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Stadsraad van Pretoria gaan in die volgende 4 maande 13,000 voorafbetaalde kragmeters vervang na bevind is dat PEU Capital Partners se meters nie geldig is

Stadsraad van Pretoria gaan in die volgende 4 maande 13,000 voorafbetaalde kragmeters vervang na bevind is dat PEU Capital Partners se meters nie geldig is

Die stadsraad van Pretoria wil die omstrede elektriese meters vervang, en daarvoor het hulle glo vier maande tyd om 13,000 te vervang.

Die 13,000 vooruitbetaal meters moet ingevolge ’n hofbeslissing vervang word omdat die meter met ’n ongeldige kontrak ingesit is en glo ook onwettige toestelle is.

Talle werkers moet nou deur sekere gebiede se geboue beweeg om te kyk of die meters in die geboue wettig is, aangesien die PEU Capital Partners se meters nie geldig is nie.

Dit beteken glo dat die multi-miljard se daaglikse betalings wat die stad aan PEU maak in terme van die kontrak, word as onbekostigbaar beskou en sal ook tot ’n einde kom.

Daar bestaan onduidelikheid wie verantwoordelik gehou word vir die koste om die meters te vervang, en of dit maar weer die onskuldige verbruiker is watt moet opdok.

Deur: Die Vryburger
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Nuwe burgemeester van Tshwane kanselleer GladAfrica-kontrak – firma wat tender onregmatig ontvang het was onder meer daarvoor verantwoordelik om dienslewering te monitor

Nuwe burgemeester van Tshwane kanselleer GladAfrica-kontrak- firma wat tender onregmatig ontvang het was onder meer daarvoor verantwoordelik om dienslewering te monitor

Die metroraad in Tshwane het met die ingenieursfirma GladAfrica ooreengekom om hul omstrede multimijoenrandkontrak te beëindig.

Stevens Mokgalapa, uitvoerende burgemeester van die Tshwane-metro, het dié aankondiging Maandag op ‘n mediakonferensie in Tshwane-huis in Pretoria gemaak.

Mokgalapa is vroeër die maand as die stad se nuwe burgemeester aangewys.

Die ouditeur-generaal het bevind dat die tender wat in November 2017 aan GladAfrica toegeken is, onreëlmatig was.

Hy het ook bevind dat die stadsbestuurder, dr. Moeketsi Mosola, met die toekenning van die tender die Wet op die Bestuur van Munisipale Finansies oortree het.

Werksaamhede tussen GladAfrica en die munisipaliteit sal op 30 Junie tot ‘n einde kom.

“Ons gee hulle kans om die werk waarvoor ons hulle reeds betaal het, klaar te maak,” sê Mokgalapa.

“GladAfrica was besorg oor hul reputasie wat weens die sage skade lei en was bereid om die kontrak te kanselleer. Daar is nie noodwendig iets fout met die werk wat GladAfrica doen nie, dit gaan eerder oor hoe die tender aangewys is.”

Die metroraad het reeds byna R500 miljoen op die GladAfrica-kontrak spandeer.

Die firma was onder meer daarvoor verantwoordelik om dienslewering te monitor. Mokgalapa het onderneem om al die aanbevelings van die ouditeur-generaal te implementeer.

Mosola word steeds deur die metroraad ondersoek.

Deur: Netwerk24
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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Civil rights organisation, ’AfriForum tackles 4 000 hectare residential land claim in Centurion

civil rights organisation’

AfriForum announced at a media conference in Centurion on 5 February 2019, that the civil rights organisation’s legal representatives had informed the Land Claims Commission in writing of the organisation’s intent to oppose a land claim that had been instituted on about 4 000 hectares residential land in the Centurion area.

“AfriForum already has the necessary resources to take immediate action against this claim. We want to ensure our members and the affected community that this attack on their property will not pass unobserved. AfriForum already has an action plan in place and is taking the necessary steps to oppose this attack on private property rights,” says Ian Cameron, AfriForum’s Head of Community Safety.

AfriForum will hold a community meeting on 19 February 2019 at 19:00 at the Leriba Lodge to address community members who own immovable property in Centurion. The organisation will inform the community at the meeting of all the facts surrounding the land claim, as well as the steps to be taken, the organisation’s action plan and what has already been done.

“It is important that the community knows all the facts and that it presents AfriForum with a written mandate to enable the organisation to fight this battle on their behalf,” Cameron says.

Read the original article in Afrikaans on AfriForum

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Pretoria train collision: Four dead, 620 injured – Prasa please explain to us how on earth did this happen!

Pretoria train collision: Four dead, 620 injured - Prasa please explain to us how on earth did this happen!

Four people died and 620 other commuters were injured when two trains collided near Pretoria’s Mountain View train station, Netcare911 said on Tuesday afternoon.

Netcare911 spokesperson Shawn Herbst told TimesLIVE that injuries suffered ranged from minor to moderate.

“All the people have been removed. One person sustained critical injuries.”

Metrorail spokesperson Lillian Mofokeng said the two trains were both travelling on the same line towards Pretoria from Mabopane.

Two trains collided in Pretoria on January 8 2019 during the early-morning rush-hour commute. Four people have been killed and hundreds injured.

Mofokeng said a board of inquiry would be instituted to determine the root cause of the accident.

Trains running between Pretoria, Mabopane and Dewildt are temporarily suspended until further notice.

All commuters in possession of valid weekly and monthly tickets will be transported by bus until the line is reopened.

Metrorail said it would set up a walk-in centre at Pretoria station to assist commuters involved in the accident.

“We urge commuters to bring the relevant documents with for processing,” Mofokeng said.

Gauteng MEC for roads and transport Ismail Vadi has called on the Passenger Rail Agency of SA and the Railway Safety Regulator to “urgently investigate” the cause of the crash.

Vadi said urgent measures must also be implemented to improve commuters’ safety on trains.

“We are deeply shocked by this tragic accident so early in the new year.

“We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and wish those injured a speedy recovery,” Vadi said.

President Cyril Ramaphosa sent his condolences to the crash victims.

“Our thoughts are with those who lost their lives and their families. To the injured I would like to wish you all a speedy recovery,” Ramaphosa said.

“I would like to also encourage emergency services team on the scene to do all in their powers to help those who are still trapped under the train.”

Transport minister Blade Nzimande, Prasa and the Railway Safety Regulator will host a media briefing on Tuesday at 5pm.

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Prasa will completely close Pretoria Railway Station with no trains accessing the station for 40 days

Prasa will completely close Pretoria Railway Station with no trains accessing the station for 40 days

Prasa will completely close Pretoria Railway Station with no trains accessing the station for 40 days with effect from December 14 until January 22.

The work will involve the replacement of old signals, turnouts and points machines as part of Prasa’s modernisation programme. The benefits of a new modernised infrastructure will be a safer, faster, smoother and world class train service with improved traveling times.

An occupation will be taken during this period and trains will be monitored to ensure safe movement. During the construction phase the following train service will apply:

1. Trains from the Saulsville corridor (00), De Wildt corridor (44) and Mabopane (18) will turn around at Bosman Station.

2. All trains on the northern side will terminate at Bosman Station and Mears Street Station.

3. A shuttle train service (31s) will run between Mears Street Station and Koedoespoort. Buses will ferry commuters to Bosman Station.

4. Another shuttle train service (81s) will run between Pienaarspoort to Bosman via Capital Park route.

5. All Johannesburg – Pretoria trains (06s) will turn at Centurion Station, buses will ferry commuters to Bosman Station.

6. The only tickets that will be sold are to commuters traveling between listed stations.

Commuters are advised to adhere to the service announcements made at stations during this period to be familiar with the revised train timetable.

The final testing and commissioning of the newly installed electronic signalling system in the Park Station complex is going well. Many platforms had been turned back to operations running with the new system, proving that the transition from the old system to the new electronic interlocking system had been a huge success.

By: kemptonexpress

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How to smash and grab a brand new stadium in SA – New Tshwane stadium worth R44.3 million already in ruins in less than a year

How to smash and grab a brand stadium in SA- New Tshwane stadium worth R44.3 million already in ruins in less than a year

Thieves have stolen almost the entire Zithobeni stadium near Bronkhorstspruit in Gauteng, which was built for R44.3 million just over a year ago by the Tshwane metro.

Water pipes, electrical fittings, door and window frames, and the cafeteria’s roll-down service opening have been stolen, and now the perimeter fence is going.

Urinals, toilet bowls, basins and copper pipe fittings have been ripped from the walls of all the ablution facilities.

Bathroom fittings that could not be stolen have been destroyed and turned into a heap of rubble, with electrical fittings also ripped off the walls and rafters.

Almost the entire facility’s doors, as well as door and window frames, have either been stolen or vandalised.

The cafeteria’s roll-down service opening has been stolen, with dressing rooms and guardrooms not spared the rampage.

Water is seeping and flowing around after thieves stole pipe fittings and taps, with freshly painted walls covered in obscene statements.

Players and spectators have no choice but to relieve themselves on the floor, resulting in a permanent nauseating stench.

Electronic turnstile operating systems at the entrance have been stripped – and now thieves have begun stealing the soccer pitch’s perimeter fence.

The stadium has all the hallmarks of an abandoned community facility, with the once-lush lawn disappearing, reducing the soccer pitch to a bare dusty ground. Weeds cover the paved parking area, stall floors and walkways, and rubbish is piling up.

According to residents, the facility was abandoned after the 2016 local government elections during which the ANC lost the city’s administration to the DA.

Philani Ntuli, 17, said the facility was never handed over to the community after construction and was left with no security. Thieves and vandals stripped it under cover of darkness.

“They are eating up the stadium like termites. It is puzzling why the municipality abandoned the stadium after spending millions in taxpayers’ money,” he said.

Another resident, Sarah Ngwenya said: “With no security, the nyaope addicts moved in and stole everything.”

The thieves even dug out trees around the stadium to sell on the main road. People were now stripping the paving bricks.

“What happened here is sad,” she said.

The metro said the extent of the damage was yet to be established but the costs would likely be covered by insurance.

Spokesperson Lindela Mashigo said the stadium was completed in April last year when the contractor left the site. At the time there were security guards provided by their regional office in Region 7, but security was withdrawn due to challenges he did not specify.

“There is a city-wide challenge with provision of security personnel since April this year, but plans are under way to have the security reinstated at the facility,” Mashigo said.

He confirmed the facility was never handed over to the community because there were outstanding issues with town planning.

“The consolidation of the two erven on which the facility is situated must be finalised,” Mashigo said.

[email protected]

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Shock at costly funeral for Tshwane ANC councillor where taxpayers had to fork out a whopping R576 000

Shock at costly funeral for Tshwane ANC councillor where taxpayers had to fork out a whopping R576 000

Tshwane council Speaker Katlego Mathebe has been mired in controversy after allegations surfaced that her office unlawfully forked out a whopping R576 000 for catering at a late ANC councillor’s funeral.

The matter, which has baffled even the official opposition ANC, came to light during the ordinary council sitting last Thursday.

At the meeting, Mathebe’s office submitted a report detailing how it was forced to deviate from the Supply Chain Management Act when it procured services for funeral preparations.

Winterveldt ANC councillor Esther Matumane, who was afforded a civic funeral, died outside her home after being shot several times in September.

Senior ANC councillor Mapiti Matsena expressed shock at claims that the City parted with R500 000 to cover aspects of the funeral costs. “An amount of R576 000 is extremely high for procuring a service provider.”

The amount was probably spent on buying groceries for the bereaved family, given that civic funeral policies didn’t make provision for purchasing a coffin, he said.

The City hand-picked a service provider because it didn’t have a panel of service providers from which to choose one at a reasonable cost.

Matsena estimated that funeral costs should have been in the region of R200 000 if the City had obtained quotes from various service providers.

He called for a probe to be instituted into the alleged rot, saying exorbitant costs were unjustifiable.

Matsena, who was strategic executive head in the Speaker’s office when the ANC governed the City, said there had never been instances where funeral costs sky-rocketed to that amount.

High costs incurred by the City was despite the fact that there had been no groceries bought for the affected family on the eve of the funeral.

Matsena said corruption and fraud might have been committed when procuring services for the funeral of his late comrade.

“If we can go to the family of the deceased and disclose that close to R600 000 was spent on their daughter’s funeral, they would be surprised.

“They would say we should have instead given them at least R150 000 to give their daughter a proper burial,” Matsena said.

Mathebe concurred that an investigation ought to be undertaken by the chief audit executive into the procurement of services for the funeral.

Matsena suggested the probe outcome be submitted to the Municipal Public Accounts Committee for scrutiny. Should the investigation uncover wrongdoing, those implicated must be forced to pay back the money, he said.

By:iOl News

This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.

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EFF warns Rosslyn companies during protest: Police won’t be able to protect you – demand a basic minimum wage of R12 500

EFF warns Rosslyn companies during protest: Police won’t be able to protect you - demand a basic minimum wage of R12 500

Thousands of EFF members, some who work in the area, marched on Thursday to demand a basic minimum wage of R12 500 and worker ownership and control to the South African Breweries, PRAGA Technical, BMW, Nissan, Afrit Trailers and Coca-Cola.

Tshwane Secretary Nqobile Mhlongo told BMW that workers will close down the area if their demands are not met.

“There is no political or police force which will protect companies in Rosslyn area from thousands of workers. Companies must not wait until there is no time and there is social instability which will collapse business in the area until they extend ownership of companies to workers. The sooner we realise economic freedom for workers, the better for Rosslyn to grow economically.”

The party’s deputy chairperson Leofi Leshabane said workers have complained to Nissan about being on night shift for several years without any rotation but nothing has been done.

There are also complaints of racism at Afrit Trailers and Praga Technical.

“We demand an immediate end to continues intimidation and racial attacks on workers, the majority of whom are black. We demand that all former employees must receive their pension and provident fund payouts without any further delays. We demand a proper response within seven days,” said Leshabane.

By: Jakaranda FM / Gaopalelwe Phalaetsile

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Bogus doctor arrested for issuing medical certificates to people applying for or renewing their driver’s licenses

Bogus doctor arrested for issue medical certificates to people applying for or renewing their driver’s licenses

A 50-yeard old man pretending to be a licensed medical practitioner was arrested by the Tshwane Metro Police (TMPD) at the Waltoo licensing department on Tuesday.

It appears that the man was issuing medical certificates to individuals who applied for new or to renew their driver’s licenses.

When questioned by the police, the man claimed to be a qualified doctor.

TMPD officers got in touch with the health professional council of South Africa and verified that the so called medical practitioner was operating illegally, as his medical license was suspended.

The bogus doctor was arrested and will appear in court soon.

Read the original article on Rekord East.

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Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie bring Pretoria tot stilstand tydens protestoptogte

Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie bring Pretoria tot stilstand tydens protestoptogte

Studente van die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie (TUT) het weereens die strate ingevaar en verkeer in die sentrale gedeeltes van Pretoria ontwrig.

Klasse is ontwrig en studente eis die kop van die polisieman wat Andries Monareng glo doodgeskiet het.

Die studente het gedreig dat hul die hele Pretoria tot stilstand sal bring. Winkels is gesluit en berigte van stropery by wegneem eetplekke is aangemeld.

Die polisie ontken intussen steeds dat hulle verantwoordelik was vir die dood van Monareng.

Deur: Die Vryburger