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R6,6 miljoen motorwassery vernietig deur vandale, maar Tshwane-woordvoerder blameer die weer

R6,6 miljoen motorwassery vernietig deur vandale, maar Tshwane-woordvoerder blameer die weer

‘N Multimiljoenrandse motorwasprojek wat deur die stad Tshwane besit word en wat bedoel was om werk te skep vir die jeug van Mamelodi en die ekonomie van die township te versterk, is amper gesloop.

SowetanLIVE het berig dat die Reitiretse-geïntegreerde voertuigwasfasiliteit in Mamelodi-Wes is deur misdadigers gestroop is voordat dit selfs sy deure oopgemaak het.

Die fasiliteit van R6,6 miljoen lyk nou baie na die dag toe dit in November 2015 van stapel gestuur is.

Toe Sowetan Donderdag die fasiliteit besoek het, het die strukture alreeds hul dakke en raamwerk verloor, terwyl die ablusie geriewe van die toiletstoele en wasbakke gestroop is. Die vensters en ander toebehore is gevandaliseer.

Reitiretse is van stapel gestuur deur die voormalige Tshwane-burgemeester Kgosientso Ramokgopa en die premier van Gauteng, David Makhura. Destyds het die perseel vir ‘n motorwassery ‘n volledig toegeruste wassery en ‘n volledig toegeruste haarsalon bevat.

Die projek, wat naby Mamelodi se hoofweg, Tsamaya Drive, geleë was, was bedoel om 50 direkte werkgeleenthede te waarborg in die eerste jaar van bedryf, aangesien dit gegroei het om ander besighede soos ‘n shisanyama en winkels by te voeg.

Ondanks duidelike tekens van vandalisme, het Lindela Mashigo, woordvoerder van Tshwane, gesê die eiendom is deur storms en reën beskadig.

Volgens Mashigo is ’n koöperasie gestig wat die motorwassery bedryf het totdat dit deur storms en swaar reën beskadig is.

Inwoners het egter aan Sowetan gesê dat die motorwassery nooit in werking was na die groot bekendstelling nie.

Mashigo het gesê dat die stad “met die Gautengse departement van ekonomiese ontwikkeling, omgewing en landbou gesels om alle projekte in die township, insluitende die [Mamelodi] motorwas, te laat herleef”.

Maar sommige inwoners van Mamelodi is skepties. Obed Mashikwe, wat ‘n haarsalon in die omgewing bedryf, het gesê: “Ek was van plan om my salononderneming na die perseel te skuif, maar ek is so teleurgesteld dat ons regering en die stad Tshwane ‘n pypdroom aan ons verkoop het.”

Mashikwe het gesê dat die plek ‘n toevlugsoord vir dwelmverslaafdes geword het totdat veiligheidswagte sedert Oktober verlede jaar gestuur is om dit te bewaak.

“Ek pleit by die stad om die fasiliteit te omskep in iets goeds, sodat Mamelodi-jeugdiges vaardighede kan gebruik en aanleer,” het Mashikwe gesê.

Anna Makua het met die stad saamgestem dat die plek gered kan word: ‘Ek het ‘n skoonmaakbesigheid, maar ek het nie ‘n plek om te bestuur nie, en tog is daar hierdie gratis fasiliteit wat ek kan gebruik. ”

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Swiss pensioner scammed out of R13,500 at Pretoria home affairs

It is believed a certain Stoffel and a Diana L Kamwenje may have information related to the ‘agency’ that allegedly scammed Denise Hausermann.

Forensic investigators are asking for two people to come forward who they believe may have information about an alleged fraud at the department of home affairs (DHA) in Pretoria, after a Swiss national was scammed.

When her pensioner’s permit expired, Denise Hausermann, 67, had come to love living in SA and she found an “agency” in a newspaper to help her through the red tape.

It is believed a certain Stoffel and a Diana L Kamwenje may have information related to the “agency”.

According to senior specialist investigator from IRS Forensic Investigations Andre van Wyk, Hausermann initially paid R10,000 for her application for permanent residency (PRP).

Hausermann’s purse, containing her passport after she received her PRP and temporary identity document (ID), was stolen in a separate incident soon after she started dealing with the agency.

“Over and above the R10,000 cash, the victim had to pay for the application, two more deposit slips were found for R1,500 and R2,000 respectively as top-up payments for the ID and passport that had to be paid into a FNB bank account in April 2014,” said Van Wyk.

Hausermann then attempted to obtain a new permanent residence visa but after she failed to reach Stoffel, she approached a well-known immigration lawyer. The attorney found the documents to be fraudulent.

And while Van Wyk hunts for the perpetrators, the DHA apparently wants nothing to do with the matter.

“This turned into a monumental disaster for Hausermann, with her being branded as a dishonest person and told to leave SA, instead of [the DHA] investigating the allegations,” said van Wyk.

An appeal was made and other letters followed, to no avail until a formal complaint was laid with the minister, as well as a criminal case registered against the alleged agent.

“It was initially thought the DHA would initiate the investigation but this was never done. The client did attempt to register a case with [the police] but was turned away [through lack of] evidence,” he said.

Hausermann cannot visit her family abroad, use banking facilities or do anything where she needs to prove legal status in SA.

“She can’t even visit her mom’s grave and bid another gravely ill family member farewell. She can’t access her bank account as she isn’t able to comply with their Fica requirements due to not having a visa. Her life is falling apart and the DHA couldn’t care less about the matter,” he said.

DHA spokesperson Siyabulela Qoza did not respond to The Citizen by the time of going press but promised to do so at a later stage.

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Pretoria Becomes Globalist Sh*thole as Nigerians, Drugs & Taxi Driver Wars Plunge CBD Into Chaos (VIDEO)

Drugs & Taxi Drivers were blamed for CBD being plunged into chaos – shops looted, buildings set on fire and public transport suspended in South Africa’s Capital City.

Taxi drivers took to the streets in Pretoria after one of their “colleagues” was apparently killed by a Nigerian who was apparently selling drugs. They allegedly set the buildings where the Nigerian “businesses” were operating from, on fire and then hijacked a truck, which was used to block an intersection to prevent the fire trucks from getting to the fire.

The killing of the taxi driver is believed to have started these riots in the CBD. The situation left bus commuters stranded after the city temporarily suspended its bus services for safety reasons.

Several foreign stores were looted and a building was set alight.

Police had to chase rioters with rubber bullets who prevented the firefighters from reaching the scene.


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The police system is also broken and rotten to the core and there were accusations of police taking money from drug dealers and claims made that the murderer will never be brought to justice as Police are on drug dealer’s payroll.

However, Pretoria Mayor Stephens Mokgalapa disapproved of the action, saying that retaliatory crimes would not be tolerated. Passers-by were hit with bottles and stones and even media representatives who are more and more being seen as “fake news” were greeted with aggression.

Pretoria’s city center has been plunged into chaos for the past two days now, and people are advised to avoid that part of the city.

Taxi owners, businesspeople and residents who experienced the chaos in Pretoria say the police’s poor behaviour and careless attitude were worse than the criminal elements.

A taxi driver told the media that South Africa will never get out of the mess as long as he is satisfied with the poor police service, especially because they are worse than the criminals.

Another person pointed out that over the past six years, he has witnessed police mistreating innocent people while the guilty elements are shot-free.

Police have repeatedly ripped the crowd apart with rubber bullets over the past few days, injuring people who have no connection to the riotous fighting in the streets of Pretoria.


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Aankondiging van Nersa oor Tshwane-kragtariewe – stad mag tariewe net met 13.07% verhoog

Aankondiging van Nersa oor Tshwane-kragtariewe – stad mag tariewe net met 13.07% verhoog

Die VF Plus is vandag reg bewys oor krag deurdat NERSA die kragtariewe wat deur die Tshwane-metroraad ingedien is, verwerp het en eerder die voorleggings van die VF Plus, AfriForum en die Elektrisiteitherverkopers-assosiasie van Suid-Afrika (Erasa) aanvaar het.

Volgens NERSA mag die stad die tariewe met 13.07% verhoog (vir die 2019/20 finansiële jaar), gegrond op die vorige jaar se struktuur (2018/19), en nie volgens die nuwe voorgestelde struktuur nie.

Die aankondiging deur NERSA word ook as ‘n reuse oorwinning vir verbruikers beskou. Die raad wou ‘n totaal nuwe ingrypende struktuur implementeer wat ‘n vaste fooie van R56 vir alle verbruikers sou insluit asook spesiale winter-tariewe.

Die ander groot strukturele verandering is die wegneem van die 2 kategorieë of kerwe wat die metroraad wou implementeer en die behoud van die bestaande 4 kategorieë of kerwe waarvolgens krag aangekoop word. Die nuwe struktuur sou klein-verbruikers, wat tipies laer-inkomste groepe en pensioenarisse insluit, die meeste raak.

NERSA het verder ook aangekondig dat ‘n tribunaal aangestel gaan word om te verseker dat die metroraad aan bepaalde wetgewing voldoen en verbruikers wat negatief geraak is, krediete ontvang.

Die VF Plus sal verbruikers in hierdie proses ondersteun om te verseker dat alle krediete binne ‘n redelike tyd terugbetaal word.

Die VF Plus gaan ook met sy regspan konsulteer om seker te maak of dit wettig is om die nuwe verhoogde tarief te implementeer aangesien die Wet op Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur (MFMA) munisipaliteite en metrorade slegs toelaat om tariewe jaarliks te wysig.

-Awie Erasmus: VF Plus-raadslid en voorsitter van die openbare rekeningekomitee – Tshwane-metroraad

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Chaos heers in Pretoria se middestad na talle busdrywers staak en paaie versper vir 18% salaris verhoging

Chaos heer in Pretoria se middestad na talle busdrywers staak en paaie versper vir 18% salaris verhoging

Verkeer in die Pretoria se middestad is Maandagoggend tot stilstand geruk na talle busdrywers van die Tshwane-busdiens besluit het om te staak.

Betogende busbestuurders van die Tshwane-munisipale busdienste het busse gebruik om hoofroetes te blokkeer om verkeersvloei te belemmer. Sheila-Lynn Senkubuge, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir paaie en vervoer in Tshwane sê dat Samwu-lede om beter lone betoog, maar ’n stappie te vêr gegaan deur busse sonder toestemming van die stad te neem om die sakekern te blokkeer en honderde motoriste te verontrief en moet nou deur die metro weggesleep word. Sy vra onverskoning vir die ontrief en gaan vêrder deur te sê dat die stad alles in hul vermoë doen om die busse te verwyder sodat verkeersvloei vir die res van die dag kan normaliseer. Senkubuge sê ook dat hul die opsie oorweeg om die busbestuurders wat die busse wederregtelik uit die depot geneem het, van diefstal aan te kla.

Netwerk 24 berig dat Mpho Tladinyane, streeksekretaris van Samwu in die Groter Tshwane-streek, Maandag aan die onderhandelings vir ’n 18%-loonverhoging vir munisipale werkers het op niks uitgeloop nie en die verbreking van die dooiepunt word doelbewus deur die Tshwane-metro vertraag.

Volgens Tladinyane is munisipale busbestuurders ontevrede oor die salarisverhogings wat sommige afdelingshoofde gekry het. “Werknemers op laer vlakke se salarisse is nie verhoog nie. Al wat Samwu eis, is die billike behandeling van dié groep. Die metro gebruik ’n vertragingstaktiek aangesien daar nie op werkers se eise gereageer word nie en voortgegaan is met die herstrukturing van vergoedingspakkette. Dié reaksie van die metro beskou ons as ’n verwerping van ons 18%-eis,” sê Tladinyane.

“Dit is jammer dat ons tot hierdie uiterste moet gaan om die metro se aandag te kry,” sê hy. Hy wou hom egter nie verder uitlaat oor die versperring van paaie as deel van die protesoptrede nie.

Isaac Mahamba, woordvoerder van die Tshwane- metropolisie, het vroeër gesê roetes soos Es’kia Mphahlele-, WF Nokoma-, Thabo Sehume- en Madibastraat word deur die busse versper.

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Catastrophic ” R100-million renovation job done on City Hall to be fixed after inapt contract workers botched project

Catastrophic ” R100-million renovation job done on City Hall to be fixed after contract workers botched operation

The Tshwane metro said it had no choice but to fix up a “catastrophic” R100-million renovation job done on the city hall in the centre of Pretoria under the previous administration.

The city hall, located on Visagie Street and Paul Kruger Street, has been fenced off in its entirety as plans to refurbish it kicked off in July for the 2019/20 financial year.
Previous renovations indicated that the contract workers put cement over a wooden floor and in the main hall‚ the seats in the balcony were all stolen as were most door handles‚ all made of brass.

“An assessment on what needs to be done is underway,” said Tshwane metro spokesperson Lindela Mashigo.

The total cost of renovations would only be determined once the evaluation was completed.

“The renovations could take 2-3 years to complete.”

This after claims by the metro that previous renovations to the hall was a “waste” of millions of rands.

In 2016, then-mayor Solly Msimanga blamed the office of former mayor Kgosientso Ramokgopa for the allegedly shoddy renovations made to the hall.

“The council initially wanted to restore city hall, but on a low budget,” said Msimanga’s then spokesperson Matthew Gerstner at the time.

“Ramokgopa’s office then hijacked the project to build luxurious offices behind council’s back without the knowledge of the chief financial officer and national treasury.”

In October of that year, Msimanga took journalists on a tour of the hall to show them several on-site “irregularities” by the contractor such as broken wooden floors.

The hall’s historic organ also suffered serious damage; the repairs of which would cost at least R18-million.

Gerstner claimed Ramokgopa’s office selected the contractor without a budget.

“The contractor dictated what the budget should be. The contractor was not even qualified to do the job.”

The walls were painted before the hall was completed. Attempts were then made to install smoke detectors and cameras, but this work was never finished.

There were also indications that contract workers decided to pour cement over a wooden floor. In the main hall‚ the seats in the balcony were all stolen as were most door handles made of brass.

On the second floor, holes were drilled for cables in ways that compromised the building’s structural integrity.

In the old Pretoria council chamber, heritage paintings have been spoiled by careless paintwork.

The condition of the hall was so bad that six companies withdrew their applications to film in this room, said the mayor’s office senior strategic executive specialist Pieter de Necker at the time.

At the time, Msimanga told reporters that “we will get to the bottom of this”.

“People will have to be held accountable,” he said.

Msimanga at the time said that metro officials implicated in the city hall upgrade would face a disciplinary inquiry.

In a 2016 statement, acting mayoral spokesperson Matthew Gerstner said some of these officials include two senior directors who served former mayor Ramokgopa’s office.

Mayoral spokesperson Omogolo Taunyane, however, told Record this week that the metro had no details regarding such investigations.

AUTHOR – Reitumetse Mahope / Rekord East / 2019-07-25

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Diepsloot protest ‘shutdown’ may affect Pretoria motorists – townships are demanding electricity to all informal settlements

Diepsloot protest ‘shutdown’ may affect Pretoria motorists - townships are demanding electricity to all informal settlements

The shutdown might see road closures of major highways such as the R511 and the N14, which link Johannesburg and Pretoria on Monday and Tuesday.
16 hours ago

Police are on high alert following threats of a service delivery protest ‘shutdown’ in Diepsloot, west of Johannesburg.

This after a message has been doing the rounds on social media that the township would be ‘closed down’ from Monday 15 July to Tuesday 16 July.

Among the demands in the message are that ‘local leaders’ want money to be made available to supply electricity to all the informal settlements in the area.

Another demand is for all ‘undocumented’ (i.e. foreign) residents to leave the area.

Police spokesperson Captain Makgowanyana Maja said the circulating message cannot be confirmed as either bogus or legitimate.

“We are, however, aware of it and ready to deal with it,” he said.

If true, the shutdown will see road closures of major highways such as the R511 and the N14 which link Pretoria and Johannesburg.

Schools will apparently be disrupted as well as taxi operations and construction projects.

“No one is going to work,” the message read.

“N14 and R511 will be totally shut down.”

The message further said no shops will be open on the days, including malls.

Maja said there was an operational plan in place, which could not be divulged

-Noxolo Sibiya/ Record Centurion / 2019-07-14
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of SA-news.

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New crime trend! Cops say wi-fi detectors used to steal cellphones, laptops from cars

New crime trend! Cops say wi-fi detectors used to steal cellphones, laptops from cars

Pretoria – Police believe they have uncovered the reason behind the high number of theft of cellphones and laptops out of cars in the city and anywhere else across the country.

Spokesperson Captain Collett Weilbach said criminals were using increasingly sophisticated, directional wi-fi detectors to home in on the laptop or cellphone.

This could detect the gadgets from where they had been hidden, be it under the seat of the car or in the boot.

Weilbach urged members of the public, particularly motorists, to turn off the wi-fi of laptops and cellphones to avoid opening an invitation to thieves.

Police in the Brooklyn area, largely populated by students, as well as Sunnyside and the CBD have reported on an increase in the number of laptops stolen out of motor vehicles.

“I parked my car and walked to a restaurant, and all was well. On my return about two hours later, I noticed that one of the rear windows had been smashed.

“I checked under the driver’s seat where my laptop, valued at R15 000, had been, and was alarmed to find it gone.”

She said the laptop couldn’t be seen from any of the windows, and was thus puzzling how the perpetrators could have spotted it.

“I am convinced that they used some kind of a device to detect that I had a laptop in the car. I did not touch the laptop after parking the car, and it had been under the seat the entire time.”

Weilbach said in the majority of the cases, only laptops were stolen out of vehicles.

“The possibility is investigated that there is a new device that allow criminals to locate laptops in parked vehicles.

“Surrounding vehicles are not broken into; the criminals somehow break only into the car (with) laptops.” she said.

She said parking areas at shopping centres, schools, hospitals, sport events and gyms were targeted.

“Sometimes the doors or boots are forced open, and other times windows are broken to gain access.

“In a few incidents there are no signs of forced entry to the vehicle.

“The reports over weekends are the highest,” she said.

The police have cautioned motorists not to leave valuables inside a parked vehicle. Laptop owners in particular were advised to switch these off when travelling to make it invisible to other Bluetooth or wi-fi enabled devices and detectors.

Pretoria News
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Pretoria’s homeless people targeted by ‘Serial killer’ – bodies of three victims found over period of twee weeks

Pretoria's homeless people targeted by 'Serial killer' - bodies of three victims found over period of twee weeks

A serial killer may be on the loose in Pretoria, targeting homeless people sleeping in parks in the city.

According to eNCA, three homeless men have been murdered in the same manner in the past two weeks.

The station reported that the latest body was found on Tuesday at the Magnolia Dell Park in Muckleneuk.

Another body was reportedly found in the same park, while the body of a third victim was found close to the park two weeks ago, according to Pretoria News.

All victims were reportedly killed in their sleep. They were stabbed and hit by a blunt object, according to eNCA.

Around 6 000 people in Pretoria are reportedly considered homeless.

According to a representative of an NGO who works closely with homeless people in the city, more homeless people have reported being attacked in a similar way, but managed to escape.

Lucky escape

“They’ve been reporting violence towards them. We spoke to a guy three weeks ago who was sleeping when he was stabbed. He woke up and got away, luckily, and he’s still alive,” the unnamed representative told eNCA.

Police spokesperson Captain Daniel Mavimbela said that intelligence units had been deployed.

“We are also patrolling areas that are frequented by homeless people to ensure we heighten awareness among them.”

News24 reported that police have launched a manhunt following the discovery of two bodies in Magnolia Park, Pretoria, at the weekend.

“Though the deceased were found to have suffered blunt force trauma and multiple stab wounds to the upper body, the motive behind the killings and their identities remain subject to an investigation,” Mavimbela said in a statement.

“Sunnyside police have launched a manhunt and deployed among others, forensic experts, multiple informers and intelligence networks following the discovery of the third body of a homeless man at Muckelneuk’s Magnolia Park in Tshwane on Sunday.”

-News 24
This report does not necessarily reflects the opinion of