo said the security officers were not harmed in the process and the private companies involved in the cash-in-transit heist were responsible for the provision of counselling for their staff.

An undisclosed amount of money was taken from the vehicle, and the police were determined to continue investigations until the suspects were arrested.

“The information being spread is misleading, considering that the suspects are still on the run; the police did not shoot and kill any people in relation to the heist.

“We need the public to help us catch the culprits by calling our offices to provide information and tips,” Masondo said.

While the police may not speak of ongoing investigations, it is believed that one of their leads was that the suspects were spotted fleeing in two Audi A4 vehicles.

Cash-in-transit heists remained one of the criminal activities targeted by former Minister of Police Fikile Mbalula.

Attackers are usually heavily armed and often travel in hijacked vehicles, which they later dump.

Anyone able to assist the police with their manhunt for the suspects should call 0860 10111.

The Star