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Oorstromings in Centurion veroorsaak chaos

Oorstromings in Centurion veroorsaak chaos

Aanhoudende reën in Sentraal Transvaal het ook gesorg vir ontwrigting van verkeer maar in Centurion het geboue, paaie en laagwater brûe gevaarlik geword.

Groot dele is oorstroom, en menige voertuie is deur die vloedwater meegesleur, maar tot hede is dit nie bekend of enige mense in die vloedwater omgekom het nie.

Op sommige plekke is reeds meer as 280 mm reën gemeet vir die afgelope week, en die weerkundiges voorspel vir Dinsdag nog meer reën.

Chaos het op paaie en sommige strate ontstaan, en beurtkrag het ook gesorg dat lang toue voertuie by robotte staan wat nie werk nie.

Intussen het Die Vryburger verneem dat dele in die Noord-Kaap wat nou reeds vir vier jaar geen reën gehad het nie, dat hulle “verby die stadium is waar droogtehulp sal help”, het een van die boere gesê.

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Centurion residents taught how to avoid driveway hijackings by RICHARD BRUSSOW of the National Hijack Prevention Academy

Centurion residents were on Saturday taught about how to avoid becoming victims of hijackings in driveways.

This was during a workshop at Laerskool Louis Leipoldt in Lyttelton, where former police officer Richard Brussow spoke to them about prevention of crimes such as hijacking and robbery.

Brussow, who established the National Hijack Prevention Academy in 2001, said 68% of hijackings happened in driveways and could be avoided.

He has more than 15 years of experience in motor vehicle crime investigation, organized crime, motor vehicle theft, metro police crime prevention, and vehicle tracking.

Brussow educated his audience about tricks used by hijackers, their motivation, factors that lead to attacks and categories of hijacked vehicles.

Robbers liked using service stations as a base to prey on unsuspecting victims, he said. Once they had identified their victims they drove behind them until they arrived home.

Brussow advised motorists to always look at the car behind them to prevent the crime.

Those in attendance were also warned against inviting potential car buyers to their homes after they had advertised them online.

Rather, Brussow said, ask to meet them at a service station where there were CCTV cameras. He said sellers ought to carefully examine the buyers’ driving licenses to check if they were not fake.

They also needed to guard against receiving counterfeit cash from unscrupulous buyers.

Motorists must also be aware of a technique where criminals bumped into cars during rush hour with the intention to get them out of their vehicles, where they would be robbed. However, he said the technique was well known.

Robbers had slightly changed it by sending female drivers to bump into cars, hoping that drivers wouldn’t be scared to stop for inspecting the extent of the damage. “Just get a number plate and drive off,” warned Brussow.

-Pretoria News

This news release does not necessarily reflect the opinion of SA-news.

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HUGE LAND CLAIM IN CENTURION – Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway, property affected is estimated at over R4Billion

HUGE LAND CLAIM IN CENTURION - Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway, property affected is estimated at over R4Billion

As we reported before, land claims in suburban areas are becoming the norm. The stark reality is that people should realize that these land claims are a far greater threat than what they initially thought.

Front National attended a meeting on 19 February 2019, held by Afriforum at Leriba Lodge, pertaining to the pending land claim in Centurion. The land claim stretches over 4000 hectares and it effects more than 2000 households. This includes areas such as: Zwartkop, Doornkloof, Rooihuiskraal, Olievenhoutbosch, Hoekplaats, Trigaardspoort, The Reeds, Brakfontein, Heuweloord, Louwlardia, Kosmosdal and Midstream. Some properties have up to seven claims on the same property and each claim must be dealt with individually. Alarmingly the land claim also includes Laerskool Rooihuiskraal (with 2000 Afrikaans pupils) and a piece of the Danie Joubert N1 highway. The total value of all the property affected is estimated at over R4Billion. The attendance was huge and more than 1000 people attended the meeting. Front National stands in solidarity with their members who are also affected by these land claims and Front National supports any initiative that will appose these questionable land claims.

Kallie Kriel, CEO of Afriforum, says that political leaders have created unrealistic expectations about land and that Afriforum will not stand back and allow legal owners of land pay the price for this.

As we reported before, the claim was lodged in 1998 on behalf of 39 members of the Mahlangu family, but only gazetted 20 years later, in June 2018. In the meantime all the original claimants passed on. That alone raises many question marks why the claimants waited a full 20 years before the claim was gazetted. A similar claim is also pending in Pretoria-East.

Ian Cameron, head of safety for Afriforum, says that since the 1st of January 2019, over 70 land-grabs were reported. Irresponsible comments by politicians and frivolous land claims is setting the tone for these kind of land-grabs. Afriforum have drafted and outlined a comprehensive 13 point plan to fight these land claims in Centurion.

Willie Spies, form Hurter & Spies Attorneys, says that property ownership in South Africa is severely under threat. The looming changes to Sec25 of the Constitution, compounds the problem. Currently, any person who wants to sell their property, or rent out their property or make any changes on the property must first give 30 days notice to the Land claims Commissioner. Government have given an extension on all land claims until June 2019. Indications are that there is another 15 pending land claims in the Centurion area and will be submitted before June 2019.

These claims have a direct influence on property values. But it not only influences the properties directly affected by the claims, but it also effects the value of neighboring properties as well.

Residents have formed a civic rights group called ReThRo. Both Afriforum and ReThRo have taken hands to address this land claim together. Any person who would like to find out if their property is affected by the land claim can visit their website and see on the maps if their property is on the list. Their website is:

These land claims have set the tone of what we can expect in the future. Suburban areas, including schools and highways are under threat and we need to take heed of what is happening. Land claims are not just limited to farms or empty pieces of land anymore.

We encourage our members to submit their mandates and objections on the allocated Afriforum website. Even if you are not affected by the land claim, you can still object to the land claim as these land claims directly influence property rights and property values. You can also find out more about the land claims and what they entail. Go to:
People can also submit queries to: [email protected]

Front National agree that property rights are fundamental rights that are protected by International Law. We also encourage our members to fight these dubious land claims collectively. Every legal remedy should be used to protect your property rights. BUT, we do not know for how long can our people stave off these land claims and land grabs indefinitely. We have seen what happened in Zimbabwe and we see many similarities happening here in South Africa. We need to keep in mind that the Land Claim Commissioners are political appointees and the mere fact that these kind of questionable and dubious claims are even considered and the looming changes to Section 25 of the Constitution, should serve as a serious warning.

Front National maintains that the only sure way that we can guarantee our future and guarantee the protection of our property rights, is to have self-determination in our own self-governed area. We have the right to self-determination in terms of trite International Law, several International Treaties and Section 235 of our Constitution. It is time that we claim our right.

Front Nasionaal
Hierdie berig weerspieël nie noodwendig die mening van SAUK-nuus nie.

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EFF Thugs Chases White Shoppers Away At Centurion Shopping Mall

EFF Thugs Chases White Shoppers Away At Centurion Shopping Mall

On Sunday morning, 27 May 2018, a resident from Centurion sent a frantic warning to fellow residents in Centurion warning them about EFF thugs chasing white shoppers away from a shopping mall. Apparently white privilege is the reason why white people are not allowed to visit a shopping mall.

Here are a few questions:
Since when is it white privilege to buy food or other essentials?
Since when can the EFF decide where whites may or may not go?
Why do EFF thugs and their akin always hunt in packs like hyenas?
Clearly these thugs are low life cowards that target defenseless women and run in packs?
Why does it seem that the EFF is the de facto racist enforcers on behalf of the government?

What else are whites barred from:

White people are barred from job opportunities through oppressive legislation like BEE and BBBEE.
White people are barred from universities through restrictive quota enrollment programs.
Whites are barred from sport teams through enforced quota systems.
White people are barred from the right to life through targeted hate crimes.
White Farmers are barred from farming through targeted farm attacks.
White people are barred from owning land through land expropriation.
White people are barred from equal rights before the law through double standards.
Whites are barred from protection through songs like “one settler one bullet” or “kill the farmer, kill the boer” sung openly by political leaders.
Whites are barred from equal rights through 119 race based laws.

The oppression and increased discrimination towards white people are intensifying unabated. Even the greatest sceptic cannot ignore or deny this anymore. There is a deliberate and calculated drive to relegate white people to 2nd rate citizens in their own country.

The original article can be found in Afrikaans on Front Nasionaal SA

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Ingang van Hoërskool Hendrik Verwoerd gaan dalk binnekort ‘n nuwe naambord kry

Ingang van Hoërskool Hendrik Verwoerd gaan dalk binnekort ‘n nuwe naambord kry

Die bal is nou behoorlik aan die rol gesit om die Hoërskool Hendrik Verwoerd in die Pretoriase Moot eersdaags ʼn nuwe naam te gee.

Volgens Olga Veldsman, voorsitter van die skool se beheerliggaam, is daar ʼn paar name op ʼn kortlys geplaas wat hierdie week aan die departement van onderwys gestuur is vir goedkeuring. Die skool het sedert 19 Februarie voorstelle vir ʼn nuwe naam ingevorder en die proses is op 19 Maart afgesluit.

“Leerlinge, onderwysers, ouers, oudleerlinge en die gemeenskap kon voorstelle vir ʼn nuwe naam vir die skool maak,” het sy gesê.

Veldsman wou egter nie in hierdie stadium oor enige van die voorstelle wat die kortlys gehaal het uitbrei nie en het enige verdere navrae oor die name na die onderwysdepartement verwys. Dit is ook nog nie seker wanneer die nuwe naam van die skool bekengemaak sal word nie.

Sy het wel benadruk dat die skool en die beheerliggaam verbind is tot die waardes en doelwitte wat deur die onderwysdepartement uiteengesit word.

“Die skool het oor baie jare bewys dat ons ten volle toegewyd is om ons gemeenskap te dien in ʼn geïntegreerde en nierassige samelewing.

“Die belangrikheid van dié transformasie vir ons skool, ons kinders en die gemeenskap as ʼn geheel, kan nie genoeg beklemtoon word nie,” het sy bygevoeg.

Hoërskool Hendrik Verwoerd se beheerliggaam het ʼn verklaring met die voorneme om die skool se naam te verander reeds in Julie 2016 by die onderwysdepartement ingedien.

Die onderwysdepartement het die skool se aansoek in Februarie 2017 goedgekeur maar die skoolhoof, Hennie du Toit, het in dieselfde jaar besluit om af te tree.

Volgens Veldsman het die skoolbeheerliggaam besef sy aftrede sal ʼn reuse-impak op die skool en die gemeenskap hê.

“Groot veranderinge gaan gewoonlik met ʼn tydperk van onsekerheid gepaard. Vir die skool om ʼn nuwe karakter rondom ʼn nuwe naam te bou sal sterk leierskap van ʼn hoof en die hele skoolbeheerliggaam as ʼn eenheid vereis en daarom was dit vir die beheerliggaam belangrik om eers te wag totdat ʼn nuwe hoof aangestel is,” het sy gesê.

Debré Bam, die nuwe skoolhoof, is in Oktober 2017 aangestel en die skool kon daarna met die naamsveranderingsproses voortgaan.

Die besluit om die skool se naam te verander volg nadat die Gautengse onderwysdepartement in 2016 ʼn omsendbrief uitgestuur het waarin hy skole “met ʼn naam wat aanstoot kan gee” gevra het om dié name te heroorweeg.

Skole wat vernoem is na ʼn persoon wat voor die eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 bygedra het “tot die ondermyning van menseregte” is destyds gevra om daaroor te besin, asook skole waarvan die naam “ʼn negatiewe betekenis het vir enige lid van die publiek of wat ʼn embleem of slagspreuk het wat aanstoot gee”.

Panyaza Lesufi, die LUR vir Gautengse onderwys, het in Maart 2016 gelas dat enige skoolnaam of -wapen moet verander wat met onderdrukking of rasse-oppergesag verbind kan word.

Cosas, ʼn studenteliggaam, het aan die einde van 2016 verder druk op Lesufi geplaas om skole se name te verander wat volgens die organisasie steeds apartheid vereer. Dié studenteliggaam het destyds sy visier hieroor op talle skole in Pretoria gestel. Die Hoërskool Hendrik Verwoerd, asook Pretoria High School for Girls is onder meer oor hulle name gekap.

Die Gautengse onderwysdepartement was teen die plasing van hierdie artikel nog nie beskikbaar vir kommentaar oor die kwessie nie.

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Pta-verkeersbeampte vas oor omkoopgeld

geld 4


ʼn 45-jarige beampte van die Tshwane-metropolisie is in hegtenis geneem nadat hy glo omkoopgeld van ʼn motoris ontvang het.

Simon Zwane, woordvoerder van die Padverkeerbestuurskorporasie (RTMC), het gesê die beampte is Donderdag by die metropolisie se kantoor in Centurion in hegtenis geneem tydens ʼn voortgesette poging om van misdrywe in verkeersowerhede ontslae te raak.

“Die inhegtenisneming volg nadat ʼn klagte van ʼn motoris ontvang is wat beweer die beampte het R1 000 se omkoopgeld van hom geëis,” het Zwane gesê. “Die motoris is blykbaar voorgekeer nadat hy ʼn rooi verkeerslig verontagsaam het. Die beampte het glo die omkoopgeld geëis toe die motoris nie sy rybewys kon vertoon nie.”

Volgens Zwane is die motoris glo na ʼn kitsbank vergesel waar hy die geld moes trek en aan die beampte oorhandig het. Die motoris het later ʼn klag by die teenkorrupsie-eenheid aanhangig gemaak.

“Ná weke se deeglike ondersoek is die beampte in hegtenis geneem. Die beampte moet binnekort in die hof verskyn op aanklag van korrupsie en kan tot 15 jaar tronkstraf opgelê word as hy skuldig bevind word.”

Die teenkorrupsie-eenheid het al altesaam 22 mense, waaronder verkeersbeamptes, motoriste en kamma-dokters wat vals mediese sertifikate aan motoriste uitgereik het wat hulle bevoeg verklaar om vir openbare bestuurspermitte aansoek te doen, in hegtenis geneem in ʼn poging om van omkopery, bedrog en korrupsie ontslae te raak.

Inwoners word aangemoedig om enige verdagte optrede by die teenkorrupsie-eenheid by 0861 400 800 aan te meld.