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Activist group threatens to shut down Pretoria east after a previous memorandum was not taken seriously

a previous memorandum

The group claims that a previous memorandum handed to the Tshwane metro in March was not taken seriously.

A Mamelodi activist group, which recently shut down Mamelodi municipal office services for several weeks, said they will do so again – if their demands are not met, reports Pretoria East Rekord.

Oupa Mashiane, chairperson of the Mamelodi Concerned Residents for Service Delivery, made the remarks while handing over a memorandum to the metro at the local municipal offices on Monday morning.

It was the second such memorandum, he said, and “the last”.

Mashiane gave the metro seven working days to respond to demands.

“This is a serious matter – the city of Tshwane must take our demands very seriously,” said Mashiane.

Utility services MMC Darryl Moss received the memorandum on behalf of the Tshwane mayor.

He promised to meet with the mayor the same afternoon to “personally hand over the memorandum to him”

Mashiane claimed the metro did not take the group’s previous memorandum, which was handed over on March 23, seriously.

The memorandum is unchanged and contains residents’ complaints regarding service delivery.

Mashudu Maepya, who read the memorandum aloud before handing it over, said residents were generally unhappy with RDP housing fraud.

Water and electricity bills were also substantially higher and unaffordable.

The community was charged R2.40 for a one-litre bin, which was initially said to be free.

Maepya further said burial costs are higher, there is higher unemployment and more people are living below the bread-line.

“Most streets in Mamelodi are gravel roads, whereas no white areas are in this condition despite us all paying rent to the same centre,” she said.

“The drainage system is very poor, leading to flooding into yards and obstructing traffic follow.”

“Projects from the council were granted to special people who are friends with the ward councillors and not to the community. Community members who were hired are being paid slave wages.”

She concluded that the community is prepared to only pay a R40 per month flat rate until the “apartheid debts are audited”.

By: The Citizen

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Gewilde Hartland program van lug af gehaal by Pretoria FM

Gewilde program op Pretoria FM sonder waarskuwing van lug

Luisteraars van Pretoria FM, voorheen bekend as Radio Pretoria, het penregop gesit toe hulle oor die lug verneem dat een van die gewildste programme summier van die lug verwyder is.

Skynbaar is ander ewe gewilde programme se tydsduur gehalveer, want “daar moet minder gepraat word” op die radio.

Ander programme soos Fokus, waar veral Solidariteit ‘n groot rol speel en waar mense soos mnre. Flip Buys, Jaco Kleynhans en ander uit die Solidariteit dampkring, onbeperkte spreektyd het, word skynbaar nie geraak nie, en volgens die direksie voorsitter, Willie Spies, in ‘n antwoord op mnr. Bennie van Zyl se Facebook inskrywing, gaan Fokus nou Hartland se plek inneem.

Die “minder praat” is dus skynbaar net van toepassing op sekere sprekers.

Die gewilde program Hartland is skielik deur die nuwe uitvoerende bestuurder, mnr. Hennie Koortz, nek-om gedraai, en Marianne Breytenbach, uiters bekwame en geliefde aanbieder van die indiepte nuusagtergrond program, het die aankondiging daaroor gemaak tydens ‘n laaste emosionele uitsending daarvan.

Haar laaste gaste was mnre. Louis Meintjes en Bennie van Zyl van TLU SA, wat in geen onduidelike taal te kenne gegee het dat hulle nie met die verandering geneë is nie en dit op die hoogste vlak sal beveg. Hulle standpunt is dat TLU SA se standpunt nou ook deur Pretoria FM gemarginaliseer gaan word, terwyl dié organisasie een van die eerste, langste en sterkste ondersteuners van Pretoria FM was.

Ook op sosiale media het daar ‘n hewige reaksie op die besluit gevolg, en die meeste deelnemers beskou dit as ‘n verdere afwyking van dit waarvoor Radio Pretoria aanvanklik gestaan het.

Na verneem word het is die radio se kortboodskap-lyn (sms) en e-pos adres ook oorstroom met besware van ontstoke luisteraars, en talle het gedreig om hulle finansiële bydrae te kanselleer.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Grafmonument van president Paul Kruger geskend

Grafmonument van president Paul Kruger geskend

Die grafmonument van president Paul Kruger op die Heldeakker in Pretoria is beskadig.

Die Vryburger is in kennis gestel dat die kopstuk afgebreek is deur onbekendes.

Pretoria munisipaliteit het op die beskadigde beeld afgekom en die kopstuk in hulle stoor geberg.

Dit is nog nie seker wat nou daarmee gaan gebeur nie, maar die verwagting is dat volksorganisasies sal inspring en seker maak dat die graf en standbeeld herstel sal word.

Deur: Die Vryburger

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Strate van Pretoria vandag gesluit weens beplande optog

Strate van Pretoria vandag gesluit weens beplande optog

’n Beroep is gedoen op motoriste deur die Tswane-metropolisie om kennis te neem van ’n beplande optog vandag wat verkeer in die Pretoria gebied erg kan ontwrig.

Woordvoerder van die metropolisie, Snr.supt. Isaac Mahamba het tydens ’n verklaring gesê dat die protestors onder die vaandel van die regering se kommunikasiediens (GCIS) se #100MenMarch, gaan begin saamkom vanaf 08:00 by ʼn oop gedeelte in Schubartpark, naby Kerkplein,.

Die betogers beoog om 10:00 vanaf die hoek van Kgosi Mampuru- en Madibastraat, in Madibastraat reguit te beweeg tot by die Uniegebou. Al die kruisings in Madibastraat tot by die Uniegebou sal tydelik deur die optog geraak word.

Volgens Mahambe behoort die betogers omstreeks 14:00 by die Uniegebou uiteen te gaan.

“Metropolisiebeamptes sal ontplooi word om die betoging en strate wat geraak word te monitor. Motoriste word aangeraai om van alternatiewe roetes gebruik te maak,” het Mahamba gesê.

GCIS se #100MenMarch word gehou om teen geweld teen vroue en kinders te betoog. Die betoging word deur verskeie kunstenaars, nieregeringsorganisasies en ander rolspelers ondersteun.

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Pretoria man robbed while ‘police stood idly by’

Pretoria man robbed while ‘police stood idly by’

The policemen did not help because the crime was not part of their division.

A businessman has accused the police of standing idly by while he was being robbed in the north of Pretoria, Pretoria North Rekord reports.

Louis Eloff said this happened during a protest. He sells and distributes paint across Pretoria.

Eloff said he was on his way to make a delivery in Hammanskraal when he ran in to a group of protesters along Soutpan Road in Soshanguve.

“About 100 people ran towards my van and stopped it. They took all the buckets of paint on the trailer and got away.”

Eloff said the stock was worth more than R25 000.

“Two policemen stood there and watched. When I approached them to ask for help, they said it was not their division.”

He said he did not lay charges because this would be a waste of time.

“Why would I do that when I know that there are thousands of murders, rapes and armed robberies on their books that will never be solved?”

Soshanguve police spokesperson Mathews Nkoadi confirmed that no charges had been laid.

“We are not aware of such a case.”

The businessman said the protesters did not harm him and his co-workers.

Residents of Soshanguve have protesting since last week over water and electricity problems.

The original article can be found at Pretoria North Rekord.

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 Betogers versper paaie rondom Pretoria met klippe en buitebande

 Betogers versper paaie rondom Pretoria met klippe en buitebande

Betogers het Dinsdag talle besige paaie rondom Pretoria met klippe en buitebande versper.

Sefako Makgatho- en Molefe Makinta-  rylaan in Mabopane, die M17 langs Soshanguve en die N4 in Atteridgeville is deur die gewelddadige betogings geraak. Daar word beweer dat die betoging in Atteridgeville met taxi-kwessies verband hou, terwyl die betogings in Mabopane en Ga-Rankuwa glo uit ʼn gebrek aan dienslewering spruit.

Woordvoerder van die Tshwane-metropolisie, Isaac Mahamba,  het gesê metrobeamptes is besig om die geaffekteerde gebiede te monitor om te verseker dat inwoners nie verder ontwrig word nie.

“Ons is bewus daarvan dat die meeste van die pendelaars in hierdie areas deur die betogings geraak is omdat sommige van die taxi’s en busmaatskappye hulle aan hierdie gebiede onttrek het, maar ons sal seker maak dat al die bedrywighede weer herstel word.”

Metropolisiebeamptes moes vroeër rubberkoeëls afvuur om ʼn skare wat die M17 in Soshanguve versper het uitmekaar te jaag, maar moes noodgedwonge terugval nadat die skare begin het om hulle met klippe te bestook. Inwoners van dié gebied beweer hulle sukkel al sedert 2014 omdat hulle sonder enige elektrisiteitstoevoer oor die weg moet kom.


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EFF Thugs Chases White Shoppers Away At Centurion Shopping Mall

EFF Thugs Chases White Shoppers Away At Centurion Shopping Mall

On Sunday morning, 27 May 2018, a resident from Centurion sent a frantic warning to fellow residents in Centurion warning them about EFF thugs chasing white shoppers away from a shopping mall. Apparently white privilege is the reason why white people are not allowed to visit a shopping mall.

Here are a few questions:
Since when is it white privilege to buy food or other essentials?
Since when can the EFF decide where whites may or may not go?
Why do EFF thugs and their akin always hunt in packs like hyenas?
Clearly these thugs are low life cowards that target defenseless women and run in packs?
Why does it seem that the EFF is the de facto racist enforcers on behalf of the government?

What else are whites barred from:

White people are barred from job opportunities through oppressive legislation like BEE and BBBEE.
White people are barred from universities through restrictive quota enrollment programs.
Whites are barred from sport teams through enforced quota systems.
White people are barred from the right to life through targeted hate crimes.
White Farmers are barred from farming through targeted farm attacks.
White people are barred from owning land through land expropriation.
White people are barred from equal rights before the law through double standards.
Whites are barred from protection through songs like “one settler one bullet” or “kill the farmer, kill the boer” sung openly by political leaders.
Whites are barred from equal rights through 119 race based laws.

The oppression and increased discrimination towards white people are intensifying unabated. Even the greatest sceptic cannot ignore or deny this anymore. There is a deliberate and calculated drive to relegate white people to 2nd rate citizens in their own country.

The original article can be found in Afrikaans on Front Nasionaal SA

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Valke teiken verkeerde huis en skiet Pretoria man dood

Valke teiken verkeerde huis en skiet Pretoria man dood

Polisielede wat ‘n bende transitorowers gejag het, het ‘n Pretoriase huiseienaar doodgeskiet toe hulle glo op die verkeerde huis toegeslaan het, het TimesLive berig.

Nóg mense, glo ‘n polisieman wat wou help en drawwers, is na bewering gewond in die insident in Kilnerpark, volgens die berig in TimesLive.

Alet van der Walt het vroeër berig die Valke het Donderdagaand saam met lede van die polisie se taakspan en misdaadintelligensie drie vermeende transitorowers in hegtenis geneem.

Kapt. Ndivhuwo Mulamu, die Valke se woordvoerder, sê die drie is in hierdie stadium hul hoofverdagtes in verband met die onlangse vlaag van transitorooftogte.

Die ondersoek is nog aan die gang, so hulle sal eers Vrydagoggend – wanneer hulle die verdagtes se identiteitsnommers bevestig het – kan sê of hulle aan enige ander misdade verbind word. Daar was die afgelope week vyf transitorooftogte in Gauteng, terwyl rowers ook Donderdagmiddag laat ’n geldwa buite Barberton in Mpumalanga beroof het.

‘n Spesiale taakspan is op die been gebring om die transitorowers te vang. Dit sluit onder andere lede van die Valke, misdaadintelligensie en taktiese reaksie-eenhede in. Dit vorm alles deel van ‘n multidissiplinêre, inligting-gedrewe poging om sulke aanvalle te beveg.

Mulamu sê die optrede is voorafgegaan deur samewerking tussen verskeie eenhede waartydens heelwat inligting oor ’n beplande transitorooftog aan die lig gekom het. Danksy dié inligting kon die Valke, asook lede van die polisie se taakspan en eenheid vir misdaadintelligensie, op ’n huis in Queenswood, Pretoria, toeslaan.

Die verdagtes het op die polisie geskiet. Twee van die drie mans is gewond en is in die hospitaal onder polisiebewaking.

Mulamu sê daar is nie enige plofstof by die mans gevind nie.

Die Valke verwag om binnekort nog mense in hegtenis te neem.

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Major copper cable theft bust in the City of Tshwane

Major copper cable theft bust in the City of Tshwane

An anonymous tip-off has led to a major cable theft bust valued at about R500 000 by a specialised unit of the Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD) early this morning.

Members of TMPD’s newly established Cable Theft Unit received information last night about a truck carrying stolen copper destined for a known second-hand scrap metal dealer west of the city.

Five members of the unit, in a marked police car, flagged down the truck on Van Der Hoff Road, a few metres from its destination. When the driver saw the police, he made a quick U-turn and sped off. The police gave chase and forced the truck off the road.

When police asked the driver what was in the back of the truck, he said he was delivering a pile of rubbish to a scrap metal dealer. Upon inspection of the truck, police made a startling discovery of used and new copper cables belonging to the City with a street value of R500 000 covered under a pile of rubbish. The cables had been stolen from the vandalised Suiderberg substation last Friday. It will cost the city about R3 million to repair the vandalised substation. The driver has since been arrested and is in police custody.

Today’s breakthrough comes on the back of an intensified effort to clamp down on cable theft. Over the past five days (18 to 22 May 2018) more than five arrests relating to cable theft have been made. The focus is not only on cable thieves, but second-hand scrap metal dealers too. In one incident, TMPD officers found a cable normally used to supply a substation, which feeds a mini-substation and then the consumer, at a scrapyard. The owner could not explain the origin of the cable and was duly arrested. In another incident, copper cables were found at a scrapyard. The manager could not explain where the cables came from and was also arrested.

A delighted Executive Mayor of Tshwane, Cllr Solly Msimanga, who visited the crime scene this morning, appealed to the community to help the City curb the cable theft scourge.

“These cables are part of the infrastructure meant to service our communities for the provision of water and electricity. This infrastructure doesn’t belong to the City, but to the communities. The substations are in the communities and I wish to appeal to our communities to join hands with us to break the backbone of the syndicates that have wrought havoc in the city, causing massive power outages and water supply interruptions across the entire city for quite some time now,” Msimanga said.

Msimanga said he and other metro mayors in Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg, who collectively suffered a whopping R250 million loss due to cable theft in the past six months, intended approaching the Ministers of Police and Intelligence, as well as the President, to plead with them to prioritise cable theft.

“It’s the community that suffers the most due to rampant cable theft. Today’s bust is a welcome relief because some of our communities were beginning to think that the outages that they have been experiencing were as a result of our ineptitude or incompetence. The recent police successes bear testimony to what we’ve been saying all along – that the service interruptions were a result of theft and damage to the city’s infrastructure. The time for criminals and their unlawful conduct in this city is over. We will work tirelessly to bring them to book. I wish to congratulate the team for these recent successes,” Msimanga added.

The leadership of the City of Tshwane would like to reassure residents that they are aware of all service delivery challenges that have been raised, in particular, the issue of constant power outages. With winter now at our doorstep, we are aware that the demand for electricity will increase due to the cold weather conditions. We understand the importance of ensuring a continuous supply of electricity to our communities and businesses.

The unstable power supply is a serious concern and we are not taking it lightly. We have already begun to implement certain interventions to deal with all challenges that contribute to this problem. The power outages are due to a number of factors, but the main contributor is cable theft, which has an effect on mini substations, cabling and transformers, among others. Furthermore, the cost of cable theft is immense and impacts the City’s revenue each time cables have to be replaced. This also means that the City has to channel funds that were meant for other services to restore power to residents.

The City of Tshwane’s Chief of Police, Ms Johanna Nkomo, says the City’s newly established Cable Theft Unit will be capacitated further so that it can intensify its efforts in dealing with cable theft, while continuing with other activities, such as physical guarding and patrols at various points. Our TMPD is aware of areas where this scourge is most prevalent and will double its efforts to safeguard City property at those specific points.

“We are encouraged by the recent arrests and will continue to work hard to effect more. There are a few issues, however, that we will need to work on closely with law enforcement agencies and the justice system to ensure synergy across the entire value chain, especially regarding arrests and successful convictions. We need to see a situation where the perpetrators are denied bail and are locked away for a long time. We need to stop them from inconveniencing our residents and costing government so much revenue loss and headaches,” Nkomo said.

Another growing concern is vandalism of our substations. The City has to spend money almost daily on the restoration of substations that have been vandalised. This is prevalent across all seven regions. We are prepared to do whatever is necessary to protect the City’s strategic assets. Tshwane is a capital city that houses the seat of government, government departments, tertiary institutions and a number of embassies. We have many sites of national strategic importance which we all have a responsibility to protect against any threat, including sabotage. We have begun to procure equipment to be utilised by the TMPD for the safeguarding of City assets. We are willing to try new mechanisms that will help us in this regard, which includes turning to technology.

We wish to reiterate our plea to our communities to report suspicious activities in their neighbourhoods to the Tshwane Metro Police Department on 012 358 7095/6.

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Plans to move Parliament from Cape Town to Pretoria are back on the agenda

Plans to move Parliament from Cape Town to Pretoria are back on the agenda

Plans to move Parliament from Cape Town to Pretoria are back on the agenda.

National Assembly Speaker Baleka Mbete says that work on the study will start this month and that she expects a report in six months time.

A consulting firm has been contracted to carry out a feasibility study on the impact of its relocation.

National Assembly Speaker Baleka Mbete says that work on the study will start this month and that she expects a report in six months time.

She was speaking while tabling Parliament’s budget on Tuesday.

The decision to base Parliament in Cape Town dates back to the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910, when the seat of government became Pretoria and Bloemfontein the judicial capital.

Mbete says consulting firm Pamoja (Pty) Ltd will carry out the latest study on the feasibility of moving Parliament to Pretoria.

Senior ANC MP Vincent Smith says the costs of two capitals can’t be justified.

The apartheid arrangement that arises from having the executive capital 1,000km away from the legislative capital has huge implications for the National Revenue Fund.

“Departmental officials and members of the executive are commuting between the two capitals at huge financial cost, sometimes for engagements that last less than four hours. This status quo can no longer be justified.”

“In light of this reality, I believe that our contribution as this Parliament towards directly saving costs in the long term must include advice to the next Parliament to embark on the programme of relocating this institution.”

It’s unclear what became of a report by a team of ministers tasked by former president Jacob Zuma to look into the matter. Studies in 1995, 1997 and 2011 all reportedly indicated that the cost of moving Parliament would be less, over the long term, than retaining the status quo.